
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Wednesday Randoms . . .

Today I am going to celebrate randomness and I am going to each of my folders in Photo Bucket and pluck a photo from it and talk about it.     Just coz I feel like being random.   Bear with me, it might be fun!  (I'll skip the food ones unless I find something really interesting!)

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Album title -  Countries I want to see one day.   This is Cinque Terre.   I'd still love to see it, but I wonder at my ability to climb such steep hills now.   Sigh . . .

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This was in advertising . . . .  God isn't the only one with a sense of humor I think!

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Nova Scotia 2013 and a picnic on a cold day in May with the kids and grandchildren.  And grand doggie.   That was a great day actually . . . not everyone is in this photo, but I felt it captured the moment.

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Family History Folder and a screen shot of some of my Ancestors, including "Alfred the Great" and the King of Wessex, Aethlwulf.  I always knew I was a princess.

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A picture from The British Museum, taken in London . . .  in the folder Turkey Awards . . .

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Same weekend at a food stall . . .  making Chicken Teriyaki  . . .  I think it was the Richmond Market, and the Chicken Teriyaki was very good.   Well worth the half hour wait in line.  Everyone else had already eaten their choices.  I would have to pick the most popular food stall.

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Amazing Things  . . .  a tea party I put on for the Sister Missionairies.   They loved it.  So did we.
I love tea parties.   They are a lot of work, but there is nothing tastier than a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

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Anything Goes -  Wishful thinking perhaps.  It would have been nice for Todd and I to have been able to have a family together.

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Austrian Holiday -  The world's largest Nut Cracker and a real nut!  haha   We had so much fun on that trip.  Todd had to have that hat.  I don't think he has worn it since!

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"Around the House" and some wishful thinking methinks.   Wouldn't it be lovely.

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The end of the "A"'s and Autumn Things.    I love owls.  I love Autumn.  The two together . . .  sigh . . .

I think I shall leave the "B's" for another day!  I am having computer problems this morning.  Very frustrating.  I have had to re-boot this darn thing twice!

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I went upstairs to do something yesterday, something completely different and  . . .  this popped out.   It's funny how my brain works.  I don't think I will ever understand it.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Sometimes you find yourself 
in the middle of nowhere  . . . 
and sometimes in the middle of nowhere,
you find yourself."

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cheat's Baked Beans.  These use already cooked tinned haricot beans and they taste homemade.   Very good.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  I hope today is good to you.
Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good Morning Marie,

    I love that psalm and the painting. There was a musical version we used to sing in youth group all the time. I was fortunate to belong to a group with young leaders and they organised frequent camps. I learned to play the guitar there.

    Love the family photo. Good times make the best memories.

    Lastly how I would love a sitting area with a fireplace. That one is perfect. WInter has come and today has been chilly for my area of the world with a top of 19 C and a minimum of 4 C. I certainly knew it was cool when I woke to take pain pills at four am. I only have summer night dresses and no slippers. Things we fine till I found the kitchen tiles. Pip now insists she wants a winter house in Darwin. Beth is shivering. The sun has set and the world has cooled to 12. I love it. But wouldn't it be nice to sitting in front of fire tonight?

    Enjoy your day and God bless.

  2. "I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart;
    I will enter His courts with praise.
    I will say this is the day that the Lord has made.
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
    He has made me glad, He has made me glad,
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad.
    He has made me glad, He has made me glad,
    I will rejoice for He has made me glad!"

    That's the song we used to sing in Youth when I was growing up Suzan. It remains a favourite of mine! I cannot imagine being cold at your temps, but then I am used to things being a lot colder. It's time you treated yourself to some slippers and a couple of winter night dresses! Love, hugs and blessings. xoxo

  3. What a clever way to do a post. Random pictures would inspire some thoughts for sure. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  4. I've never used tomatoes in my beans.. the long haul ones or my cheaters ..sounds like a plan Marie..

    I think you have a view of your gardens from the bay window?
    Lovely as the tea spread:)

  5. Thanks Pam. I had fun looking through my old picture folders for sure! I hope you are enjoying a great Wednesday! xoxo

    I never have before either Monique! This was a first and they worked really well. I was tempted by the photograph in the cookery book. I am glad that I tried the recipe. I will make it again! Yes that is a view of my gardens, and a winter view at that, with nothing in bloom! Just LOTS of greenery! One of this country's blessings. It is green all year round! xoxo

  6. This is a version of the song we used to sing...we never did all the shouting etc but this is the tune and the words.

    We probably sounded more like this

    I have just been outside and it is quite cool. Our homes are not built for warmth. There is not heating etc. So if you don't have anything it can be uncomfortable. I also don't have many cold weather clothes becuase i only need them a few days a year. Poor Pip is miserable. She has on wool socks and double everything. She really is a child of the tropics.

  7. I love the picture of Todd in the nut cracker! Great shot! I always sigh at your tea party food. I can't remember if you had listed what each of those items were or not. My hand wants to reach in and sample each thing on the table. Looks so inviting! Lucky missionary sisters! Hope you are feeling well! Love you Sister from another mister! xoxo

  8. I loved this random one; it was fun. I loved the family picture. The picture of Todd in the hat;I love the hat, he should wear it more.
    I love the idea of a tea party and I love that you did it for the missionaries.
    I would love a living room just like that picture. I love white and light.
    Thanks for this fun one and I of course love your latest drawing; just awesome.
    Blessings, love and hugs!

  9. Bonjour chère amie,

    Merci pour le partage de cette jolie publication... Vos photos sont formidable... même celle qui fait sourire !!

    Il est bon de terminer par ce plat qui me semble succulent !

    Gros bisous ☼

  10. Thanks for that Suzan. I had never heard that song before! I know what you mean about houses not being built for the cold. They aren't really built for the cold here in the UK either, not like they are in Canada and I find them quite cold in the winter also. Poor Pip. xoxo

    VAlerie, how lovely it would be to have a tea party together! Maybe one day! Love you too! xoxo

    LeAnn, that hat is one of those touristy things you buy when you are on holiday and think you will wear at other times, but in reality you would feel silly wearing it anywhere else! Blessings, love and hugs back! xoxo

    Merci Martine! Vous êtes si gentil de le dire. Baisers dos! xoxo

  11. I am counting on us getting together for tea at least Marie! We will be seeing each'll see. :-) xoxox

  12. I'll hold you to that Valerie! xoxo


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