
Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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FOR TODAY, June 2, 2015

Outside my window ...
It's very overcast and it's cold.   We had a lot of rain yesterday.  I don't mind.  We need the rain when we get it.   This country is made more beautiful from the rain.  It's why we are so green and so lush.   The cold temps I could do without however.

I am thinking ...

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Children need to have chores and responsabilities.   My children always did have.   They did not get their allowance for nothing.   They had to earn it.  I think that is a good thing.   I love seeing two of my grands chipping in and helping.  I am grateful for sons and daughters who are teaching their sons and daughters responsability and the value of work.

I am thankful for ...
When I was a teenager I didn't think I had very good parents.   They were strict and had a lot of rules.  It seemed that I couldn't do what everyone else seemingly was allowed to do.   I am thankful now that my parents were strict.  Their rules probably kept me from getting into a lot of trouble!  

In the kitchen ...

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Delicious Salmon and Broccoli Fish Cakes!  These are really good!  Easy to make too!

On my "to cook" list ...

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This Greek Yogurt Coleslaw looks really tasty and quite healthy.  From Two Healthy Kitchens.

I am creating ...

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These hedgehog mittens are really cute.   I know some grands that would love them.   A complete tutorial on All Day Chic.

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This is a great idea.   Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeders.   From Practically Functional.

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"Stained Glass" Candle Holders.  Very simple to make.   From Craft By Photo.

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Fourteen Things to do with a pair of Flip Flops.   From Dollar Store Crafts.   Some of these are really good and stylish too!

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Bored Jar and Activity Lists for the summer.   Love this idea.   From The Mad House.

I am Reading ...

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The King's Curse, by Philippa Gregory

 It is a well-known adage that history is written by the victors but, in The King’s Curse, Philippa Gregory gives voice to those who lost in the death throes of the bloody struggle between the houses of York and Lancaster. Spanning 40 years and charting the dramatic and brutal rise of the Tudors, this expansive novel is told by the last York princess, Margaret Plantagenet. She bore witness to the actions of her increasingly tyrannical cousin Henry VIII in his attempt to make his dynasty unassailable. King Henry VII of England has kept his cousin Margaret at a distance from the court, but the marriage of his son Arthur, Prince of Wales to the Spanish princess Katherine of Aragon brings Margaret out of obscurity. Her subsequent struggles are improved when the new king Henry VIII puts his daughter Mary in her care, but Margaret's ties to the royal bloodline put her and her family in the center of the intrigues swirling around the king. I love a good historical novel. Just beginning this one, but so far it's living up to my expectations.

I am hoping ...
That I get my camera back soon and in good working order.

Makes me smile ...

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No words needed.

I am learning ...
To forgive myself.

Around the house ...

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Style in a small place.

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Get Your Home Ready For Guests.

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Eleven Small House Tricks.

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Make Up and Vanity Table Ideas.

I am pondering ...
When I look at everything around me, at the smallest details which go into every creation . . . from even a speck of sand and smaller still . . .  I wonder . . .  how can people not see God?

A favourite quote of the day ...

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`*.¸.*✻ღϠ₡ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.. (¯`v´¯)

"A  Diamond is a chunk of coal which did well
under pressure."
~Henry Kissinger

One of my favourite things ...

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 Pink Grapefruit Hand Cream from The Body Shop.  I was sent some in a thankyou pack from the Grapefruit people and it smells gorgeous.  I may have to buy myself some when this one runs out.

A peek into my day ...

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Source:  Melissa Esplin  

I try to spend at least a few minutes each day practicing drawing, or lettering, doing my penmanship, or some other craft/writing related exercise.  Even if it is only fifteen minutes.   Every little helps.

And that's my daybook for this week! 

                ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
               ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small 
*´¯`.¸¸.☆ ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ 
 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

Don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!                 


  1. Good morning Marie. I love taht white bench. On seeing I thought I wonder if someone could be hired to build it for me. Alas this small space is filled to over flowing. At present I am wondering what to do for dinner. Miss B has been told to eat gluten and lactose free. This is not so easy. Add in my allergies to alternate grains and the pain of thinking about meals is painful. Pip has given in and is eating a chicken sandwich, mum wants pate and I am confused as to what I can cook.

    I pray that your day is filled with love and joy. God bless.

  2. I know what you mean about small spaces being overflowing. It is the same here and I struggle daily trying to think of things I can get rid of. I am far too sentimental for my own good. I can imagine what a challenge it is to cook a meal in your home! Whew! What a challenge!!

  3. Oh those hedgehog mittens..make some for you too!

    Cute little kidlets Marie:)

  4. Those salmon fish cakes do look good so I'm going to have to check the recipe. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday !

  5. A very lovely Daybook entry as always! I loved it all. I especially loved the pictures and the links of course. You always find such fun items. The children helping to load the dishwasher are adorable of course.
    The food looks so good; I must try the recipes; so they are now printed off.
    The bird feeder idea was great along with the flip flop ideas too.
    The bored jar is awesome; I will have my children see this for those grandchildren of mine.
    I love historical novels too. This looks like a good one.
    You are amazing!
    Sending love and hugs your way!

  6. Thanks MOnique. I just love those mittens, I may well make myself a pair too, lol xoxo

    I hope you will make them and that you like them Pam! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! You are a treasure! xoxo

  7. Just back Marie,,what d I do..look at my friends blogs of course !!As always such a lot of wonderful things for us to look up.. I really do love these mitts but can't quite unertand the intructions..which is a pity..but that me !! not very bright with computer things ( when we were away I actually bght myself an apple I it at Argos with 68% off it !! was recommened by the young hotel I will ever manage to work thi thing is a different matter !! I am hopeing my great niece will teach me a few tricks !! now away to check out your next couple of days blogs !!


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