
Sunday 3 May 2015

Sunday Morning This and That . . .

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Have you heard of this film?   It's a popular documentary that was made about Mormons (the nickname used for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, because we read and study the Book of Mormon in addition to the Bible.) It came out in America last year and went around some theatres there.   These types of films never make it to theatres over here in the UK though, but Todd and I really wanted to see it.  It finally came out on DVD and we were able to purchase it this past week at the LDS Bookshop here in the UK and we watched it last night.

It was pretty amazing, and I am not just saying that because I am a Mormon.   It is a documentary type of film which examines the lives of six members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, coming from diverse cultures and locations around the world.   We both really enjoyed it.

You can watch the trailer here.   It was funny.  It was entertaining.  It was informative.  It was touching.  It was real.   If you get a chance to see it, I highly recommend.

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I had a message from my sister last night that she had been able to spend a couple of hours with my mom in the hospital and that mom is feeling a lot better and is beginning to maintain her oxygen levels and was eating well.    Apparently yesterday when my sister arrived she was doing the Lexicon puzzle from the newspaper and she is in a room with some other people now so she had somebody to talk to.  We are all so very grateful for your continued prayers.   It was this time of year two years ago that all her health problems started with her cancer operation, heart attack, embolism, etc.  I am so grateful for the miracles in her life which continue to allow her to be with us.

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I am continuing to work on my portfolio.  I have only a few more days to do so.

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There's little cakes  . . .

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And teacup cakes . . .

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Tarts . . .

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Big Cakes . . .

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And a kitchen to put them all in . . .
Plus more  . . . it's fun.  It helps to keep my brain occupied and my hands busy.  I am beginning to have a bit more confidence in my talent and my work. Earlier this week I was contacted by a well known card company.  I passed them on to my Licenser.  It is their job to work out any deals for me etc. so we shall see what happens.  I am beginning to feel like I may actually get somewhere with this yet.  Time will tell, but it is a good sign when card companies begin to contact you rather than it being the other way around.  My fingers and toes are crossed.

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Of course the BIG news yesterday was the arrival of this little Princess.   She is just beautiful and Kate looks so well after having only given birth a few hours before.   I just love this little family.  O course there is no name yet, but I am thinking that Elizabeth Diana sounds like a perfectly pretty name, but there is much speculation with the odds on favourite being Charlotte.  Alice is also being bandied about.   What do you think her name should be?

Time will tell!

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It is overcast, wet, gloomy and raining today.  Good for the garden.   And that's all I have to share this morning except for this . . .

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

If I had a flower for
everytime I thought of you,
I could walk
in a garden forever.
~Alfred Lord Tennyson


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey Glazed Baked Granola Doughnuts!

Have a great Sunday!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too! 


  1. Her name should be Charlotte Alice Elizabeth Mary. (I think the royals go for 4 names, don't they?)

  2. LOVE your artwork..yipppeee for the card company..

  3. I'm happy for your mum. She seems a very strong woman.
    I'm happy your art work has taken the right direction.
    Take care!

  4. That's a lovely name Laura! I like it! Xoxo

    Thanks Monique! I don't want to say too much about it just in case nothing happens, but it is kind of exciting! Xoxo

    Thanks Helen! You take care too. Xoxo

  5. I am so pleased that the news about Mum is good. she really is amazing how she has kept going...I am late writing today as I have been a bit poorly didn't really get up until mid afternoon. However by 4ok I began to feel a lot better..but will definately make a Drs appointment next Tues. (when they re open after the that you have had a good day, Glad you enjoyed the film xx and that is BRILLAINT news about the crad company...just keep believeing in yourself. I do..and have always said that one day teh right door would open for you I keep that in my prayers for you xxx

  6. Good morning Marie. Sorry I did not reply yesterday afternoon. I was running around franticly and did not have time.

    I am so pleased to read that your mum was up and doing things. It mut be a relief that she has some company.

    Best wishes as you finish your portfolio. Your style is so sweet and quirky.

    Frankly I would like to see the movie. It does seem unllikely though.

    God bless your sleeping.

  7. Thank you so much Sybil. I am concerned that you have been so poorly of late? Do go to see the Doctor. I am keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. xoxo

    Suzan, I think that eventually you would be able to get the film at an LDS bookshop in Oz. They have several online ones. Just google LDS Bookshop, Australia and several pop up. I did a cursary search and it's not available yet, but I am sure it will be soon! xoxo

  8. When those cards get to market, they are going to be a HUGE success! I am looking forward to buying some. Good luck with the card company.

  9. Why thank you Trudy! That is very kind of you to say so! Xx

  10. I loved when they announced the new little ones name today. I was just happy that they used Diana.
    Your drawings are spectacular and I hope you get some business for the. You are an awesome artist. I have loved your cards and have only given them to those really special people in my life. We really enjoyed Meet The Mormon's. I think it was well received here in the US.
    I am happy to hear your Mom is doing a little better; she will remain in my prayers along with your sister and you too.
    Hugs for you!

  11. Thanks for all of your lovely comments LeAnn! I am glad that you think so much of my cards. That means the world to me! So do your prayers for my mum. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!