
Saturday 2 May 2015

It's May, It's May . . . the lusty month of May!

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“Ah, in those earliest days of love how naturally the kisses spring into life! So closely, in their profusion, do they crowd together that lovers would find it as hard to count the kisses exchanged in an hour as to count the flowers in a meadow in May.” 
~Marcel Proust

Oh how very difficult it is not to be sentimental about the month of May . . . after a storm, it is an opalescent world  . . .  with lucent drops beading on the blooms of the lilac and falling off down onto the earth below, with pitter pats . . . .

The fresh young leaves on the roses look polished after the rain, and the wet grass smells sweet.  After a gallop down to the end of the garden and back, Mitzie returns . . .  paws wet and long black ears feathered with the pink-white petals from the apple and pear trees . . .

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A regular rain in May is quite forgivable . . .  for you know that blossom and bloom ride in amongst it's waves . . . and fresh asparagus.

When the lilacs are in bloom and the apple tree blossoms, all the countryside is in rapture.  Lilacs are the faithful flower.   They grow around blackened old chimneys where houses once stood and mark the space of old abandoned gardens.   I love to cut them by the armful and bring them into the house, their fragrance as pure and sweet and tender as a young love . . .

My heart is filled with the song of Guenevere as she sings about the lusty month of May . . .  prancing amongst the drooping blooms, kicking up petal snow with her feet.

The texture of spring flowers is akin to old porcelain don't you think?

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(source Outdoor Living, by Selina Lake)

I was so excited yesterday when I thought the ban on Visitors at the hospital had been lifted only to have my excitement dashed when I learnt that it had not.  Oh how long the hours must be for my mother . . .  at least they have moved her into a room with some other people now so she will have someone to talk to.   They have let my sister see her in small snippets, so that is good.    My mother is not improving as well as they would have liked.  She is still dependant upon the oxygen and very weak.   She is a very frail woman.  She weighs not much more than seventy pounds and so has nothing in reserve to fall back on.  The spot on her lung seems to be getting larger rather than smaller, so her Doctor was going to try to talk to a specialist in infectious diseases to see if they can't find a stronger anti-biotic to put her on.   Please to keep her in your prayers.   We are all most grateful for them.

I keep thinking about the last time I saw her which was when I left Nova Scotia to come back here after her lung cancer operation several years ago.   It was the hardest thing I ever had to do . . .  to leave her like that, and now I wish I had not  . . . I am most grateful for my sister being there for both my parents.   I wish that I could be too.  It is hard to be so far away.  I feel pretty useless.

But I can pray.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"Success is the sum of small efforts 
repeated day in and day out."
~Robert Collier

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cranberry and Orange Marmalade Tea Cake. Delicious!

I hope your Saturday is a good one.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do to!


  1. Goodness the month of May has brought you out all poetic ! lovely words Marie...I just hope that as May get's going the warm weather arrives and stays around..for a few months !!
    It is very hard when you are so far away from your Mum. I know how Margaret and Sarah used to feel when we were up in Scotland and they were down here. It may not seem so far away but in these days it was, as they, like you now were hard up, and it was quite costly to get up to us and took a long time in the trains etc.(.the boys coudn't afford to take time of their work) That was what made Mum in the end give in to the idea of moving south all these years ago. Anyway all you can do Marie is keep them ALL in your prayers and I knwo that you and many more of us are doing the same and we know that prayer does help...everyone...including ourselves, I am sure we become calmer when we pray...

  2. Love this sense of romanticism you convey in your writings!
    I understand how difficult it is for you and I hope and pray for the best for your mum.

  3. MarieI feel for your mother and you all. I am sure you would love to be there. God bless.

    Sadly our first of May saw the advent of very heavy rain and five people died in their cars driving through water.

  4. My lilacs haven't bloomed yet but have many buds so any day now it will be. It's very fragrant too. Sorry to hear your mother is not doing well and pray that they can give her something that will help speed her recovery along. Prayers do so much and never think it is a small thing to do.

  5. Thinking of you and your momma:(

    70 lbs..poor little dear.
    Hope she feels better soon..

  6. Thank you Sybil. Your prayers are very much appreciated. The longer she is in hospital and on oxygen the more I worry, but am grateful that she is being taken well care of. I hope it warms up soon. It is bitter cold here today! xoxo

    Thank you Helen. Your prayers are also appreciated. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan, I am sorry to hear about those people dying. Some people just don't pay attention to warnings not to drive do they. Sad. xoxo

    Thanks Pam Your prayers are so very appreciated. I am afraid I have not been very good at visiting of late. With my eye the way it is I am trying to limit my computer time. :-( xoxo

    Yes Monique, she is a little bird. She always tried to keep her figure nice and slim. My father is the opposite and amazingly enough he is in better health. Go figure! xoxo

  7. Oh, how I love your writings when you describe this month a head. You are so gifted.
    I will for sure pray for your dear mother. It is so hard when you can't be there.
    Prayers, blessings and hugs for you dear friend.


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