
Saturday 16 May 2015

Saturday Ponderings . . .

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“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud 
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 
~Anais Nin

For years I resisted change because I was afraid that growth was always a painful process. I guess it had seemed that most of the lessons I had learned in life, and my opportunities to grow . . .  had always been accompanied with a lot of agro and misery. It suddenly occurred to me though . . .  that in resisting change and growth, I was also wasting a lot of time, creative energy and emotion. Things that could be better spent on other things.

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Why does change come with such difficulty? Why do we allow ourselves to become stuck in ruts? I think the greatest stumbling block to freeing ourselves from these chains is fear. Fear of change, fear of stepping out into the unknown, fear of judgement, fear of failure . . . In giving in to our fear I think we fail ourselves. I think we prevent ourselves from becoming and being the best that we can be. The whole reason for our presence here on earth is to grow and stretch, and to become the best that we can be. We cannot do that without expanding our boundaries.

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There is a scripture that says that in our weakness we are made strong. Who has not heard the story of the old man and the butterfly??   An old man was once watching a butterfly struggle to emerge from it’s cocoon. As he watched it struggle frantically in it’s cocoon to free itself, he began to feel sorry for it. It was working so hard, and seemingly getting nowhere. He thought to help it a bit by taking a pair of scissors and cutting it free. When he had done, so the butterfly lay there limp and unable to fly. In his eagerness to help, the man had missed the great secret to a butterfly’s strength, for it is in the struggle to free itself from the cocoon that the butterfly strengthens it’s wings enough to be able to actually fly.

And so it is with life. It is through the struggles and the agonies we suffer that we too are made strong and beautiful. It is in the growth that we learn and evolve and become what we were truly sent here to become. Change is not always bad. We need to exercise our wings and break free from our cocoons. It truly is a good thing.

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I know it is a bit early in the year, but . . .  if you can, try to find one perfect rosebud in your garden or at a flower shop if need be. Pick it and place it in a small vase on your desk or night table. Then sit back and watch it bloom.

“Each blade of grass has it’s Angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow.”’

I believe that we are likewise blessed. Let us listen to it’s voice and bloom where we are planted.

Just my thoughts this morning.

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I did another angel girl yesterday.   This one is Virtue.  This is the weekend of the big Licensing Fair in NYC.  I have my fingers crossed someone will want to pick up my work.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Sometimes I need only to stand
wherever I am to be blessed.
~Mary Oliver

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Rhubarb and Strawberry Slices.   So tasty!

I hope that you have a wonderful Saturday!   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning to you Marie. Enjoy your Saturday. God bless.

  2. Life is full of change and we too must change. Just getting older is a change and like everything else it's our attitude to it that matters. I imagine you are on pins and needles waiting to see how your work is accepted. Best wishes for much success !

  3. Life would be so boring if it stayed the same all the time Pam! I am on pins and needles, but my patience will get a good workout! I need practice at being patient! Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  4. Thanks Monique, every little helps! xoxo

  5. Sorry to be late in getting to you however I was bad again early this morning...but feel better now...Thank goodness. I do wih we could figure out what causes these "turns"...I am praying hard that you get some good news soon .
    Hope you have had a good day. The sun has shone all day now had I felt better I would have been outside sitting in the sun....instead Masy has been keeping me compnay perched in her favourite ample chest !!....she seems to know when I am not 100%. during the night I decided to tay up around 1am and when I did not appear back in the bedroom she came through and was soon up on her favourite perch ! where she stayed till after 3am when I decided i shoudl go back to bed.
    whatever would we do without our wee pals. My dearest Niece Beth called last night to say that she and Max had hadto take their dog Megan to the vet she has been very poorly all week and at 17 her wee heart was just to weak,,,You can imagine I am sure how Beth feels. Please say a wee prayer for her. Hope you are having a good weekend xx

  6. I loved your thoughts today Marie. It is so true that our greatest growth usually comes from the adversity that we have to go through. We do let fear rule our hearts sometimes.
    I find you so amazing as I have watching your talents multiple. I really love these new drawings. I am praying that your work will be picked.
    Just know that you are one very talented woman and a very giving and loving one too. You are the best.
    Sending prayers, love and hugs your way.

  7. My dear Sybil, I was worried when I had not heard from you. ((((hugs)))) I do so hope you can find out what is causing these turns. What a worry it must be. What would we do without our furry family members. It hurts so much when we have to say goodbye to one. I will be keeping Beth in my prayers for sure. Sending you much love. xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn. You are right about our greatest growth coming through adversity. Sometimes it is hard to see that at the time but in retrospect it becomes clear. Sometimes I wish I didn't need to grow so much! haha xoxo


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