
Friday 15 May 2015

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

9 Yard Sale Do's and Don'ts for Yard Sale Success from No Biggie.  That is something that I have never seen over here.  A yard sale.  I don't know why.   They do car boot sales, on Sunday's, so I have never been to one of those either.    Maybe there is some sort of bylaw against selling from your yard?  I don't know!  I love a good Yard Sale.

How to take three Ikea bookcase units and turn them into what looks like a great built in space.  I love this idea!  From Domestically Speaking

I just love these paper Butterfly Magnets.  They're so pretty!  From Modge Podge Rocks.

I thought this looked like a great draft dodger, but on the blog it looks like a toy.  It would make a great and pretty colourful draft dodger and also a great way to use up any fabric scraps.   Found on Katjushik.   It's in Russian, but there is a printable pattern and if you know how to sew at all it wouldn't be too hard to figure out.

Turn Wine Glasses into Lamps.  Simples.  From Everyday Celebrating.

This child's apron is really cute and easy to make.  It uses a pot holder and a tea towel.   From Flexible Dreams.

At Your Service.   Napkin Folding.  Very clever.

 I love, LOVE these days of the week tea towels.   From Bee in My Bonnet.  They're so cute.  There are also some really cute jar wraps on the same page.

Stamped Paint Chip Bookmarks.   Such a simple idea and they are quite lovely!  I could not find a source.

 I couldn't resist showing you these beautiful bookmarks made from ribbons and earrings.  They are just gorgeous.   From Country Living, 23 Practically Free Crafts.

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope there was something here that clicked for you!

I have decided I am going to do a series of little angels.   I did two yesterday and I quite like them.

 photo Copyright Hope Angel_zpscyfdup5g.jpg
First there is Hope.   I love her string of stars and I found the quote online.  It is from unknown.  I loved the sentiment.

 photo copyright Joy Angel_zpsocxjolat.jpg 

 Then there is Joy.  I love her bunting string, "Get Your Happy On."  I think they would make really cute figurines or dolls.  What do you think?

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home
are of more iportance to the soul
than their simplicity might suggest.
~Thomas Moore

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 The recipe I am sharing in The English Kitchen today is a Creamy Cheddar Salad Dressing.  Delicious!

 Have a wonderful Friday.   Hasn't this week just flown by?? 

Don't forget . . .
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And I do too!




  1. OH Marie, again you have foudn some treasures. I love the wine glass idea. I have always thought they were most elegant. I wish you a very happy, happy Friday.

    I treated myself to a beautiful set of pencils today...all 120 of them. The lady didn't seal the tin properly and now I have a bag full of pretty colours and the OCD in me will want to find some time to put them in order. I have fallen in love with The Secret Garden colouring book which someone sent to me. Hopefully soon I shall find time to devote to it.

    God bless.

  2. A you know I always look forward to your Friday finds...such great ideas I think you are so clever to find them all !! I like the draft excluder as well Marie..I have seen the odd yard sale down here more likely to be called a garage sale..but certainly the car boot sale is champion. Like you I can never go as they are always on Sunday.I do wish they would have a Saturday one sometimes as they seem such fun and people get some bargains...
    HAve a lovey day what a change from yesterday down here it never stopped raining frm 9am till after 7pm !! today sun is shining and it's quite warm Sending love and hugs xxx

  3. Suzan, I love these new colouring books they keep coming out with nowadays. One could keep busy for hours colouring. I love to colour. What a great find in 120 pencils! xoxo

    Thanks Sybil. I hope one day I can go to a car boot sale! It's sunny here today, but the forcast says rain! Boo Hoo! xoxo

  4. I am very fond of Angels and do love yours. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

  5. Your angels are adorb Marie..and I like those bookmarks!
    have a lovely weekend!

  6. Thank you Pam! YOu have a lovely Friday also! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! I think the bookmarks are one of my favourite finds this week! Happy weekend to you to! Hope the sun shines! xoxo

  7. Hi, Marie!

    1) I've wondered about the lack of yard sales in the UK, too;
    2) that child's apron is so creative;
    3) LOVE your angels! Definite keepers.

    Happy weekend!

  8. Thanks Sharon! You have a great weekend too! xoxo

  9. I love everyone of your finds this week. I usually do. However, these are ones I will look into further and maybe do a few of them.
    I absolutely love your new drawings. You are the best ever. Of course, you know I love your work.
    Blessings and hugs for you dear friend.

  10. Thanks LeAnn! I think that you are pretty special also! xoxo


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