
Saturday 18 April 2015

What embroiders your days?

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I wanted to ask you a question this morning.   How happy are YOU right now?  On a scale between one to ten.  What makes you happy?

If you are like most women, you probably know how to make those around you happy, or at least what it is that makes them happy, but when it comes to an awareness of all the specific little things in life which bring a song, a smile and a dance to our own hearts in life  . . . we would more often than not be stymied.

As women, we are taught from a young age to be nurtuers and carers of others, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  I'm a firm believer in serving others, and the joy that comes from doing so.  I also believe, however, that in order to be more effective in serving others, we need to know how to make ourselves happy as well.

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"Perhaps if one really knew when one was happy, one would know the things that were necessary for one's life."  ~Joanna Field

Joanna Field was a pioneer of introspective journaling.   Actually her real name was Marion Milner, Joanna Field being her "Nom de Plume."  As a young woman she discovered that she wasn't truly living the life she was meant to live and that she did not know what exactly it was that made her truly happy.  In order to remedy this, she began to keep a journal, recording in it daily the things which specifically brought her joy and which made her happy.  Published in 1934, it was titled "A Life of One's Own."

I suppose in a way, my blog is my introspective journal . . .  a record of the daily minutiae which brings joy into my life.  I know that I especially enjoy doing my day book entries and the five things about me posts . . .  and the small and wonderful things posts.  All of these posts are of far more benefit to myself than they are to anyone else . . .  and if someone else is able to get something from them for themselves, then so much the better.

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I think that this has been one of the greatest gifts of my advancing years  . . .  having the time to explore what it is that makes me happy, and that which brings me joy.   When I was younger, I did not have time to explore such things . . .  I was far too busy taking care of a home and bringing up my children.   I'm not sure, in looking back . . .  that I was ever truly really happy.  Oh to be sure there were pockets of joy scattered throughout . . .  peppering and salting my days . . .  but I did not really ever take the time to sit and actually think about what things in my life actually brought me joy and contentment.

Perhaps that is an older woman's domaine?   Are all young moms/wives/gals so wrapped up in the lives of those around them that they fail to take note of what it is that brings them happiness???

To be sure, I found happiness in a lot of things  . . .  but I never actually took the time to note what they were.

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Getting older and taking the time to reflect on what it is that brings me joy and satisfaction is like the kiss Prince Charming gave to Sleeping Beauty to wake her up.

For instance . . .  I love to sit and watch the birds in the garden going about their daily business . . . I gain a great deal of pleasure from inspecting the garden each day and seeing the changes that come about in it on every day of the year.  In fact it has long been a thought of mine to pick a specific spot in the garden and then take a photograph of it each and every day to catalogue any change which might come about.

I just might begin to do that.  What is there to stop me?

I love sitting here in my chair writing to you and watching the sun rise over the rooftops of the houses which sit across the street from our own.

I love listening to the morning chorus as it begins with a twitter here and a twitter there . . .  finally swelling into the full on melody of birdsong which garnishes my days.

I love the feeling of the flour and butter beneath my snapping fingers as I make pastry, or cookies or . . .  scones.

I love sitting down before a blank page with a pencil and a thought in my mind and then seeing springs out from my fingertips  . . .  be it prose or picture.  The actual play of the words, or the lines of the drawings which flow bring me immense joy . . .  seconded only by the colouring in.

I love sitting on the sofa next to Todd and being able to reach out and brush my fingers against his . . . knowing that he is there, and that there is no place on earth that I would rather be than just where I am.

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I love watching Mizie lay on her back on the sofa during the day, legs splayed  . . .  and then going over and nuzzling her warm soft belly and whispering sweet nothings into those floppy ears.

There are lots of things that I love  . . .  simple pleasures often overlooked.  Small moments which bring me great contentment and happiness.  My days are richly embroidered with them.  My cup truly runneth over.  I am aware.  I recognize.  I embrace.

Life.  Makes.  Me.  Happy.  Truly . . .  happy. 

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This is some of what I was doing yesterday afternoon . . .

And this.   I'm having so much fun. ☺

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Infinite riches are all around you
if you will open your mental eyes
and behold the treasure house
of infinity within you.
There is a gold mine within you 
from which you can extract 
everything you need to live life
gloriously, joyously and abundantly."
~Joseph Murphy

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Maple Blueberry Pudding Cake.

Have a wonderful Saturday.  Take note of the blessings which embroider your days.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Big question for us today Marie. One that I have very rarely thought about.what makes me happy ? not something I had thought of really. I know that I am contented and I feel blessed to be able to say that...there is so much discontentment in this world of ours. but Happy ?...well I am hapy every morning when I start my day by reading your wise words, and those of some of my other friends ...usually in the evenings as they are abroad,,, I am happy cuddling wee Masy throughout the day...I suppose really that you and I are very alike in our happy times.. The Sun and warm days make me VERY happy !! it is dull here at the moment and a cold wind but fingers crossed it will be brighten up and we will get sitting out again, being happy as the un shines xx

  2. Good morning Marie,

    Once again you have made me think. I fight for my moments of happiness. Most of the time I am quite fine putting others first. Today my daughters met us at a local restaurant and we had lunch with dad. That made him very happy. Tonight I hope to finish my sock because I overbought some very scrummy yarns today.

    God bless.

  3. I can say that most of my life has been a very happy one. Not all but most. I think that grateful people are happy people and happy people are grateful for what we have. Hope you have a super Saturday. The sun is out here today !

  4. Love the kitchen accessories:) So sweet everything!
    You write beautifully Marie..And I quite love that question:"What embroiders your life?"~
    Well done..

  5. I was just having a thinking Saturday Sybil and thought I would ask you all where you find your happiness! I think you and I are very much alike. Love you. The sun is shining here, but it's cooler. xoxo

    Sounds like you had a lovely time with your dad and girls Suzan. Hope you get your sock finished! xoxo

    I think you are right Pam! Gratitude and joy are very closely intertwined! Hope you are having a lovely day in the sunshine! xoxo

    Thanks Monique, I'm not finished yet. Still a lot more to do! xoxo

  6. Oh my dear Marie; you have such a gift in writing. I loved all your thoughts today. I think I need to really think about what makes me happy. I feel that I am an upbeat personality most of the time and I do feel happy a lot; but I don't always do the things that make me most happy. I am going to work on that one.
    You have blessed my life in so many ways by the fun things you write about.
    I love the pictures and they speak volumes, also.
    Your drawings are awesome I love the basket with the clothes pins in and her apron is adorable too.
    Blessings and hugs for brightening my day.

  7. Thanks so much LeAnn. I just write what is on my mind and let it go from there! I am so glad that you appreciate my thoughts! God bless you! xoxoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!