
Friday 17 April 2015

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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 From All Things Katie,  frozen smoothie packs.  If you are into smoothies, this could be a real time and money saver for you.   She made 57 smoothies at the cost of approximately $1.30 each.  Not bad.

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How to transfer images onto wood, using your printer and ordinary wax paper.   Genius.  From The Art of Doing Stuff.

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These Baby Bibs are A D O R A B L E.  I just think they are the sweetest.   Found on Sleep Like a Peach.

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8 Things to do with old windows.  Not that you find many old windows laying about, but if you do, here are 8 things you can do with them.  I love the hanging stained glass one.  From Paige's Party Ideas.

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Love this.  Creative uses for old maps and atlases.   I love maps.   I always loved my map book when I was at school.  From Indulgy.

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Make your Lego or Duplo blocks fresh and new with Washi Tape.  From No Time For Flash Cards.

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Creative Window Treatments.   Some of these are really nice.   From Up To Date Interiors.

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Spring in a Mason Jar. Some really cute ideas from Yesterday on Tuesday.

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Do It Yourself Teacup Candles from The Wedding Chicks.   I love this idea!

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How to regrow succulents.  It's in some kind of asian language, but the pictures are pretty self explanatory.  No source.

And that's my finds for this week.

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This is what I was working on yesterday.  I got two sheets of them done.

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Borders and accessories to go with the artwork I've done thus far.  And I was awake at 3 o'clock tis morning thinking of more.

I've had very positive feedback on these  Yay!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

“Far away there in the sunshine 
are my highest aspirations. 
I may not reach them, 
but I can look up and see their beauty, 
believe in them, 
and try to follow where they lead.” 
~Louisa May Alcott

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  A Gratin of Haddock or Cod.

Have a wonderful Friday.   Hasn't this week just flown by??

Don't forget . . .
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And I do too!

Shhh . . . I think I may be on BBC Radio 4 Tonight, on the Mark Forrest Show.   Key word here being "may".   It depends on if they have time for me or not.  We shall see.


  1. I always love Friday morning when you find so many interesting things for us to check out...Thank you seems to little to say..but I say it every week as it is true I do say a BIG THANK YOU...what fun to on radio, what is that about ? and when is the programme aired ? maybe I can listin to it whilst I am on here ...good luck...
    have a wonderful sunny warm Friday..sun is out shining from an azure blue sky down here....this morning xx

  2. I am pleased you have had postivie feedback. That's wonderful. Enjoy your day. Pip has had some fun colouring a book I bought her this week. I am hoping that i can squeeze some creative time tonight.

    God bless your day.

  3. Thanks Sybil. Someone from the show called me yesterday to ask me if they could interview me about Cooking in the UK on the show. It's on BBC 4 tonight, about 7:30. Don't know for sure if I will make it on as they might run short of time if someone else takes up too much. I just need to be prepared just in case. xoxo

    Sounds like you are having a few good days Suzan! I like that! xoxo

  4. I'm thinking you are becoming quite a celebrity there when you get calls for interviews. Glad your art work is coming along nicely and getting good reviews too. That is encouraging. Hope your Friday is a fantastic one!

  5. Accessories and borders YES:) Cute cute about stickers and stationary?
    I hope you will still talk to us when you are SO famous!
    Beautiful work marie..and the fish didsh lookssuper comforting.

  6. The baby bibs are adorable indeed! lovely fabrics.

  7. Love your art have a beautiful talent. Hope it works out for you to get on the radio. Love this blog and all the things you find. I can't wait to try wood printing. Thanks for all your efforts in posting things that we can all use. - Marsha

  8. I don't know about that Pam! haha I am just me. They didn't call so I guess I won't be on the show. No matter. Happy with things just as they are!

    Thanks Monique! I think stickers like this would be fabulous. I hope they do go down well at the trade show. Been working on more today! xoxo

    I can see you making those Amalia! xoxo

    Thanks Marsha. You are so kind to say so. Than YOU for your lovely comment! xoxo

  9. My gosh the week has went flying by.
    I am just so amazed by all your finds. I loved the frozen smoothies and have book marked the page. The bibs are adorable. The Lego duplo with wash tape was perfect because so many of my grandchildren love legos. It is amazing what you can do with a mason jar.
    Blessings and hugs for you!

  10. Aww thanks LeAnn! I am glad you found some things you could use. That's why I do it. Blessings and hugs for you too! xoxo


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