
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Wednesday Wanderings . . .

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 The ins and outs and weavings of my mind as it wanders here and there . . .  on a Wednesday morning . . .

"Every passing phase of life
brings something to remember.
April dreams, and Junetide joys
to brighten grey December.
Every changing season brings
it's own sweet consolations.
Time may fade the flowers,
but there are always compensations."
~Patience Strong
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 (Primroses by William Henry Hunt)

The scent of the Primrose is something which cannot be put into words . . . unassailing, it is as fresh at wet earth . . .  faint and elusive, an indefinable exhalation from the very soul of the flower.  Their blossoms yellow, with just the faintest tinge of green . . .  almost ethereal.  They gather together in small clumps . . .  like shy maids huddled together in quiet and secluded places, their crinkled leaves cool to the touch . . .

It was Shakespear that wrote about their virginal quality . . .  "the pale primroses, that die unmarried."

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My heart delights at all of the invites we have been receiving recently for weddings of Sisters and Elders who have served as missionaries here in Chester.   They know that we could not really attend their weddings, but my heart rejoices that they want to share this happiness with us . . .  that they think enough of us to want to share their special day with us.  I've done a special piece of work to share with them as  a keepsake . . . I have already given Ariana hers and she loves it.  Marriage IS a special thing, and maybe even more so today . . . when so many young people eschew it, choosing instead to live together without making a permanent comittment to each other.

It makes me smile each time we receive an invite in the post.  I love these connections we have made with these beautiful young people and the opportunity which we have had to share even the tiniest bit of their lives.

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Can you imagine what a different world we would live in if everyone could apply even a small portion of this to their lives???  If people were kinder, nicer, gentler . . . 

By small means are great things brought to pass . . .

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I do so love all of my grandchildren so very much.   Little Luke is a budding artist in the April sunshine.  I love his shy little smile.  I love too the blueness of the sky which must be such a treat on an April day after a Winter filled with far too much snow.

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 Gabe is mesmerized by a Chocolate Easter Bunny  . . .  whereas Luke feels the need to his bunny in the nest . . . whilst he goes off to find more booty.

A difference in perception perhaps . . .

It's all good.

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A wander around the garden centre yesterday while Mitzie was being buffed and puffed was such fun on a glorious sunny day.   We picked up some packets of seeds to plant and Todd went to work planting them as soon as we got home . . .  wild columbine, batchelor buttons, love in the mist, and a packet of a variety of wild flowers.  With any luck we shall see some poppies.

We also purchased some lupins to plant out and a few succulents, with the idea in mind that once the succulents get established and spread, I can break them up and use them to create a special fairy garden.

I am looking for a large shallow bowl to form it's base.

Oh  . . . I have had positive feedback from the liscensing company re the direction my work is taking so I am feeling like I am on the right path.

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With blue skies and another sunny day facing us . . .  we are feeling truly blessed.   I will be hanging laundry out today I think.   Make hay while the sun shines.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"If of thy mortal goods
thou art bereft,
and from they slender store two loaves
alone to thee are left,
sell one and with the dole
buy hyacinths to feed the soul."
~Sadie Galiston

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chocolate and Almond Glazed Jam Biscuits (Cookies).

Have a wonderful Wednesday . . .  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Dearest Marie,

    It is a beautiful season, I love my autumn. This evening I was treated to the rare sight of two planes creating jet streams that crossed each other. It was ethereal and fleeting.

    God bless,


  2. That's what was outside my window yesterday morning as I was writing Suzan . . . at least six sets of jets streams criss crossing the sky above where I live. I wondered at all of the people on those planes and the adventures they were beginning. You're right, a very ethereal feeling. xoxo

  3. You ARE on the right path..It's going to work!!
    Your works is too precious to not be snapped up.Your recent work is perfection.

  4. Glad to hear you got some positive feedback on your art work. Nice too that you have some good weather. I was able to get out and clear some of the flower beds here yesterday. The tulips are trying to grow through the leaves still there from the fall. Thua is the 2nd time I've been out but still have a long way to go. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday !

  5. I forgot to mention your cute boys:)

  6. Good news about the positive feedback...keep going forward love....Sorry I am late again this time it was computer probs. would not start up this morning. It took 45mins before it decided to "wake up"...It has been another lovely sunny warm day down here. Mary and I went up to teh Crem. this morning an dtook a wild primrose that had grown in Mary's lawn ( we got Lyn to dig it out ) we wanted to take it up and plant it in the woodland that we scattered Margarets' ashes at 2 weeks ago. It is such a peaceful area in a huge cemetery They have various sections in the grounds. including a wild flower area and the first Mitch wanted the ashe sto go in teh wild flower area but changed his mind once he saw the woodland..Once we had don ethat we went along to the local garden centre and had a cuppa and toasted tea teh Crem. it i sat at the top of a large hill with teh most fabulous views. Mary had never been up there before and just loved it. This afternoon I managed to paint my late brother in law John's garden bench which I now have it was needing repaired and Peter did that and now I have got it painted...So it has been a lovely day. Hope that you have enjoye dyour one as well...

  7. Your Wednesday wanderings make my heart smile Marie :)Congratulations on the positive feedback on your art work. It's always nice to know you're on the right track isn't it? Sending love from a sunny and 10'C Nova Scotia!

  8. I sure hope so Monique! I have come to realize that luck has a great deal to do with success as well, being seen by the right person at the right time, etc. xoxo

    So glad that your weather has improved to that point Pam! It has been a long hard Winter! xoxo

    You must have felt very frustrated Sybil! Computers are great when they are working like they should, but when they become problematic, you could just throw them out the window. The view sounds lovely, also the woodland. How wonderful that you've been able to plant a wild primrose there. Sounds a very productive day! xoxo

    Thanks Noelle! We've been keeping up with the weather in NS each day. Todd delights in telling me the temperature in Halifax. I am so glad you are all finally getting some sunshine and warmth! It's long overdue! xoxo

  9. Good luck with the licensing company! What an exciting time for you. :)


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