
Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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FOR TODAY,  April 14, 2015

Outside my window ...
The sky is alit, but it looks very overcast.   It is hard to say how the day will go.   Oddly enough I cannot hear any birds.  These new windows are really airtight and sound proof, which is a good thing in most cases.  I shall have to crack one open to listen to the morning chorus I guess!

I am thinking ...
How did I get so lucky as to have been born with a seeking heart?  I have come to see this as a great blessing in my life.   Did I not have a seeking heart, I would not have questioned anything . . . and I would not have found the Gospel.  I am also grateful that I was born at a time when most people went to church and or believed in God, and a form of creationism was presented in schools.  It will be so much harder for people in these later times to find the Saviour.

I am thankful for ...
My testimony of the Saviour and the great change it has wrought in my life.  I hate to think of where I might be without it.  I wish it was something that I could just give to others, but alas . . .  tis something which they need to find for themselves.

In the kitchen ...
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Skillet Aubergine (Eggplant) Parmesan.   This is sooooo good!  I had mine with spaghetti and Todd had his with potatoes, lol

On my "To Cook" list ...

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These Italian Lemon Cookies (Anginetti) look amazing.   Found on Spiced.

I am creating ...

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Here is some of what I have been working on.

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You can see there is a couple of general themes running through them.

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First off they are all vintage gals . . .

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Second I have tried to incorporate polka dots into most of them.

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Then there are sub themes . . .  such as housekeeping . . .

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 baking  . . . taking tea . . . getting out and about . . .
I am plodding along with these.   Please, please pray for me that I might have everything done by the time I need it to be done, backgrounds, accessories, collections etc. and that I might finally be able to get somewhere with my work!   I feel bad asking, but I NEED your help with this in the way of prayers.  I believe firmly in the power of prayer.   If it doesn't happen for me this time, then I will know that I am to take a different direction.

I am reading ...
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The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain

In The Silent Sister, Riley MacPherson has spent her entire life believing that her older sister Lisa committed suicide as a teenager. Now, over twenty years later, her father has passed away and she's in New Bern, North Carolina cleaning out his house when she finds evidence to the contrary. Lisa is alive. Alive and living under a new identity. But why exactly was she on the run all those years ago, and what secrets are being kept now? As Riley works to uncover the truth, her discoveries will put into question everything she thought she knew about her family. Riley must decide what the past means for her present, and what she will do with her newfound reality, in this engrossing mystery.

I am really enjoying it thus far! I love Diane's books. She's a great writer.

I am hoping ...
That I will be able to cope with being on a mission along with everything else.   The mission will come first.  Then everything else.   I do think the food blogging will have to go down to maybe only once a week or two at best and I won't be reviewing anything for anyone.  Blessings will come.

Makes me smile ...

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My daughter's Ultimate Fisbee Team came Second, winning Silver medals at the Canadian Nationals.  She is on the far right in the front row.   I am so proud of her.  She is very athletic.   I am so grateful that she is able to do all that she does ( have a family, work full time, etc.)  and stay in shape at the same time. God has blessed her with a healthy lifestyle and a wonderfully loving and supportive husband.

I am learning ...
I can't do everything that people expect me to do, and do it well.  I can only do what I am capable of doing.   I am learning to say no.  The world will not end if I do.

Around the house ...

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I want WANT to do this.  I miss having a screen door.  From Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body.

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Paint Any Room from Start to Finish.   From Live, Love, DIY.

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How To Make Blackout Curtains.  From Two Twenty One.

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Loving the Teapot Birdhouse.   From Robin's Nesting Place.

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This is a FABULOUS idea!  Add some little legs to any cutting board and you have an instant stand for cakes, cheeseboards, etc.  Found on  Ms Smartie Pants.

I am pondering ...
How to share my testimony without sounding preachy or going over the top.   I think actions speak louder than words, don't you?  People are more likely to watch what I do before they will listen to what I say.

A favourite Quote for the day ...
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Recipes are like poems.
They keep what kept us.
~Henri Coulette

One of my favourite things  ...

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Mmmm . . .  Almond Croissants.

A Peek into my day ...

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Being Zen . . .

 And that's my daybook for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
 ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. What a wonderful post, Marie, so full of energy and interesting things. I envy your energy.

  2. Good morning Marie. Once again an amazing post filled with happy ideas. I am im awe because you manged to find new things all the time. Yes, y ou have a seeking heart and it is beautiful.

  3. Aww thanks Amalia! I wish I really had all the energy you see! Sometimes I feel like my get up and go had got up and went! lol xxoo

    Thanks Suzan. You are a treasure to me. Hoping today is a great day for you. xoxo

  4. You are in my prayers. Hope you can get it all done and what ever you do brings you JOY.

  5. Thanks Pam! I knew I could count on you! xxoo

  6. Oh your girls are simply adorable..These could be so many things to so many projects..cookbook..accessories..etc..Darling Marie..darling!

  7. Thanks so much for the positive feedback Monique! It means a lot to me! xoxo

  8. AS you know you are always in my prayers my dear friend,,(,and Todd too ) but I will especially ask thatthis is a success for you. You have worked so very hard and I am sure if only you can fin dthe right place for publicity things will work out...your work is always so beautiful..I know I might be a bit bias...but so be it !!...I alway think that it is by our anctions that we should be known ... sometimes there is very little else we can do...
    Take care. I hope that the day turned out as lovely as our one has been. I am late replying today as I was not vey well earlier today, thankfully ok now.
    God Bless .

  9. Another awesome Daybook entry; I loved it.
    I am excited about the two of you doing a mission. I can hardly wait to find out the details.
    I will be praying for you on your artwork. These painting are fabulous and you know how much I love your work.
    I loved the teapot birdhouse. I must get a couple of birdhouses in our yard this year.
    The book looks very interesting. I do love a good mystery and I haven't read one for some time. I do more historical novels; but this looks good.
    Your daughter is amazing and very beautiful. I wish I had kept up running. I broke my ankle so that ended that. I need to exercise more than I do. It is a goal that I start and finish a lot.
    I always love your writings and your testimony today too. You do have a seeking heart and I am sure you have touched many lives with your testimony by example and by words.
    Sending love and hugs your way dear friend.

  10. Marie! I must tell you that the artwork you displayed in this post is FABULOUS!!!!!!!! These will sell super quick! Love them all! What a talent you have! I will continue to pray for you. Also, the Italian food looks so good. I love Eggplant Parmesan! That was good of you to serve potatoes to Todd instead of the "dreaded" pasta! Haa! He's so funny! You take great care of him. :-) Love ya! xoxo

  11. My dear Sybil, I am so sorry that you weren't feeling well, but happy that you rallied and are feeling a lot better now. We had a gorgeous day here yesterday. Todd got a LOT of work done in the garden! I appreciate so very much all of your prayers and happy thoughts!xoxo

    Thank you LeAnn. I am a bit nervous about the mission. It will be full time, but a service mission where we do not have to leave our home. It will require much from us, but we are so very ready and willing to give what we can. I wish so very much that I had kept up myself physically through the years as I am now beginning to experience the results of not having done so. Thanks always for your love, hugs and prayers. xoxo

    Valerie, you are such a dear friend. I have not forgotten that I owe you an e-mail. Hoping to get to it today! I know I am a good wife giving Todd potatoes instead of pasta. haha Love and huggles. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!