
Sunday 22 February 2015

Things could always be worse . . .

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Sometimes you get up in the morning and you get the feeling right off the bat that this just isn't going to be your day . . .  it could come as an insensitive remark from someone on facebook who should know better . . .  or it could be something as simple as stubbing your toe before you even get your slippers on. 

It doesn't have to be a bad day though.   We can choose not to let it be a bad day.  Today I am choosing not to let insensitive comments colour the rest of my day.  I will not let someone else's inability to be caring or lack of sensitivity have power over me.  Instead I will dwell on all of the good in my life.

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Even though I have people in my life that don't really care for me . . .  I have many, many more than that who DO care for me and who love me.   I am blessed to be loved.

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I am not alone.  I love in a comfy house with a lovely husband and a loving dog.  I do have a hot water bottle if my tootsies get cold and a couple of wheat bags too.   I am dry and warm and well fed.

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I have the ability to turn a frown upside down . . .  to laugh at life, to find the silver lining.  That is half the battle.

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I know how to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse and count my blessings where I find them.  I know  and recognize that things could always be worse.

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I'll be able to call my mom later today  . . . I am so grateful that she is still with us and I have the opportunity to speak with her and my father each week.

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There is a fresh Victoria Sandwich Cake in the larder.

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Puppy Dog Kisses  . . .  not everyone is privvy to those.  They're a special blessing!

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I have a loving Heavenly Father who "Forgets me Not" and in just a couple of hours I will be in church to partake of the Sacrament and renew my covenants.

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Things could always  . . .  always be worse.

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In The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Strawberry Macaroon Slices.

May your Sunday be truly blessed.   Remember  . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie,,,yes I am back to my normal start of my day comments...Your words are always so uplifting..Thank you. I was not able to get internet connection when I was away at all so missed any news...Hope that all has been well and that you and Tod have been able to do whatever you wanted...Have a lovely Sunday. It is very frosty here this morninng white frost when yu do go out wrap up warm...I am going to feel it real cold Wednesday 30 deg. Sunday -2 !!!

  2. I am understanding your post. Yes, sometimes we have to deliberately turn things around. I hope your day is better and better with each minute.
    God bless.

  3. Sybll I missed your cheery comments and welcome you back.

  4. Thinking of you Marie and hoping your day gets better (although with a Victoria sponge in the cupboard it would be hard not to! Hahaha ) lots of love , Kate xxx

  5. Thinking of you Marie and hoping your day gets better (although with a Victoria sponge in the cupboard it would be hard not to! Hahaha ) lots of love , Kate xxx

  6. So true that things could always be worse. I've found over and over that counting our blessings is the best way to realize just how much we do have. Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one !

  7. Your little illustratons are so perfect.
    I can't imagine anyone not liking you.
    You have the right attitude ..
    So many great quotes on Pinterest about exactly what you are feeling..
    Thank goodness you are so creative and can mask out moments perhaps only temporarily.. concentrating on your nimble gifted fingers.

  8. Sybil, I surely missed you too! I can't wait to hear more about your trip! You are one of the most traveling-est people I know! Love you to bits! Xxoo

    You are right Suzan! Some days we jus have to choose to look on the bright side, other days it comes naturally! Xoxo

    Cake makes most things better Kate! Xoxo

    Pam, you have always been a great example to me of someone who knows how to count their blessings! Xoxo

    Thanks Monique! But it does happen, and so,eti,es its people who are related to you and should know better. Family sometimes can make the deepest cuts. Some days we just have to look the other way and at brighter things! Xoxo

  9. You are so easy to love. It's hard to think that you are being hurt by others. It happens though. Take it as a test and keep up that positive attitude that you wrote of in this post. You are blessed and will have many more blessing added upon you.
    Big hugs and love to you my dear, sweet friend! xoxo

  10. Life is a journey Valerie! Man is that he migt have joy and have it abundantly. Opposition in all things. We know these things to be true. Without the bitter there could be no sweet! I am missing you! Love you. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!