
Saturday 21 February 2015

A tiny adventure . . .

"Oh my!"  Molly exclaimed as she looked out her front door.  "The sun is shining!  What a beautiful day for a bike ride.   What a beautiful day for a picnic!"

The golden sun beat down upon the sunflowers next to her front door.  When the sun shone they always turned their smiling faces towards it, as if to bid it a cheery welcome.

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Molly quickly gathered her things.  She was not going to let one iota of this beautiful day go to waste.  Out the door she went, lickety split . . . to where her trusty bike was waiting for her to hop on.

Two slices of bread spread with butter and jam and cut into fingers had been carefully wrapped in wax paper and lay inside her back pack along with a small flask of warm tea and just a smidgen of leftover fruit cake wrapped in a tiny scrap of damp toweling to keep it fresh.  She had been sorely tempted to grab one of the freshly baked cherry cakes as well . . .  but then decided to do so would have been a tiny bit greedy, and so . . .  she didn't.

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 Where should I go she wondered to herself . . . as she hopped on her bike and pedaled slowly down the drive.

"I know!" she exclaimed.  "I will go wherever the sun wills me to be and as far as my legs can carry me!"  This was going to be a great adventure.

And it was.

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Off through the town she went, waving to all her friends and neighbors as she moved along.  They all waved back as she passed.  She cut such a happy picture and they, too, wondered where she was off to.  Somewhere nice they hoped!

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Up the hill and down through the valley, she pedaled.  The sun was warm on the top of her head and the breeze was cool on her cheeks.  Oh what a beautiful day it was to be going on an adventure!!

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She pedaled and she pedaled . . .  past grassy hilltops covered with trees and castle ruins . . .

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Sunlight dappled the top of her cap trickling down through the leaves of the tree tops as she rode beneath them, and still she pedaled . . .

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Past sheep that grazed upon the fels.   She gave them a cheery wave as she pedaled by.  "I'm off on an adventure!"  she called out to them.    "Baaaa . . .  " they replied.

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And on she went . . .

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Past kitchen gardens . . . wandering streams . . .  and grassy knolls . . .

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Until she found the perfect spot.

And there she sat on old stone steps amidst wild blossoms, and bumbling bumble bees.  Had jam sandwiches and cold tea ever tasted so good?  I think not, she decided as she flicked the last crumbs of the cake onto the ground so that the sparrows could enjoy her picnic repast with her . . .

She rested her tired legs . . . the stone of the steps cool and smooth beneath them . . . enjoying the sunshine . . . with nothing but her thoughts and the sparrows to keep her company . . .

Oh . . .  and a little red squirrel who happened along a bit too late to enjoy much of anything  . . . for all that was left was a few sticky red streaks on the wax paper and a small droplet of tea at the bottom of the flask.  The sparrows had done their job very well, for not even a crumblet of cake was left to discover.

And then it was time to go home.  And home she went.  Past the kitchen gardens, and sheep in the fields.   "Baaa!" they exclaimed once more as she pedaled by.   Past grassy hill tops and castle ruins and up hill and dale . . .

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Back into town and up cobbled streets . . .

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Back to her little wooden house  . . .

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"Whew!"  she exclaimed to socks as she sank down into her comfy chair.   Now that was quite an adventure . . .  and then . . .  she could smell something lovely . . . .

I'm feeling a bit peckish she thought to herself . . .

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"I hope you're hungry after your big adventure!"  her sister Annie spoke up from across the room.  "I've baked us  some tasty gingerbread men!"

"Yes, please!"  said Molly . . .  and she happily sighed.   Every adventure should end with warm Gingerbread men.

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And that . . . my friends is quite simply that.

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A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

“Here’s to freedom, cheers to art. 
Here’s to having an excellent adventure 
and may the stopping never start.” 
~ Jason Mraz

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  "Profiterole Cake."  Scrumptious!

I hope you have a super Saturday and may it bring you an adventure or two or three.  Don't forget

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And I do too.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful tale of the day from a new perspective. It has cheered me no end.

  2. Thank you so much Suzan. I had fun taking the photos and putting it together.

  3. Thanks so much for the pictures of green grass, flowers and sunshine! I'm bogged down with snow again today.

  4. Glad you enjoyed it Pam! You sure seem to be getting more than your fair share of snow this year! Stay safe and stay warm! xoxo

  5. I love it! They are perfect for all your cute add ons like the bike..
    If I was not convinced yesterday to try one I would have been today..But I was able to order a pattern.I am certain she will never be as cute as yours..But I love things like this know that.
    And I thank you for having shared.'s ..well you just wrote one of many books with your heroines.
    You still love to play..even on your own.
    Me too.

  6. Great minds and all that Monique! I hope I never grow up! Xxoo

  7. Aww thanks Monique! I can't wait to see what you create!! xxoo

  8. Bonsoir,

    Je découvre avec beaucoup de joie votre univers grâce à cette chère Nana...
    Je reviendrai volontiers vous rendre visite.

    Gros bisous ❦

  9. Thank you so much Martine. I will look forward to your return visit! xx

  10. Wish I could have gone with you, Molly! It sounds like a perfect day.

  11. I wish you could have gone with Molly as well Amalia! There is nothing like good company to share an adventure with!


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