
Sunday 4 January 2015

Sunday Morning This and That . . .

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Well, the tree didn't come down yesterday.   What can I say?   At the end of the day I just did not feel like taking it down.   It's still gracing us and in all honesty I can't see myself taking it down today either!  I think tomorrow will be the day.  We are starting an empty nesters Family Home Evening Group and the first night is tomorrow night and I will want it down for that.

Have I ever told you I do my best work under pressure?   lol

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Is this not just the cutest thing you have ever seen almost?   Even without any eyes, etc.   My sister's latest needle felted creation.  It's a lamb doll.   Very small.  And she has knitted it a dress and jacket  and done embroidery on the clothing with wool roving as well.  She's just so talented!

I am working on a cat doll.  It's about 3 1/2 inches tall.  It's a tuxedo cat.   So black and white.   No pics yet.   I haven't had a lot of time these past couple weeks to work on much of anything.

Some weeks are like that.

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I still want to make one of these.  I allowed myself to get distracted by Christmas.  I have the tin and everything, just waiting to go.    Hopefully I will be able to get to it soon!

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These slow cooker Beef Burritos are on the menu for today if I can get everything into the slow cooker before we go to church this morning.   I found the recipe on Plain Chicken.   I have had it bookmarked for a couple of weeks now and it just looks delicious.  I am a real fan of Mexican food.  I know people can't stand Taco Bell, but I always loved their mexican pizza.

There is no such thing as Taco Bell over here.  In fact Mexican food is very difficult to find and when you do find it, more often than not it's very poorly done.  At least that has been my experience.  The ingredients are very difficult to find although much easier now than they were when I first arrived.

The chili powder here is blow your head off strong.  It's actually dried and ground red chillies.  Not at all like the North American variety which is quite a bit milder and has oregano and other things ground into it.  I bring my chili powder for Mexican food back from Canada when I am lucky enough to get over there for a visit.  In fact I have a whole list of things that I bring back when I go over.

Todd thinks I am crazy.  But . . .  the heart wants what the heart wants and there are a few things that I miss from home.  I can't help it.

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I picked up a few new books on Kindle to begin reading with the New Year.

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First there is a mystery by Louise Penny, Still Life.  I love mysteries in television programs and films but have never actually read them in books.  I thought it was about time!  I read the first few pages online and was hooked, so I downloaded it.   So far it's just cracking!

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Then there is Still Life with Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen.  I have liked every other book of hers that I have read, and this one sounded really good, so I downloaded it as well.

Yes, I do get bored really easily, so reading a couple of books at the same time, helps to keep me interested.  I only just noticed that they both have similar titles.  How wierd is that!

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I cracked open my new calendars yesterday.  I always get a Susan Branch Wall Calendar every year, and this year she had a new blotter calendar as well, so I had treated myself to that also.

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I also always treat myself to one of Mary Engelbreits Desk Calendars every year.  They inspire me.

What can I say . . .  I am an artist who admires other artists!  Maybe one day I will have my own calendar.   Better happen soon as I am not getting any younger!

And with that I will leave you with a thought to carry with you through today . . .

Be who you are
and say what you feel,
because those who mind
don't  matter,
and those who matter
don't mind.
~Dr Seuss

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Coconut and Date Muffins.   Delish! 

Have a very blessed Sabbath.  Love a little.  Laugh a little.   Live a little.

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  1. Morning Marie. It is tradition in our household to take the tree down on Epiphany. So the little tree is still up but Pip put stuff away yesterday. The kitten thought it was great to play with and munch.

    I have spent my afternoon plodding away even though things are going from bad to worse today. Wills walked out of his job, Beth is complain and the children's father has reduced Pip to a sobbing mess. Gotta love a happy day! Anyway Pip wants to got o evening church which means I lose a little time but it is far more important.

    God bless.

  2. A PS. I love to find and buy old Hymn books. Each one brings me joy.

  3. Sounds like a horrendous day all round Suzan. I always loved Sunday Evening Praise services. I watch Songs of Praise now and it's just as nice. I love the old hymns and Gospel music. Todd and I watched a program on Johnny Cash and gospel music the other day. It was fabulous. Had our toes a tappin! xxoo

  4. The book series by Louise Penny is fabulous! I hope she keeps writing and writing, I need to read the last one in the series, so I hope she writes more :) Have a great day!

  5. I have only just discovered her Dorian! I am looking forward to reading them all one by one! xx

  6. I packed up Christmas yesterday; not so much to pack away as in years past as we still hope to move this year and I was trying not to have too much mess inc ase we had to show the house to prospective buyers. I highly recommend Louise Penney's mystery series as well. She writes so lovingly about one of my favourite areas in Quebec and her descriptions make me want to move in there and meet all her literary friends.

  7. I used to get new calendars every year. Now I just use the one on my computer. I do miss the cheerful quotes and pictures that come with them though. I have saves the ones I've had previously and should get one out just to enjoy. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !

  8. Thanks Colleen, I will look forward to reading more of them! Good luck with selling your house! xoxo

    I know what you mean Pam. Each year I say I am not going to buy any, and then I do because I just love the pictures and inspiration on them! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday too!xoxo

  9. You won't beleive this I just read Still Life Anna's and have Louise's on Hold..
    I noticed also 2 Still lifes:)

    Love Lamby and her clothes!
    Our tree is still up too!

  10. PS You could EASILY do a calendar!!

  11. I think I saw those books on your page Monique, and that is what inspired me to want to read them! That is what I love most about the blogging community. The things we share with each other! xxoo

  12. Oh me too!
    I glean from everyone and learn so much..let me know how you like them:)

  13. Oh we do a calendar every year and they are a tiny bit naughty. The Queensland firemen make one every year to raise money for the children's burns unit. So we buy it more as a donation. They are stripped to the waist which some people like and now that dad is in the nursing home it resides in the small room! They are sold at community events and generally by the men who are in them and they sign their page. It was awfully embarrassing when the dad's daughter was in Pip's class. But good on them for being proactive as they also provide treatment and safety tips too.

  14. I still have my tree up too. My husband left on a business trip until next Friday. He made me promise not to try and take the tree down myself.
    We did get the decorations in our basement put away. I guess I will just enjoy it.
    The books look like good ones. I have downloaded a few. The only probable is that I love turning pages so I don't like them as well on the computer.
    I think you should do a calendar. Your paintings would be so perfect. I would buy it for sure.
    Blessings for a sweet week!

  15. It's like belonging to a big lovely girl's club isn't it Monique? I think so. Will let you know how I get on! xx

    The firemen when I lived in Brenchley did a calendar Suzan and it was a bit naughty as well. xx

    Your husband is so kind and caring LeAnn!! If I had someone who would publish it for me, I would do a calendar and so much more LeAnn, but I am no long able to print anything for sale from my home computer. Sadly. xxoo


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