
Monday 5 January 2015

Small and Wonderful things . . .

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

Welcome to my first small and wonderful thing posts for 2015.  I want to set the tone for the year!

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I am grateful for the Christmas we had this year.  There were not a lot of gifts to share, but that was fine because Christmas has never been about that for me. I did not get my wish for pictures of the Grandchildren, but that's okay as well.  I am a bit sad about that, but have decided to let it go.  I received so much more.   I got to read a story to some of my grandchildren via the miracle of modern technology and that was something I thought I would never ever have the opportunity to do.  Best gift ever.  I got to see my other grandsons wake up on Christmas morning and see that Santa had come.   Also via the miracle of modern technology.   Another best gift ever.

In life one has to dwell on the gains and positives instead of the losses.  Take your blessings where you find them and let the rest go.

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President Monson has told us during our last Church conference that "Decisions determine Destiny."   I see the truth in this.  When I was younger I made some very poor choices and as a result had to live through the consequences of those poor choices.  I will always have to live with the consequences of those poor choices . . .  but I have learned with the wisdom that comes with age . . . to make better choices and decisions and . . . despite my life having ended up being very different than the one I had envisioned having when I was a child . . .  I have a very good life.  I am at peace.    I think there will be a part of me that will always mourn my losses . . .  but there is a larger part of me that rejoices much more in my gains. 

Joy is not found in having what you want . . .  but in wanting what you already have.

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I am happy. I know God loves and cares for me.  I have a dear husband who loves and cherishes me, and I feel the same way about him.  Two of my sons and one of my daughters love me and want me to be a part of their lives.  It is not ideal, but it is better than it could be.   I have friends who value my presence in their lives, and I value theirs in mine. I have my faith which helps to carry me through the blows that life hands out.  I am within the 20 % of the world that does not live in abject poverty.  I am safe.  I am warm.  I am fed.  I am cared for.  I am loved.

Anything else is just icing on a pretty good cake.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Happiness is letting go of what you think 
your life is supposed to look like,
and celebrating it for everything 
that it is.
~Mandy Hale

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Poor Todd . . . I fed him pasta again.  Frisco Spaghetti Bake.

Have a wonderful week!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I like the John Lennon quote. You speak a truth in that no matter how bad it seems in our little work there are many such abject positions. We are fortunate.

    Today we were blessed with significant rain. It kind of decided to fall at once and Pip was amazed that I could drive! She will learn that we do not always drive in the sunshine. My Nimbus let me love her which is rare. I found time to pick up my needles and knit. It felt so good to have those needles and wool in my hands. Things are so much better than the last few days and I am glad.

  2. Suzan I am so glad to read that things are better. xxoo

  3. Learning to be content with what you have is a wonderful thing. A new year is time to start anew and leave the past in the past. I agree the rest is just icing on the cake. We are too blessed to be stressed. Happy Monday !

  4. Hi, Dear Marie... and Happy New Year, dear friend! Very much enjoyed catching up on your posts and lovely images. So happy you had a lovely Christmas. I'm sorry to be so slow. Too much fun & feasting... LOL! Oh, but you'll never guess... I'm reviving the blog. Yes, and I was away sooo long... LOL! I claim a woman's prerogative, and more...What can I say? ;o) Happy Days ((LOTS of LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. You are so right about that Pam! I hope you have a wonderful Monday! xoxo

    Tracy, I am so very happy to hear that you are reviving the blog! I was missing it so very much. Love you to bits! xxoo

  6. Perfect start To the new year..
    Sorry you did not get the pics..😔Perhaps forgetfulness?
    Hope so!

  7. I will probably never know Monique! I have resolved not to let it bother me. Xxoo

  8. I find you such a delight because you share what is real in your life. You are content with what you have and find joy in the moments. I love your faith and hope. I am so happy that you have a wonderful husband and sweet Mitzie that bring you great happiness.
    You are amazing!
    Blessings and hugs for you~

  9. I would never want anyone to think I lead a charmed life without lumps and bumps LeAnn! That would be misrepresenting myself. Life is hard. For everyone, but despite the difficult challenges we all face, it is also very, very good and I hope that is what people sense when they read my page. Love you to bits too! xoxo


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