
Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY, November 11th, 2014

Outside my window ...
It's very dark and very cold.  We are supposed to be in for some really lousy weather today, but mostly to the South of us.  It still won't be nice here though.

 I am thinking ...
Today I am thinking about those Fallen Soldiers who gave so much for us. For so many years as the wife of a soldier Remembrance Day was just about my husband coming home falling down drunk and causing trouble at home.  I could never understand why Remembrance Day meant you had to get all crazy drunk.  Anyways, for the last fifteen years I have been able to dwell on the true significance of it all.

I am thankful ...  

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For a good husband and the love we share.  Today is our anniversary.  Fourteen years.  He as filled my life with joy.  My only regret is that we did not meet each other in time to have a family together here on earth.   I love him with all of my heart.

In the kitchen ...

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S'mores Cupcakes!  Very good.  I have seen a lot of versions for these on the net.  I made up my own using what I had in the kitchen.

On my "to cook" list ...

From BHG, Gooey Pumpkin Cake.  This looks fabulous!

I am creating  ...

I am in the process of making Miss Juniper Kitty as a companion to Miss Maggie Bunny.  You can find the patterns on Rosie Loves Posie.  They are adorable.

 Glitter Clothespin Snowflakes from Eighteen 25.  It is a complete tutorial.  They are a very simple craft.

Something for the birds . . . again from Eighteen 25.   Great page!

51 Christmas Gift in a Jar Ideas.   Brilliant resource.  From Craftaholics Anonymous.  From the simple to the sublime.   I love it!  Some of these are really cute!!

A lighted Burlap Garland.  A complete Tutorial on Create Craft Love.

I am going ...
I am going Visit Teaching on Thursday, but those are the only plans I have for this week.  I will probably go grocery shopping at some point also.

I am reading ...

The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion, by Fannie Flagg
Mrs. Sookie Poole of Point Clear, Alabama, has just married off the last of her daughters and is looking forward to relaxing and perhaps traveling with her husband, Earle. The only thing left to contend with is her mother, the formidable Lenore Simmons Krackenberry. Lenore may be a lot of fun for other people, but is, for the most part, an overbearing presence for her daughter. Then one day, quite by accident, Sookie discovers a secret about her mother’s past that knocks her for a loop and suddenly calls into question everything she ever thought she knew about herself, her family, and her future. Sookie begins a search for answers that takes her to California, the Midwest, and back in time, to the 1940s, when an irrepressible woman named Fritzi takes on the job of running her family’s filling station. Soon truck drivers are changing their routes to fill up at the All-Girl Filling Station. Then, Fritzi sees an opportunity for an even more groundbreaking adventure. As Sookie learns about the adventures of the girls at the All-Girl Filling Station, she finds herself with new inspiration for her own life.

I am quite enjoying this!

I am hoping ...
That the rumbling in my tummy doesn't mean my IBS is going to be acting up today  . . .  blah!

Makes me smile ...

The John Lewis Christmas Advert makes me smile.  You just got to love Monty the Penguin.  It's totally adorable.  (Turn the music off up top first.  Just click on the pause bars.)

I am learning ...
I work daily on improving things about myself that I don't like.   So far so good .  .  . good days and bad days.   I think we are all the same with that.

Around the house ...
I am on the quest to make our house more cottagey feeling.  It will be a long running project as I have to work within a strict budget.  But here are some ideas I am looking at!

First I want to paint the walls in the lounge just a shade or so lighter than this, leaving the woodwork white.

With the exception of the throw pillows, this is pretty much what our sofa and chair look like in the lounge.   I want to update it with some pretty throw pillows and throws.

 Nothing too outrageous.  Just a bit of extra colour and texture.

I am looking for an old dresser which we could repurpose into a television console.  We have a black glass one at the moment and I hate it.   It looks dusty as soon as you dust it.   It is a real nuisance and too modern looking.  I would prefer something older looking.

 There is wall to wall burgandy carpeting in the lounge and all through the house to the upstairs.  I hate it.   I want to change it to something less colourful.  I kind of  like this carpet here.  Of course this is all only a dream.   If I could afford it I would rip up the carpeting and replace it with wood flooring and just have carpets.

I will add colour through the drapes and accents.  But it will only be a little bit at a time.   Slowly, slowly.  Of course this is only in the dreaming stage, and I may never get any further than that!

I am pondering ...
Not a heck of a lot this morning.   I am in a bit of a slump this week.  I tried to do some crafting yesterday afternoon and could not get motivated.  We all have weeks like that I think.

A Favourite Quote for the day ...

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The most beautiful people we have known are those 
who have known defeat, known suffering,
known struggle, known loss, 
and have found their way out of the depths.
~Elizabeth Kubler Ross

One of my favourite things  ...

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Wild flowers.   They are free to just be.  Nobody has to groom them, or prune them, or water them . . .  they just pop up and bloom where they land, bringing beauty to wherever they are. 

A peek into my day ...

Praying for, communicating with, loving, thinking about  . . .  my friends, both the visible and the invisible.   My life is blessed by the love of friends and I appreciate each and every one of them and you, every single day of my life!

 And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. Hi Marie, not ging to write much this morning as I have looked back and see that the last 3/4 days my comments do not apear to have reached you !! no idea why that is...So I will check back later and see if this one "arrives" Sorry your tum is not quite right this morning hope that as the day gets going you will feel better. It is VERY WILD and WET here and today I have to drive Jenny to Bristol Airport for her flight back to Edinburgh dont like driving when it is so very wet and forecast is not good at all....
    Take care love Sybil xx

  2. Hi, Marie! Happy Anniversary to you & lovely Todd! :o) LOVE YOU BOTH!! And Rememberance Day, yes we remember... It's been gray and rainy here for days. The snow we had on Friday was washed away, but still... not the most cheerful weather at the moment--LOL! Oh, my your S'mores Cupcakes look dangerously good. Do I dare?! ;o) Pumpkin pie, oh, how i miss pumpking pie.. Can't wait to fly acorss the ocean and eat some soon--hooray! I LOVE the soft cafe au lait color of walls your considerings as part of your Operation Cottage Up! ;o) And really like the other ideas you're showing here too. I don't like wall to wall carpeting either. The only space we have such carpeting is upstairs which is nice as TJ has his work office there, and my little sewing room, so the carpet is cozy. But downstairs we have laminate floor and area carpets--much prefer this. Look forward to seeing what decorating you do! :o) Have a LOVELY, LOVE-filled Anniversary, my friend--to you both--((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. Happy anniversary to you Marie and Todd.

    As a child I only saw Anzac and Remembrance Days as a time when adults were drunk and awful. Now it is different. There was a beautiful ceremony on the ship at 10.30 this morning. We finished with silence. My children tell me that the local shopping centre was still for one minute at 11. I am pleased.

    God bless your day Marie. We have had a lovely day at sea and my tummy is filled with salmon, chicken soup and peach and ice-cream. Off to bed soon.

  4. Happy Anniversary. You are blessed to have such a good man in your life. We are to have a sunny milder day here but then tomorrow it'll change and we're to get very cold with chances of snow. We can't do much about the weather, can we?

  5. Happy Anni:) You are cute in the mirror..
    We all have days..weeks like that!
    At least i think the companion you are so sweet.

  6. Off to Remembrance Day services at our local cenotaph. I grew up in a military family and my father was very good about teaching us the importance of remembrance. Missing my son today, his own military career takes him far away from family. But I have vivid recollections of attending services and listening to his trumpet versions of the Last Post, each year as he grew and improved his tone, it became a very emotional part of the day.

    I love the cozy cushions in your dream room. I combed our Gooodwill shop and collection creamy cable knit sweaters and turned them into cushion covers. The leftover pieces may become a throw one day when I get back to my sewing machine. Just a thought you may be able to use.

    Never regret that you and Todd found each other later rather than sooner as you needed that extra time to become the lovely people you are to share one another's lives. Happy Anniversary.

  7. Another fun daybook entry; I loved it. Thanks you so much for all the Christmas links. I am excited about the 51 Christmas Gift-In-A-Jar Ideas. I need to look closely at this one.
    The novel sounds intriguing. Of course, the cupcakes are to die for. Yummy looking and I am sure tasting. I will spend a moment with Monty the Penguin; so cute.
    Happy 14th Anniversary. I loved the picture in the mirror of the two of you; awesome.
    It looks like you have some fun projects a head.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs and blessings for the two of you today.

  8. I do hope you made it back and forth to the airport safely Sybil. That week sure went quickly! We had bad weather here yesterday but not as bad as they had said it would be. xxoo

    Tracy, thanks so much! I love the idea of carpets upstairs, wood flooring downstairs. We will see what happens. Not sure we would want to invest that kind of money in a house we do not own. Our stay here is tenuous at best. xxoo

    Sounds like you are having a great time on the cruise Suzan! I am glad. xxoo

    You are right Pam. We cannot control the weather. It's best to just take the good and forget about the bad! xxoo

    Thank you MOnique! xxoo

    Thanks Colleen. I will have to check out some charity shops to see what I can find. Nowadays they seem to overcharge for everything. It's rather odd! xxoo

    Thank yuo LeAnn! I am glad you got some great inspiration here. xxoo


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