
Monday 10 November 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.    

The buying and wearing of a Poppy.  It is a small thing to do, but with a huge significance.   I will be eternally grateful for the sacrifice which was made by so many in order to protect the many freedoms which we tend to take for granted each day of our lives.  We tend only to think in terms of our soldiers which were killed protecting our countries, but the sacrifice was and is so much more than that.   During the first world war some villages and town lost all of their young men as they tended to join up en masse and serve in the field as a group.   Mother's lost sons.   Wives lost husbands.  Children lost fathers.   Their loss was also a sacrifice.  We must never forget the price which was paid for the freedoms we all enjoy today, and the price which continues to be paid even now, as our soldiers and young men continue to serve their countries in foreign lands and conflicts.

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Autumn hikes.  I just love this photo of Maryn and Cameron enjoying an autumn walk together.   I think they will be the best of friends throughout their lives.

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Photographs like these tweak my heart in such a special way.  I cannot play with or hold my grandchildren.  I live too far away and strained relationships mean that I will probably never ever be able to enjoy a close relationship with these two.  So I am delighted when I see a new photograph of them.   I cherish every scrap of info about them which comes my way.  I hopeand pray daily that one day things will be different.

Forgiveness.  It is at the root of the Christian walk and fundamental to our faith.  We are taught again and again that we must be willing to forgive and yet so many do not.  I have had to learn to forgive many things in my lifetime.   I have learned that to hold on to hurt is to empower my enemies.  I have learned that if I want to be forgiven, I must forgive. And so I do.   Forgiving doesn't mean that you forget.  It just means that you put whatever it is in the past and keep it there.  We will probably never be able to forget the hurts, but we certainly have it in our power to get past them.

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Being able to relax by the warmth of a wood fire.   The snaps and crackles of the logs . . .  the smell . . . watching flames flickering and dancing behind the glass.  It is a small thing, but it is a wonderful thing.  I miss my wood fire.  Baxter is certainly enjoying this one.  It makes me smile to see him sleeping there so comfortably. 

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." ~ Emily Bronte 

Having someone to hold hands with.  It means that I am not alone.  My life is shared by someone who wants to hold my hand.  I am content.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a delicious casserole composed of leftovers.  Monday Night Supper.

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Have a fabulous Monday! May the week ahead be filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!


  1. Forgiveness isn't easy at all sometimes but it is a blessing to both the one being forgiven and the one doing the forgiving. I love the pictures of the grandchildren going on their hike. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have their childlike exuberance. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

  2. The wee ones are adorable Marie...
    Hoping one day nothing is strained for you.

  3. Even a small fraction of their exuberance and energy would be fabulous Pam! Hoping you are having a wonderful Monday as well! xxoo

    Thanks Monique! Me too! I have faith one day it will happen. xxoo

  4. Marie, I wish for a healing miracle where you will be able to see your two little grandbabies more. We have one who lives with us and one that lives on the coast and it's a mixed blessing of getting to help raise one daily and not seeing the other one, except in pictures and a brief visit on Mother's Day this year. Not enough but what we get so we cherish that. Thinking of you!

  5. Never say never Marie. You may have a very close relationship later on with your grandchildren.
    Sending love and hugs! xoxo

  6. You are an amazing beautiful human being...thank you!

  7. The service on the ship this morning was beautiful. We were given and English paper poppy to wear and I left mine with the wreath.

    Quiet day at sea and lots to do.

    Speak to you soon.

  8. Thanks Chy, you are so kind. I wish it was only distance that was the problem, but it's much more than that. One day . . . xxoo

    Thanks Valerie! Love you. xxoo

    Thanks Unknown! xxoo

    How lovely Suzan! I am glad that you are enjoying the cruise! xxoo


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