
Friday 28 November 2014

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!  

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Napkins folded to look like Elf Boots!  What a unique idea!  I love it.   From  Serendipity.

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Personalized Wire Ornaments.   I think these are really cute and there are so many things you coudl do with them.  Adding little beaded accents, etc.  From  Crafts Unleashed.  Brilliant!

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I just love this snowflake wreath. It's a really simple thing to make and so very beautiful when it is done.   Found on  Laura's Crafty Life.

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This Jingle Bell Wreath has to be one of the simplest things I have ever seen!  Seriously.   Brilliant idea too.  From The Frugal Girls.

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Water Colour Butterflies.   A free printable.   I think they are so cute and would love to have a mobile of these hanging over my craft desk.  I love butterflies.   From  The Ellie Blog.

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Twenty Three Recipes for Leftover Turkey from the people at BHG.  You can never have too many recipes for using up leftover turkey!

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I'm always looking for new cookies to bake for the hols.   These Almond Shortbread With Amaretto Cookies look fabulous.  I love shortbread.  I love almonds.   From Julie's Album.

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These homemade lollipops are so cute.   The kids will love these and there are so many things you can decorate them with!!   From Just a Taste.

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How to peel garlic really quickly with no hassle or smelly fingers.   There's even a video.  It's a brilliant idea from Kevin and Amanda

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I love this fun child's table and chairs set.   It's bright and colourful and a great way to use up leftover bits of paint.   I'll be honest.  I would love this myself!  (I know!  Call me crazy!)  From  Sparkles by Jessica

And that is it for this week.  My Friday finds!  I hope you found something in all this lot to tickle your fancy!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . . 

“Perhaps our eyes need to be washed
by our tears once in a while, so that we
can see Life with a clearer view again.”
~ Alex Tan


Could you please spare a few prayers for our friend Valerie's dog who got poisoned.   Praying Scout makes it.  It's so distressing when one of our furry family members is ill.   ((((hugs)))) to Valerie and Scout and the family.

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I'm showing off new muffin tins in The English Kitchen today  . . .  these have recesses you can fill!
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  Once again this week has just flown by!  Have a wonderful Friday!


  1. I do so enjoy your Friday finds..after I do this comment I always pop along to the various sites to have a look...
    Hope that you are feelong better today. Looks as if it might clear up in a little it's dull down here at the moment but warm..Peter Mary and I going down to Longleat Safari Park this afternoon mainly to view the Chinese Lantern show...looks good on line on when they advertised on TV..
    Take Care much love winging it's way north xxxx

  2. Marie thank you for today's post. I used to make those little boots and have forgotten how. They can be resurrected this Christmas.

    Thank you for your kind comment earlier today. I was dreading the results as I failed one assignment and at present have a horrible infection which making it difficult to remain positive.

    God bless.

  3. It's what they call Black Friday here and many are hitting the malls hoping to find sales on Christmas gifts. We're taking a little trip to an Amish community and I'm hoping to find a few handmade gifts. It's quite a drive to get there but it'll be fun as I'll be with one of my sons and my daughter. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  4. Many neat ideas on all 3 of your posts Marie..!

  5. Thanks Sybil! I am so glad that you find them useful and interesting. I am cooking like mad today. I have always wanted to go to the Safari Park. I think Todd has been a long time ago. I hope you enjoy the Chinese Lantern Show! xxoo

    Suzan, I know how hard it is. I took my Medical Secretarial Course when I was 46. The AMSPAR Exam for medical terminology was the hardest thing I ever had to study for but I got a Credit with distinction so all my hard work paid off! Too bad I could never find a job doing that! I hope you feel much better soon. xxoo

    OH Pam, I hate the idea of Black Friday. It has been imported here as well, which I find a bit ludicrous as they don't even really celebrate Thanksgiving here! I hope you have a fun time with your family in Amish country. I have always wanted to go there! xxoo

    Thanks Monique. When I find something I think is really nice I just have to share it! Have a fab Friday! xoxoxo

  6. I so enjoy our Friday Finds. Today, I love the Christmas ones and will take a moment to enjoy the links.
    I do love the little table; I would love trying to do one of these for my grandchildren when they come.
    Blessings, love and hugs for this one!

  7. Thank YOU LeAnn! Your sweet comments always make my day! xxoo

  8. Marie, thank you so much for mentioning Scout! I know prayers are heard and really make a difference. I appreciate it very much! xoxo

  9. You're welcome Valerie! Every little helps, I know! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!