
Thursday 27 November 2014

Five Things About Me

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First of all Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American loved ones and friends.  I hope your holiday is the best ever and that you are surrounded by lots of love and warm feelings!

It's Thursday and you should know what that means by now.  Yep, another Five Things About Me post!

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When my children were growing up I used to make them a gingerbread house or other creation every year for Christmas.   One year I even created a Gingerbread Tree.  I always enjoyed these labors of love and I hope that they did too.  None were quite as elaborate as this one here today.  But if you are so inclined you can find the templates for this one, etc. on  Goodies by Anna.  Isn't it gorgeous!

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I was terrified of Santa Claus when I was a child.   My mom and dad had a really scary Santa Claus Mask/head that my mom got in Germany that they would hang on the wall every Christmas and I hated it.  With his pointy hat and scary face, it just frightened me to pieces.  I didn't want to sit on Santa's lap or anything.  In fact I can remember crying one time when I was taken to see Santa Claus.  I believed in Santa Claus until I was a good eleven years old . . .  and I can distinctly remember hearing his bells one year and of course he always left a piece of his beard on the tree each year.  I was a very shy child, so that could be why I was afraid of him. I don't know for sure.

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Stone Fruit Tarts with  Coconut Pastry Cream by Inspiring the Every Day. (Aren't they just gorgeous!)

I love pie.   Everyone in my family loves pie.  If it's got a crust, we are in there like dirty shirts.  It doesn't matter if it is a sweet or a savoury pie.   We have never met a pie we didn't like.

Until now . . . 

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Stargazy Pie.   The pie that looks  back at you.   A pie baked with whole fish in it, their heads and tails poking out through holes in the crust . . .  eyes gazing at you.   I could not bring myself to eat this.  Never in a million years.   This would be a great diet food for me, because I would have no problems resisting it whatsoever.

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I believe in angels and know we are surrounded by them from time to time.  I can feel their presence.  I don't think they always have wings.  In fact I think more often than not they do not, but I think the occasional one does.  I like the idea of having a Guardian Angel.  I love reading stories of angelic encounters.  My favourite one of all is the Angel who visited Mary to tell her she was going to bear the son of God.  I love reading about the Angels which appeared in the heaven's to the Shepherds on the night of the Saviour's birth.  "Fear not for we bring tidings of great joy!"  I love reading how the Angels gathered around the Saviour in the Garden of Gesthemane to minister to him after his prayers on the night before his crucifixion.  I love the idea that an angel appeared to a young boy with an inquiring mind in the Americas.  I don't doubt that it happened.  Not for an instant.  There are many who poo poo that idea and yet believe in alien encounters.  I say why not?  Miracles happen every day.    There is an angel which sits at the top of each of our Holy Temples.  My heart always fills with joy at the sight of him each time we go to the Temple because I know I am in for a real treat, a tiny piece of heaven on earth.

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“I see the angel Moroni, standing atop the temple, as a shining symbol of our faith. I love Moroni, because in a degenerate society, he remained pure and true. He is my hero. He stood alone. I feel somehow he stands atop the temple today, beckoning us to have courage, to remember who we are and to be worthy to enter the holy temple, to ‘arise and shine forth,’ to stand above the worldly clamor and to, as Isaiah prophesied, ‘Come to the mountain of the Lord’—the holy temple.” 
–Elaine S. Dalton 

This is exactly how I feel when I see him on the Temple Spire.

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I have the ability to roll or "curl" my tongue, and I can not only do it up and down like this, but sideways and under as well.   Not everyone can do that.   I can also lift just one eyebrow, and it works with both eye brows.  I find it easier to lift the left one, but I can also (with concentration) lift the right one on it's own as well.  Can you roll your tongue?   Only between 65 and 82 % of people can.

And that's it for this week.  My five things about me.

I wasn't feeling very well at all yesterday afternoon. I had a twinge which was quite painful in my upper right abdomin.   It may be my gall bladder I think.  It's pretty much gone off now, but it still there in a niggling sort of a way.   I think I may skip the ladies' dinner tonight. 

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Nine requisites for contented living . . .
Health enough to make work a pleasure.
Wealth enough to support your needs.
Strength to battle with difficulties and overcome them.
Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake them.
Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished.
Charity enough to see some good in your neighbor.
Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others.
Faith enough to make real the things of God.
Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future."

~ Johann von Goethe

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I am talking Turkey Leftovers in The English Kitchen today.   Good for now, or for Christmas.  Whatever floats your boat!

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Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. God bless you Marie as it would be a shame to miss your annual dinner. I pray you feel well enough to go.

  2. I do hope you feel better and can go to your dinner tonight. Happy Thanksgiving ! There is always something to be thankful for !

  3. Thank you Suzan! xxoo

    Thanks Pam! You are right, there is much to be thankful for. xxoo

  4. You may skip your Thanksgiving dinner?
    I hope you are much better..

    could be many things that go away:) I hope so..
    Yes I can roll my tongue.
    Andwhistle with 2 fingers.
    I only had brothers.
    Lucas can whistle like me now.
    Hope you feel much better by the time you read this.

  5. Oh my dear Marie. I am prayingthatyou will make teh dinner tonight. I just know how much you were loking forward to it...even if you can't eat very much it would be good for you just to be in the company of your friends...I am not able to do such a clever thing as curl my tongue !! or even raise my eyebrows !! But I do believe in angels..I often feel the presance of "something" good surrounding me and what else can it be. I certainly feel more peaceful after I feel it...Hope you are feeling better xxxxxx

  6. I will still be cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for the girls tomorrow Monique, just skipping the dinner out with the ladies from church tonight. They will be having another one in the spring. I am just not feeling up to par today. I had that twinge which kept me from sleeping really well last night. xxoo

    I know exactly what you are talking about Sybil. I often feel their presence as well. It is a comfort. xxoo

  7. I sure hope you feel better soon Lady! I had my gall bladder out when we came back to the state in 1999. Was an easy operation for me. They do the surgery so differently than they did years ago. Small incisions, etc.

    Loved your 5 things! ;-) Hated the Stargazy Pie. Ick! Haaa!

    We had a nice Thanksgiving today until we noticed that Scout the dog got very, very sick. We were at the emergency Vet. Hospital. Oh, of all days! Scout got into rat poison and is being treated as I type this. Please pray that he survives. Our hearts are broken for this sweet little guy.

  8. Valerie, I am so sorry to hear about Scout! Please let me know how he gets on. I am praying. xxoo

  9. I love the old fashioned picture at the end. Loved learning more about you; as usual. It just makes me love you more. I have never made a Gingerbread house;but I love to see them.
    I still love Santa Claus. He is one of my most favorite characters. I want him to be real and in a way he is.
    I do feel angels are closer than we think and we do have those who bare us up when we need them near.
    Gosh, I can roll by tongue; but I can't do the eyebrow thing; I did try.
    You are just so fun; blessings for you and the smiles you bring.

  10. Marie, The Vet. has been in contact with us a couple times today. Scout is doing a lot better but still not great. They are still working with him and hopefully tomorrow we can bring him home. Looking forward to getting my pup back so I can nurse him back to health. Thank you so much for your prayers. It means so much! xoxo

  11. Thanks LeAnn! YOu always make me smile! xxoo

    I am very glad to read that Souct it doing better. My prayers are continuing Valerie!! xxoo


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