
Sunday 12 October 2014

Today ...

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 Someone has been very poorly since yesterday.   I've gotten her to drink some water this morning, but she isn't very well at all.   We think we may have to take her to the out of hours Vet, which means robbing Peter to pay Paul, but you do what you have to don't you.   We'll worry about Peter another day.  Please keep her in your happy thoughts.


  1. Hope she is ok. Update us if you can. I can donate some pennies if needed xxx

  2. Thank you Julie and Suzan. I will keep everyone updated. She has not vomited since I got up this morning, which is 5:00 am and it's not 8:20. I've gotten her to drink some water. She is resting now. We are hoping to get her through to tomorrow and if she's still unwell we will take her to the vet. If we take her today, it's £120 before any treatment even starts and the treatment on top of that. Fingers cross we don't have to resort to that. xx

  3. Marie, Google the PDSA in case that is an option for you. A vet told me many dogs and cats recover in their own way over 48 hours and he often wanted to tell owners not to be over anxious and rush to the vet. However I know how scary it is when your darlings are ill. Hope she continues ok. Try and starve her for as long as possible then just bland food xxxx

  4. Thank you for the recommendations Julie! She is just having water today, and she's not really hungry anyways. Tomorrow I will scramble her an egg for breakfast, and then it will be chicken and rice for the rest of the week. xx

  5. Hope she feels better soon. Bless her little heart - she is too sweet to be sick.

  6. Poor M ..she could not be in better hands..

  7. So sorry your little sweet dog is not well. Hope she is better soon. Yes if it is the tummy chicken and rice is best.

  8. Thanks Dee, MOnique and Pam! She's feeling a lot better now. She had some roast chicken and has kept it down. She is starving of course, but I don't want to over do it, so tiny bits only until tomorrow. xx

  9. Marie, for what it's worth, we once took our ailing cat to a clinic over a holiday weekend. Cost $$$ and they could find absolutely nothing wrong! She perked up entirely on her own, in God's timing. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

    Sharon in Alabama

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Poor sweet Mitzie! I hope she is feeling better today. I'd give her lots of chicken broth (low or no sodium) to keep her hydrated. If she is keeping food down, I'd feed the chicken and rice in the broth. Pets can go down quickly if they aren't hydrated. Then the Vet. wants to keep them to give an IV. That gets very expensive. I saved a ton by doing the chicken (or ground up meat)and rice and broth when I saw the symptoms start.

    Please keep us posted on Mitzie Doodle Dog! That picture you posted really tugs at my heart stings. It's so very sweet! Love and hugs, xoxox

  12. Marie - Sorry to hear Mitze is not feeling well. From reading your blogs, she seems to be the sweetest dog. Hope she is feeling better, soon.

  13. Thanks all, she is much much better this morning. ☺

  14. So glad she's better! Crossed paws that it continues.


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