
Monday 13 October 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.    

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Mitzie has rallied and is feeling 100% better.  Thank you all so much for your happy thoughts and prayers.  We didn't go to church yesterday.  We went briefly as we had a meeting with the Bishop prior to meetings starting, but we came right home again after, not wanting to leave her on her own for any length of time.  She had really begun to perk up about early afternoon and last evening I fed her some simply cooked chicken along with some rice.  I had been able to get her to drink quite a bit of water off and on through the day, so that was good.  We are both so relieved as you can imagine.   She is one of the great joys in our lives and we love her so much.  That is twice in about as many weeks that she has been gravely ill.  I think the first time was food poisoning . . .  but am flumoxed as to what caused this bout . . . other than the fact that she had a new shot last Thursday.  Apparently there is some new disease which is caused by rats that is fatal to dogs and can be spread to humans via dogs and so the Vet  gave her the shot for that on Thursday.   She was off her food by Friday morning and had been panting Thursday evening, like she was really hot.  I am thinking it must have been the shot.   In any case she's all better now.   Praise God!

 Speaking of Fur Babies, here is our newest addition to the family, our fur grandbaby Baya.  My son Doug and his family adopted her.  She's a Boxer and has the sweetest face and eyes.  Every little boy should have a dog to love and now Jon, Josh and Jacob have Baya.  She's pretty stuck to Doug at the moment however.   He called me on the ipad on Saturday and she was glued to his side.  She's a rescue dog.   Our Jess was a rescue dog.  With patience and love they make beautiful companions.  She is a bit unsettled still at the moment but I know with the love of Doug's family she will settle in soon and be happy as larry.

 I really admire my son Bruce's partner Sara.  She ran the Valley half marathon yesterday  and completed it.   Well done Sara!!  I think it's pretty awesome and she certainly looks like she is enjoying herself.  I don't think I would be looking half as happy as she does.  

 I spent a lot of time yesterday working on this as I was cuddling Mitzie.   It's a pattern from Alicia Paulson from the Posie Gets Cosie blog.  Miss Maggie Rabbit.   With any luck I will be able to show you my finished bunny by tomorrow!

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Our meeting with the Bishop yesterday . . .  Todd has been released from his calling as Sunday School President and we have both been released as Ward Missionaries.  We've been given an assignment together to create a Ward History in time for the ten year anniversary of our chapel in 2016, so quite a staggering project in front of us . . .  plus we have been asked if we would consider doing a Service Mission together as a couple.   I have always wanted to go on a Mission, but never thought that I could.  We have filled in the papers and God willing we will be called.   Exciting times!

And that's it for this week. 

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a Chicken (or Turkey) Pot Pie.   This one is different in that you layer the ingredients in the pie crust, pour stock over top and then bake.  It was fabulously delish"

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May your week ahead be filled with many small and wonderful things!


  1. I am happy that Mitzie is feeling better. That is wonderful news.

  2. It sure is Suzan. Nothing worse than a sick fur baby. They can't tell you how they are feeling. xxoo

  3. Didn't you post about a trip in your future and I had thought it was Italy that you won?
    I see I may have been wrong and this will be it?
    How very exciting..where could you go?

    It must be a lot of work!
    Congratulations..And good for M..)

    I love what you are making! You know I do..

  4. So glad your furr baby is doing well. I hope now she's better it stays that way. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

  5. Excited to hear that Mitze is doing better. How wonderful about your mission calling.

  6. I did win an Italy trip Monique! A weekend in Florence. They say next May/June! This will be a service mission and we won't have to go anywhere. We can serve from our own home. We are just going through the process now, they may end up rejecting us, but I don't think they will. It can involve anywhere between 8 and 32 hours of time a week. It could be something as simple as helping people with their Family History, or working at a homeless shelter, etc. it all depends on where there is a need. It's a way to serve when you are not able to travel far away. We don't own our own home so we would not be able to leave it without losing it. I probably won't be finished my bunny before tomorrow now as I have just had a lovely iPad face time with our Doug. I really enjoy those moments! Xx

    Thanks Pam! I hope you have a super Monday too! Xx

    Marsha! We haven't actually been called yet, but our Bishop has recommended us and we have filled out our papers. We will have to be interviewed by the Stake President and Mission President first and then we will see! I have my fingers crossed! Xx

  7. So happy to hear Mitzie is recovered. Your comment about the shot seems spot on. Years ago, after our one-year-old cat received her annual booster shot, she became lethargic - wouldn't eat or drink; after a couple of days, we took her to the vet who was not convinced the shot was the culprit. He did some other measures to rally her, but I believe the added stress overtook her and we lost her. Since then, I've taken a 'chill pill' whenever our pets act poorly, and allow them time to rally on their own.

  8. So sorry you lost your fur baby that way Sharon. ((((hugs)))) I am pretty sure it was the shot. I'm so grateful she is now back to normal. We do hate it when our little furry members are not feeling as they should be. xx


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