
Friday 31 October 2014

Friday Finds . . .

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too! (I can't believe we are already at the end of October!  That month just flew by!)

It's paper art by Helen Musselwhite!  Totally fascinating.  I love it.  Found on  a misura di bimbo.
 Paper sculpture.  It's gorgeous.

Little Paper Machier Birds from Middleburg Folk Art Studio.   So cute!

A hanging flower chandelier.  There is a complete tutorial on Honestly wtf.  (Can't say I like the name of the blog, but hey . . .  live and let live!)  This is so pretty.  Would be lovely in a little girls' room.

Just in the nick of time.  Free Halloween Printables.   From Birds Party Shop.

Tic Tac Toe Game Travel Game in an altered Altoid Tin.   Such a cute idea!!  Kids would love this.  It would make a great stocking stuffer too!  Found on Canadian Family.

A Crochet Puppy Dog Scarf!  So cute!  I wish my grands lived closer.  I would love to do something like this for them.  The cost of postage is just too high.  Found on Craft Bits.

Mini Caramel Apples.   So cute and I am thinking delicious.  A lot easier on the waistline than a full sized one I am sure!  From My Litter.


Free printable Party Box Templates.   Found on Tip Junkie.  These would come in handy for all sorts of things.  Loving them!

I know it's another printable box, but these are just TOO CUTE not to share!  Printable Animal Pillow Boxes.   FREE!  From Ars Pro Toto.  It's in German, but if I can figure it out, you can too.

Free printables to make your own Kids Recipe Book.  What a fab gift for a child or grandchild.   I love it.  I found this on Thirty Handmade Days.   Genius! 

Sorry it's a lot of printable stuff today, but that's what was getting me excited.  I think I am going to do the printable animal boxes and decorate them with some holly and then put a Christmas Treat into each and maybe I can afford to mail that over to Canada for some grands for christmas.  We'll see!

Hope you found something useful here today!  I know I did¬

A thought to carry with you through today . . .


I'm not a one in a million kid of girl
I'm a once in a lifetime kind of woman!


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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Green Pepper Steak.  Quite simply delicious! 

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Have a fabulous Friday!

and Happy Halloween!


  1. Enjoy your day Marie. I hope you find some fun and happiness along the way.

    The supermarkets are working at making Halloween a thing here. Many shop assistants were wearing costumes. It does not feel right to me.

    I am in the middle of a telco battle. Pip bought a new phone and the phone company has given Pip my number and now I don't have a phone at all as my phone is blocked. They deny it is possible.

  2. Thanks again Marie for finding all these clever things. I can never figure out how people can have such wonderful imaginations to even begin to design such wonderful "makes" It is so sad that you can't send things across to Canada. It is awful the cost of postage. I sent of a small calander and two very very light little cut ut wood (like balsa wood so light) to New Zealnd surface mail yesterday and it cost I think Mary said over £3...actual date for last post surface was sometime in October..but I know that they always arrive far to early. It is same with cards for surface sending teh dates they give are always weeks before needed I think last year my friends were getting their cards in mid November !!!! but I dare not wait till I have to send air mail as I could never afford it...
    Anyway love I am sure your family know your situation and know you love them gifts or not hope that you are enjoying these lovely warm last days of autumn....

  3. Halloween has caught on here quite a lot Suzan. It wasn't so popular when I first moved over here, but is quite popular now. Funny how that goes. It's just another money grab for the shops I think. I hope you can get the phone issue sorted! xxoo

    I took one of my christmas boxes a few weeks back as you know Sybil and it was outrageous. I know that with e-mail etc. nowadays the postoffice is losing money, but this type of outrageous charging isn't going to help them one bit! xxoo

  4. Oooo... LOVE the flower chandelier--what a pretty idea! :o) Sweet button tic tac toe. Those mini caramel apples are wonderful idea too. I love caramel apples--but don't think I could eat a while, big one anymore, just too much... LOL! So many fun finds today. Lifts a rainy Halloween Friday here. Happy weekend to you all there. :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS)) P.S. Add your good Pepper Steak to the menu list for next week--yum... haven't made in ages!

  5. I love that puppy scarf. How cute! We had trick or treat last evening here. Had about 33 little ones and I enjoy seeing their happy faces. We used to have a lot more but I guess our neighborhood is changing. Rain and snow mix is expected here today. I'll be in staying warm. Hope you have a Happy Halloween!

  6. It's dry here Tracy, and quite mild actually. Overcast however so no stars tonight. YOu have a happy weekend too! Hoping you enjoy the pepper steak and that your FIL is doing better with each day that passes. xxoo

    Isn't that the cutest Pam! So adorable. I love to see the little ones. They are always so excited about trick or treating. I think a lot of families now participate in Trunk and Treats at their local churches these days. Brrr... rain and snow. xxoo

  7. Don' t forget about Staples type companies for printing!
    Cute cute things are a fabulous finder of cute and novel things!

  8. Another Halloween came and went for the USA. It is NOT one of my favorite holidays at all. Looking forward to Christmas for sure!

    Love your finds. The paper art is really something else. Such a great idea.

    Pepper steak would be a real pleaser for my family.

  9. I'll check out our local Staples Monique! I had never thought of that until you mentioned it! xx

    Valerie, we had two trick or treaters. lol Two more than Todd thought we would get however, so I was vindicated in buying a bag of Halloween sized treats! I love that paper art. I love cutting things out. Love you! xxoo


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