
Thursday 30 October 2014

Five Things About Me . . .

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Yup, it's Thursday.  Five more things about me.  Can you stood it??  (Family joke that.   There was a little girl we knew who once said that and we thought it was funny and so now we say it too.)

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I may not have always appreciated them  but I have good parents.   When I was a teenager I had a few years when I thought they were just the worst because they wouldn't always let me do the things I wanted to and I thought they were too strict and we had too many rules.   Once I became a parent myself I gained a much deeper appreciation for all that they did for me and how very much they loved me.  I am grateful now that I had parents who loved me enough to set boundaries for me and keep them.  Parents who always did their very best for me.  You can not ask for more than that.

 I am incredibly loyal.   If you have me as a friend, I will always have your back and help you in whatever way that I can.  In me you will find a friend for life.  I will always support you, even if I don't always agree with what you are doing . . .  I support your right to make your own choices.  I will never say I told you so, but will be there for you whenever you need me to be.  Unconditional love and loyalty.  That's me.

I am a very forgiving person.  I hardly ever hold a grudge.   I have learnt in life that grudge holding only hurts the grudge holder.   If you really want to get under someone's skin, act like you don't really care about what they have done, or do or will do to hurt you.  I think it is called killing them with kindness. lol Seriously though, hanging onto hurt and pain is life damaging . . .  and not to others . . .  to YOU!!!  Remember when you forgive you heal and when you let go . . .  you grow.  Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behaviour.  Forgiveness prevents their behaviour from destroying your heart.

Just before he left for Bosnia (for a year) my ex changed our automatic car for a car with a manual shift.  We lived in a house way out in the country and far away from all of the amenities and shops.  I taught myself how to drive it.   He gave me a rudimentary lesson prior to leaving, but I really had to teach myself.  If I hadn't done I would have spent a year not being able to go anywhere or being able to take my children anywhere.   The first Saturday after he left I put all the kids in the car for moral support and I practiced driving it up and down the little lane we lived on.  Our Doug had to get out eventually because I had made him car sick from all the jerking.   But I persevered and eventually I had it down pat.   I never ever was really comfortable driving it, but I did it because I had to . . . .  which brings me to another thing about me . . .

 I am stubborn and determined and don't often let anything defeat me.  I  am a really "Stick-to-it" kind of a person.  I don't like giving in to anything, or letting anything master me.   I wonder if that comes from being the oldest??  Actually my mother has a really stubborn streak.  I probably get it from her.  It has stood me in good stead for the most part.

And that's it for this week!  My five things about me.

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I just have to share this beautiful photograph of our Sara, Bruce's partner today.   Isn't she a gorgeous young lady?  And such a natural beauty as well.  I love her to pieces.  I think he should snap her up and marry her. She's a fab girl. ☺

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"There is no such thing as chance; 
and what seem to us merest accident 
springs from the deepest source of destiny." 
~Friedrich Schiller


Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Coconut and Lime Glazed Banana Muffins.   Seriously tasty"

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Hope your Thursday is filled with joy!


  1. I wish I could dive into the screen and eat that muffin. Yum.

    I learned to drive with what you call a stick shift. Everything was fine until I had to deal with a column shift! Now I am lazy and like a car that things for left hip is shot.

    God bless your day Marie.

  2. I much prefer a car that thinks for me as well Suzan! You have a beautiful day too! xxoo

  3. I have spoiled myself today and am looking forward to tv and sleep.

  4. Good for you Suzan! We all need to spoil ourselves from time to time! Enjoy your evening! xx

  5. Another great insight into you Marie..I do love these Thusrday glimpses !!! I have never driven a "gears" car only ever an Automatic which is a great way to drive I think !!...mind yuo these day's I prefer when Peter is around, and he can drive. I am getting so lazy ! Quite a dull damp morning down here, hope that it clears later. I have the coffee and chat at church this morning...amazing how quickly one has to get back into the old routine ... Have a lovely day x

  6. I would agree with you about forgiveness. It is a blessing for sure. Holding grudges is a waste of our precious time. I remember too the jerking action of learning to drive a stick shift, I never really got the hang of shifting. So thankful for automatic drives. Hope your Thursday is a great one!

  7. I learned on a standard too:)

    You never forget! But in my life afterwards when I bought my cars..I picked automatic.
    She is a beauty!

    I am loyal too..too loyal..
    3're out though.
    You are lucky to be able to let go and not hold grudges.I just have trouble forgetting..

  8. Oh Sybil, where would we be without routines! I am a person of routines as well. If I move out of it, I am all out of sorts! Love you! xxoo

    I would much rather drive an automatic car any day of the week. IN fact I haven't driven over here in about 4 1/2 years now. I am afraid to now. The roads are too busy and narrow. :-( xxoo

    I didn't say I forgot Monique! I do have a hard time forgetting some things, but I have learned to forgive. I don't think forgiveness means you forget. I could be wrong though. I often am! xxoo

  9. Oh that treat looks so yummy; thanks for this one.
    I love learning more about you. I especially love the sweet picture of Todd and you.
    I feel like I had wonderful parents and I miss them everyday. I was a it spoiled being the only girl and the youngest. My parents were not all that strict; but I tried hard to keep their trust.
    I remember learning a stick shift; it was hard. I hated to park ours on a hill of any kind.
    Loved the beautiful picture of Bruce's girl; she looks just lovely.
    Loved your thoughts and blessings and hugs for you!

  10. That picture of you and Todd make me smile. I love it!

    Good thoughts and insight on learning to move on and not let old hurts keep us down. It does only hurt ourselves when we do that.

    I STILL won't drive stick shift. I tried once and quit. Good for you for having the stick-to-it-ness to drive one. I may have if that was my only way to get around. Ha ha!

    The picture of you as a baby with your parents is really adorable. You look EXACTLY like your father in that photo. Can you see it yourself?

    Love the quote. More than that, I love you! xoxo

  11. Awww thanks LeAnn, I love that photo of us too. I gave one to each of my children last year for Christmas. I cannot imagine you ever being naughty LeAnn! Thank you so much for your love and friendship! xxoo

    Thanks Valerie! I have always looked like my father, still do. My daughter Eileen is also the spitting image. We call ourselves three peas in a pod and my father calls me the Apple of his Eye. I cherish that thought. I truly love you too! xxoo


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