
Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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FOR TODAY, September 2nd, 2014

Outside my window ...
I was way late getting started this morning.  The sun is completely up and it's gone 6:30 already.  I had some cookbooklet sales and had to attend to those first.  I wish I knew how I could store them online so that people would receive them automatically after paying for them, but I haven't been able to figure that out yet!

I am thinking ...

  You’re the answer to somebody’s prayer. 
You’re the miracle they’re believing for. 
When you go out each day, have the attitude, 
“I’m a miracle waiting to happen."
~Joel Osteen

I love the idea that I could be the answer to somebody's prayers!  Don't you?

I am thankful ...
I am thankful for what looks to be a sunny day ahead of us!

In the kitchen ...
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In the kitchen today there are some very delicious  and scrumptious Roasted Pepper Sarnies!  Seriously scrummy!  I love these!

On my "To Cook" list ...

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Chocolate Caramel Potato Chips from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen.  Don't those look decadently fabulous?   Wowsa!

I am creating ...

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I was fooling around with some graphics I had purchased yesterday and I came up with this.  I quite like it!  I may print it out and frame it.

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I love the colours in this star fruit rug and blanket crocher pattern from Felted Button.  It's so bright and colourful, and I love the pattern!

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No instructions but I just had to show you this!  I found it on Flickr,  Odile Gova.  And look . . .

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The cap comes off!  Isn't that sweet. It's a salt and pepper shaker pin cushion.  I just adore red and white toadstools!  Don't you?

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I love LOVE this Vintage Button Wreath that I found on Etsy.   It would be so easy to make.  Time consuming, but very easy.

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I adore this little tulle and scrap Christmas Angel.   An article on One of a Kind Christmas Gifts from Romancing the Home.

I am going ...
Not a lot of plans for the week, but it is Stake Temple Week, so we may try to make it to the Temple if we can.

I am wondering ...  
I wonder what the world will be like a year from now.  It seems that things are escalating in the world.   We are living in scary times.   Has it ever been so?  Some would say that it is, but I don't  really think so.

I am reading ...

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The Commoner by  John Burnham Schwartz
It is 1959 when Haruko, a young woman of good family, marries the Crown Prince of Japan, the heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne. She is the first non-aristocratic woman to enter the longest-running, almost hermetically sealed, and mysterious monarchy in the world. Met with cruelty and suspicion by the Empress and her minions, Haruko is controlled at every turn. The only interest the court has in her is her ability to produce an heir. After finally giving birth to a son, Haruko suffers a nervous breakdown and loses her voice. However, determined not to be crushed by the imperial bureaucrats, she perseveres. Thirty years later, now Empress herself, she plays a crucial role in persuading another young woman—a rising star in the foreign ministry—to accept the marriage proposal of her son, the Crown Prince. The consequences are tragic and dramatic.

Told in the voice of Haruko, meticulously researched and superbly imagined, The Commoner is the mesmerizing, moving, and surprising story of a brutally rarified and controlled existence at once hidden and exposed, and of a complex relationship between two isolated women who, despite being visible to all, are truly understood only by each other. With the unerring skill of a master storyteller, John Burnham Schwartz has written his finest novel yet.

This is the second time I am reading this book.  I found it completely mesmerizing the first time around and it is equally so the second time around.  I love reading about oriental culture.  I highly recommend this book if you are also interested in  oriental culture.

I am hoping ...
I called my eldest daughter on the phone last night.  Eileen.  She's put on quite a bit of weight since she got married and had her tubes tied.   She told me that her step mom had said to her yesterday that Tim would love her more if she lost weight.  I thought that was outrageous.  People don't love people because they are fat or they are thin.  They love people because they love people.   Tim was on the phone as well and he said it was crazy. He loves Eileen no matter what.  I am hoping that this wicked statement made by the SM doesn't erode my daughter's self confidence.  I thought it was a really ignorant thing to say.  While she may want my daughter to lose weight, and I do too . . .  this is not the way to go about encouraging her to do so.

Makes me smile ...

Have you ever heard a duckling snoring?   This is so cute!

I am learning ...
To think before I speak.   It is so tempting to say things sometimes when I shouldn't.  My tongue is about ready to fall off from biting it. lol

Around the house ...

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I love the idea of using old necklaces as curtain tie backs.   What a great idea!  From UKTV home.

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No source, but I love, love, LOVE this wall paper!  Isn't it beautiful?

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Again no source, but I love the zinc countertop and sink and the delft enamelware on the wall, along with the beadboard, and the crochet lace edged shelves etc.   This is a lovely look.

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Sigh . . . .  I adore Swiss Dot anything.   I used to have two dresses that I had made for myself when I was at school using Swiss Dot fabric, a pink one with white flocked dots and a navy one with red flocked dots.    

 I am pondering ...
We are having the Missionary Sisters for tea tonight.  I am pondering what to make for dessert!  Something scrumptious will show up!

A favourite quote for the day ...  

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"We can only be said to be alive
 in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."

~Thornton Wilder

May I live with a conscious heart!

One of my favourite things ...  

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Pearls.  I love pearl anything.  Love.  Love.  Love.
A peek into my day ...

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To be honest . . .  I'm a doodler. I doodle when I am on the phone, when I am watching the telly.  I doodle in church, etc.   I am a doodler.  All of my notebooks are adorned with doodles in the margins, etc. 

And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. Enjoy your day Marie. I wish I could doodle like that.

  2. Hope your day has been good as well Suzan! I am trying to figure out what to make for pudding tonight!

  3. Oh I am brim full of ideas, not. Do you have plenty of fruit? A pavlova is simple and always seems to please.

  4. I have done blackberry Pie squares! They are in the oven as I write this! xx

  5. Hi, Marie! LOTS of fun sweets here today. LOVE that vintage button wreath especially! Dotted Swiss... *swoon*... I have a piece of lilac/white Dotted Swiss that I have been unable to cut into. One of my few out right hoards... LOL! Your current reading sounds VERY good--must add that one to my list. And WONDERFUL doodles! I suppose something chocolate is out for dessert, since Todd will likely be partaking too? ;o) Happy week, dear friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. Marie ...I too had a dotted swiss dress and what I remember most about that navy blue dress is the smell of the fabric ...there is nothing like it! And I love anything that is dotted and mushrooms and hedgehogs!

  7. First of all.. to use love in association with weight..well..not right:(

    At all. the crochet work..the colors bright and that cute blue and white kitchen vignette..
    I know you like toadstools:)
    Are those your doodles?

  8. PS me too pearl anything..fake too.

  9. You are right Tracy, nothing chocolate for dessert. Have made a pumpkin cake as our girl doesn't like cooked fruit and some blackberry pie squares. I would hoard the swiss dot too! I would love to find some white. xxoo

    You are right Linda, the smell is fabulous! WE are very much alike in our loves!

    I know Monique, so wrong on so many levels. All I could do is tell her that Tim loves her for who she is, not how much she weights, but that the SM was probably trying to be helpful and to ust ignore it.

    And yes me too with the pearl anything! fake or real. xxoo

    PS - I have a strand of real pearls that I am afraid to wear in case I lose them!

  10. Sounds like you've been a busy girl with the baking this morning. When it's hot I don't turn my oven on at all and It's been a long time since I baked anything...Looking forward to some cooler days to do so. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday.

  11. Hi Maarie, A bit late today but coudn't get in this morning ! Hope your day turned out to be a lovely one sun all the way..Monring here was quite dull and chilly but by 11.20 sun was out and been nice and warm ever since...Wonder what pud. you did for tonight ?...I to like pearls and wear them occasionally...allthough I am not real a "beads" person...Laughed at the idea of you not wearing them in case they broke an dyou lost them....well for sure you wont lose them if you don't wear them !!!!

  12. So many fun things.... Sending you hugs. Have a great week.

  13. Pam, I did the blackberry squares and a pumpkin cake. It's only ever very rarely too hot to bake over here! Xx

    It was a gorgeous day here today Sybil! I also don't like to draw attention to my neck, so never wear necklaces anymore. Xx

    Thanks Lura! Sending hugs right back! Xx


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