
Monday 1 September 2014

Small and Wonderful Things

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.    

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Packages in the post.   Look at what arrived through our letter box!  The most beautiful socks you can ever imagine!  (Mine are the pink ones!)    Thank you so much to Lynn.  They are just gorgeous and they fit so well.   Todd and I were both so very touched that you would do this for us.  Truly.  The kindness of others is a very special thing.  You have blessed our lives with yours.  You really have.   My feet will not be cold this winter for sure!

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Going for walks with baby brother, mum and dad.   Isn't this just the cutest photo?  I know I am a bit biased.  Maryn looks so sweet to me with her little doll buggy and determined look on her face.  I am sure she must have been saying something because of the way Cameron is looking over at her.   Grandchildren . . .  they are the best rewards of old age.

I can't leave out my furry grand-babies either.  Baxter is enjoying a bit of warmth next to the fire on his weekend away at the cottage with Bruce and Sara.   I think this little grand-pooch of mine has so much spark and personality.   It just shows in every photograph I see of him.   How can you not totally adore that face?  It's impossible.   Totally impossible.

The  relief that comes from knowing that my parents are now both very well cared for.  My sister and Dan are doing a wonderful job in that area.   This is a photograph of just one of the meals my sister so lovingly cooks for all of them each day . . .  potatoes, chicken, some lovely vegetables, salad.  I know that when my mom and dad were each on their own, they did not feed themselves so well.   It is such a comfort to me to know that all of their needs are being met in a loving and caring way.  

She's even canning fruit for the winter for them all and making pickles and jams, plus she does their laundry, cleans the house amongst a bazillion other services she does for them.   The best thing of all is that neither one of them are on their own anymore.   There is always someone there for them to talk to and to reach out to.   I think the greatest problem with people getting old is loneliness.  My mom and dad will never be lonely again.    That is worth it's weight in gold.

Fresh baby twin great nephew and nieces.   They are about a month old now.  This is Casey and Frankie, Todd's nephew's new babies.   We are planning a trip down South to see them in person soon.  There is nothing like newborn baby cuddles to warm the heart.    It's not hard to tell which one is the boy and which the girl.  Look at the difference in size!  Amazing.  I love knowing that these two will always have a unique bond, a bond which began when they were being knit together in that special place.  What a wonderful thought!

Downton Abby Season Five  . . .  it's coming the end of September!  I can't wait.   It's time to crack open the Season Four DVD's and catch up so that we can slide right into Season Five.  I just love this show.  I think it is a toss up between this show and Call the Midwife, which is my favourite television program.  I don't think I could choose!

The fresh plums we are enjoying from our Plum tree at the moment.  Last year we did not get a one.  This year we have lots and they are beautiful.  Yesterday I had several of them for lunch after church with a couple slices of 36 month old Comte Cheese.   Such a treat!  Next it will be the pears!

And that's it for this week of my small and wonderful things.  I hope that your week has been filled with lots of lovely small and wonderful's too!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .  something nice to begin the week on.

* ░B░E░♥  ░H░A░P░P░Y░ *

"There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.”
 ~Margaret Elizabeth Sangster  ღ❤ღೋღ❤ღೋღ❤ღೋ

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Mrs. Patmore's stirring things up in The English Kitchen this morning  . . .

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Have a wonderful day.  I hope it's filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things!


  1. Morning Marie,,,dull one down here with rain on the horizon...hope it is better with you. Had difficulty getting the photographs to show up this morning could only see half of them...
    hopefully "see" them later...
    The twins did come up though, aint they cute !!
    sending love to you Todd and Mitzie have a lovely start to the month xxx

  2. Enjoy your day Marie. Love the twins and the nurse in me is bustling with questions. Love the socks too.

  3. What special blessings you have this week. They are all wonderful. It's very warm here but the days of socks to keep one's feet warm are not far off now. It's a holiday here as we celebrate Labor Day. I don't really labor much at all any more but still, I'm taking advantage of it and doing much of nothing today. I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

  4. A full rich post.
    I too am touched by the hand knit socks:) How dear..and Maryn and mommy and bro:)

    Will have to wait till Jan for DA..
    I agree how fortunate are your parents to have them? And you!

  5. Sybil, I had probs with the photos this morning too! Blogger must have Ben acting up. Love coming your way from all,of us as well! Xx

    Ask away Suzan! Xx

    I hope you have a lovely Labour Day too Pam! Xx

    Thanks Monique! I am indeed very blessed ! Xoxo

  6. Oh, great socks!

    How nice that your sister is taking such good care of your parents. I'm sure that makes you sleep easier at night knowing that.

    Baxter is a cutie patootie! What a great shot of him cozy in front of the fire on a cozy rug.

    Looks like your plum tree was gearing up for this year. They look delicious.

    Rats! We have to wait until January to watch the new season of Downton Abbey but it certainly is worth waiting for. :-)

    Last but certainly not least, I love little Casey and Frankie. Awww, blessings to them and their family and also to Great Uncle Todd! xoxo

  7. Awww Val, your comments always make me smile! Love you to pieces! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!