
Sunday 14 September 2014

Sunday morning randomness . . .

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We went into town yesterday and took a wander around Chester Cathedral.  I took tons of photographs but haven't had time to upload them yet!  I had not been in it since we moved down South some 12 years ago.  Nothing had changed much, except that it is now free to go in.   I was still amazed at all of the architecture, carvings, etc.   One thing was different however . . .

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This is the tomb, sarcophagus  or what every you want to call it  of Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, First Duke of Westminster . . .  the first time I saw it, it was just a nice piece of statuary of some rich man from way back when . . .

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Looking at it this time and knowing he was one of my ancestors suddenly made it a lot more interesting.  Funny how that goes.  I cannot see a family resemblence, but . . . it was kind of an uncanny feeling standing there looking at this and knowing that some of the DNA which ran through this man's body . . .  runs through mine.

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It came.  It came.  It came!  (Can you hear me singing as I jump up and down for joy???)   My new desk calendar for 2015.   I treat myself to a Mary Engelbreit desk calendar every year and the new one popped through my letterbox yesterday.

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Of course I had to check it out.    Lovely  . . .  each day has a little two word motto on it this year.   Be Helpful.  I like that!

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And I had to check out my birthday . . .  it's on a Thursday next year.   Be Kind.   Yes, I do sometimes read the last page in a book before I finish it.

I know . . .  I am a naughty girl, but hopefully in a nice way.

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So proud of my son's partner Sara running another race this weekend, the Maritime Race Weekend.   A 5km and a 10 km run.   Well done to Sara.   I never liked running.  I tried it a couple of times but it always felt like torture to me.   I admire anyone who can cope with it.   My youngest daughter Amanda and my DIL Anne also run.   I think they should do a marathon together.  I think it would be a pretty wonderful thing.   Family unity and all that.

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The leaves are beginning to change . . . summer is all but over,  but we still have days where we can do this  . . .

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Being able to walk out of here with four bags of groceries, only having spent £13.  Yes.  Only £13.  I had vouchers and I got another one in my e-mail yesterday.  So a voucher which gave me £10 off a £40 spend, and then another £20 in vouchers . . .  it felt good.  And I still have more vouchers left.  I am a lucky girl.  Plus Todd got a free newspaper and could have had a free coffee, if he drank coffee.

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And it feels so good crawling in between them at night . . .  smelling of an autumn afternoon . . .  crisp and clean . . .  and fresh.

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They give and they give and . . .  they give some more.   Wild roses.   They bloom from spring to autumn.   I think we need to put in some more.

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Watching dvd's of the first three seasons of this  . . .  in anticipation of the new season to come . . .  can't wait, although we will miss Jenny.

 Knowing there are only two weeks left until we get to watch this again  . . . yes!  Again, can't wait!

Waking up and finding out it's Sunday morning and I get to go to church, renew my covenants and begin a new week afresh.

And that's my weekend.  Hope yours was just as spectacular!

The world is full of vibrant color. 
 Don’t let it lose an ounce of its luster. 
Assume this day is going to be good, and it will. 
God made it so. ღϠ₡ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.
~Max Lucado  


Baking in The English Kitchen  . . .  a Fresh Blackberry Tart with a Spiked Creme Anglaise.   Delicious and seasonal!

Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.

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  1. Good Morning Marie,

    It has been a glorious say here. Hopefully the heat will stay away but so far it hasn't. It is Sunday afternoon and I sit in McDonald's studying while Pip rehearses.

    I am glad you have had a happy time yesterday because I am remote an don public internet most of the pics did not load. Did you know that places like Romania have better internet speeds than we do in Oz? Oh well.

    Enjoy the day and hug Mitzie for me.


  2. That's crazy Suzan! I wonder why that is? It's still quite overcast here, but I suspect it will burn off and we will have another fine day! Love you! xxoo

  3. It sounds as if you have a wonderful Sunday headed your way. It's very chilly here today and I'm almost wishing I had the heat on but am trying to put that off until October. We'll have a few warmer days yet to come but soon enough having the heat on will become the norm.

  4. It was a vewy rainy Sat a lot done..
    Your food shop looks so cute..One of daughters is a runner too..
    I have never favored it either.
    I admire her though.
    It's become cold here..i the 40's when we get up..Lucky you for CTM and DA!

  5. It was quite chilly here this morning Pam, now it has warmed up a bit. It's not raining and any day it isn't raining is a bonus! xxoo

    I love that food shop Monique. It's a mini shop, but they are building a much larger one out of town and so they will be closing the mini one. :-( I will miss it! xxoo

  6. Forgot to say thanks so much for the Day to Day ME reminder.
    I just ordered it..last year also you were the reminder.
    One yr..out of soooo many..I did not have one..the year didn't feel the same.
    I love that calendar.

  7. What a quaint and lovely store to shop at, Marie. quite unlike the humungus grocery stores in North America which sell everything. and the kitchen sink.

  8. Your recipe looks delicious; of course all of your look good. I have loved your recipes.
    The picture of Chester's Cathedral is beautiful. I can imagine the feeling of knowing that your DNA comes from this famous person. I love family history for that one.
    I too admire those that run; but I am not a runner. In my younger years I did run a bit; but I actually think people sometimes look like they are in pain running. It takes such disciple.
    Your Calendar looks like a sweet one.
    Fresh sheets off a clothes line; what a gift. I remember feeling that way. It's simple so much better than a dryer.
    Hope you are having a sweet Sabbath day; we are.
    Love, hugs and blessings for you!

  9. You are so right Monique, it would not be the same without ME on my desk cheering up my days! Glad I was able to remind you too!

    Anna, that qaintness is what makes Chester City Centre unique. All of the buildings are like this. Very Tudor in styling. I love these mini shops. I will certainly miss this one when it closes. I love their big shops too, but this little mini one is special. xxoo

    Thanks always for your lovely comments LeAnn! WE had a great day yesterday. Todd was one of the speakers at church. As usual he did an excellent job. xxoo


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