
Monday 15 September 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 

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Chicken Pot Pies made from scratch by my son Doug!  Good job Doug!  All of my boys love to cook and are good at it.  I cannot take full credit for that.  Their father loves to cook as well, plus their grandfather Ramsay was a cook in the army.  My ex used to make the best bread in the world.  He probably still does.   He made great spaghetti sauce too and loved cooking turkeys.  I am not surprised that my boys love to cook, and I am not surprised that they are good at it.

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My heart has been aching for weeks now about the things which are happening in the world.  It really pains me to think of all of the atrocities which are being perpetrated and in the name of religion.  I have always believed that God is love.  I cannot fathom a God who isn't love.  That God is alien to me.  But this is nothing new.   People have been committing atrocities against each other in the name of God for thousands of years.  Oh how He must weep.  My faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is strengthened by  knowing and feeling of His love.  He inspires me to want to be more like Him.  His example and teachings are the ones I follow.   I can't help but believe that if everyone in the world did, it would be a far better place.   There is such a thing as righteous anger, but what I see happening is not that.   There is nothing righteous or Godly about any of it.  God does not invite us to worship Him through fear . . .  He invites us to worship Him because we choose on our own to do so . . .  and because He is love and He is good and He wants the very best for us and for us to be the very best that we can be.

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I am in love.  They taste like roast chicken, but with the spicy sweetness of a great curry added.  I hope they become a permanent member of the Walkers Crisp family.   (They call potato chips crisps over here!  I love it!)

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Were there crochet covered hangers hanging in your closet when you were growing up?   I love them.  I found this and I am going to make some.   I especially love the little granny square ones.   Now all I have to do is find a pattern to make them.

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Sorry for shouting but I just can't contain my enthusiasm and excitment.   Only six more days and we, here in the UK have a date with Downton, Season five!  I can't wait!  Don't worry I will not spoil it for any of you in North America.  I will contain myself, or at least warn you ahead of time if I can't!

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While I am counting the days . . . I can't help but remind you . . .  there is only one hundred days left until Christmas.   They will go pretty fast.  I have all of the grandchildren's pressies wrapped.  Just have to box them up now and pop them into the post.   Sea mail.  They should arrive on time.  I hope.

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And while I am counting days . . .  there are only 12 days left until the General Women's Meeting of our church.   I am excited about this.   I always love to hear what our church leaders have to share with the women of the church.  It's always really special and inspiring.

And while I am at it . . .  this is only a few days later . . .

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I can't wait.   I love to listen to what the leaders of our church choose to share with us.   I listen to these talks over and over again and I always take something wonderful from them.  Their words help me to be a better me.

And I guess those are my small and wonderful things for this week.  I hope you have had some small and wonderful things in your lives as well.   Remember, it isn't the big things in life which matter the most . . . it's the small and simple things.


It's all about cupcakes today in The English Kitchen . . .  in honor of National Cupcake Week! 

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Have a wonderful day.  I hope it's filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things!


  1. I think it is so lovely when your children follow you in being good cooks...It is sad I think today that there are so very few Mum's or Dad's who take time to let their wee ones cook and bake cakes with them. Peter was saying he was so happy the other day at work whilst he was working away he could hear in the background the Mum teaching her wee one... who could only have been about 3 he thinks... to bake a cake...stirring and weighing etc How rare that happens, Actually he was saying it is the first time he had seen/heard it usually they are sat around the TV all day long...
    I don't think I will join you in teh crisp's eating flavour of chicken is ok but the curry.... yuck !!!
    Hope you get some sunshine today. It was out earlier ut has gone cloudy again...fingers crossed it warms up soon.
    Sad about poor Lura isn't it. I was so praying all would have been better....
    HAve a lovely day xxx

  2. I love your upbeat enthusiasm Marie. I need to find a bucket loaf for uni. Enjoy your day.

  3. My boys also cook with their sons Sybil. It's a special thing I think! I was really distraught to hear about Lura's clots. I, too, was hoping it would be much better news. Praying for a miracle there. She certainly deserves one. xx

    Thanks Suzan! I try to share my enthusiasm! I hope you can find some for your course! xxoo

  4. Love the pies!!

    And yay for the gifts being wrapped :)
    Have a beautiful day Marie!

  5. I always look forward to reading these. I love the things you come up with. I love pot pies; but haven't made one for a very long time. They look so yummy. My hubby likes to cook and all our sons are good cooks too. In fact when they were on their missions their companions let them cook and they would do the clean up.
    I almost hate to listen to the news any more. I really want the Savior to come. I hope it isn't too far away.
    I love those crochet covered hangers; I still use some and they are getting old.
    Oh gosh, 100 days until Christmas; I think I need to get hopping.
    I too can hardly wait for the women's meeting and General Conference; it is time to fill my cup.
    Love and hugs and blessings to for the sweet reminders of coming events.

  6. He said he had some problems with the pastry Monique. He used his MIL's, which was probably a good recipe, but he says he over-worked it, rolling it and re-rolling it for the small pies. I told him next time maybe he should divide the pastry up in to smaller bits before rolling it out. He was rolling out enough pastry for six pies each time, bless his heart. lol xxoo

    Thanks LeAnn! It never hurts to be reminded does it? I can't wait to have my cup filled as well! xxoo


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