
Friday 26 September 2014

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!   

I can't believe that this is my last Friday Finds of September already!  This month has just flown by!  


 This is such a brilliant idea!  I love it.   Embroidered family photos!  There is a complete tutorial on The Glamorous Housewife

I love the idea of having a journaling set of scriptures.  I found this on Shannah Noel.   Now that's a project I could really sink my teeth and heart into. I wonder if a person could find a set of LDS Scriptures suitable for this? 

 OOdles of free French Image Transfers.  I love French Images.  Found this on  These would come in really handy!



 From Dragon's Kitchen, but originally from Betty Crocker.   Witches Broomstick Cookies for Halloween.  I think I am going to try this!  They are so cute!


Ten items to always have in your food storage.   This is handy.   With the way the weather is today and the way things are going, food storage is a good thing.   I found this on Survival Based



Printable Family Emergency Home Evacuation Plans.   God willing you never need it, but being prepared only makes sense.   From Thirty Handmade Days

 Although this is American there is a lot on this page that would apply everywhere.   A complete guide to sales cycles in grocery stores each month of the year.  Very handy to keep in mind, and to know when to stock up on certain things.  From Your Own Home Store

The Essential Car Kit for any Winter emergencies.  You should never go out and about in your car in the Winter without being prepared for any eventuality.  Found on Martha Stewart.   You just have to love Martha! 

Every hair tip you could ever imagine needing.  Found on All Women Stalk.  From hair care, to how'to's,  to styling.  It's all there. 

 Four daily routines for keeping your house clean.   I love organizational tips.  I am a person that needs lists and routine.  Found this on The Inspired Room.  I am a person that gets side tracked really easily.  I can start off cleaning out a closet and end up doing something else entirely because I get distracted along the way!  Not sure what that says about me! 

And that's my Friday Finds for this week.  I hope you found something here that you can use yourself! 

A thought to carry through the day . . .


"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
~Robert Collier  ✻ღϠ₡ღ✻´´¯`  ✻ღϠ₡ღ✻    

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Flaky Goats Cheese and Chive Biscuits.  Deliciously easy!

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Have a wonderful Friday!!


  1. Hi, Marie! Yes, where did Setpember go--we welcome October next week already! So many goodies today--always always! LOVE the French transfers! Those broomstick cookies are adorable. (Gimme anything with pretzels... or chocolate ;o) With my hair growing longer, I could use some styling tips. Those goat cheese biscuits are calling my name--YUM! Thank you, my friend for all the Friday fun... And just so good to catch up with you. Friday seems to be my catch up day lately... LOL! Happy Weekend to you all there ((LOTS o' LOVE & HUGS))

  2. Tracy, always happy to see a comment from you! You are such a dear friend. I am glad you found some things which are helpful! Love you! xxoo

  3. Thank you for bringing me a little joy I have that Bible and it has pencilled stuff everywhere. But this ladies work is inspiring.

    Sad day as one of our sick ones went home this morning. I feel for his children as they are young adults. He really loved his family.

    God bless.

  4. PS send me some yummy food. I am hungry and I have been pretty good at not buying the bad stuff. I'd love a piece of cake.

  5. Marie you always have the best links. I just love all of these today. Thank you so much for sharing all the great Finds every week. I always look forward to reading them.

  6. Always fun to see your Friday Finds Marie..have a great weekend!

  7. Those cheese and chive biscuits do look wonderful. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

  8. I loved your Friday Finds. Of course, I just love your blog. Thanks for all of the link; especially the preparedness ones. You always come up with great items of interests.
    Blessings and hugs for you dear friend.

  9. Sorry to hear about your friend Suzan. (((hugs)))

    Thanks Brenda. I Love finding this stuff and sharing it.

    Thank you Monique!

    Thanks Pam, you too!

    Thanks LeAnn! Same to you!

    Sorry for the short responses, but my internet connection is tenuous at best and I am fearful I may be kicked off any minute! Yes, problems with our phone line again!

  10. Hello dear Marie,
    Thank you for your love and support. I am feeling overwhelmed. The flood mess is really wearing me down. Your caring support means a lot to me.

    Tell me about your blood clot. When did you get it? Does your arm hurt like mine? Did you ask your Dr. about taking Warfarin or another blood thinner? I'm concerned about you my dear friend. I'm sending hugs.

  11. It does hurt Lura, that is how I noticed it. I have had it for a couple of months now. It's on the inside of my left arm at the edge of the elbow area and extends about two inches below and an inch above. The Doctor I saw called it a superficial thrombosis. She was not concerned and couldn't wait to push me out of her office. She said just to come back if it got red or hot. I am going to seek another opinion. xxoo

  12. Hi, Marie. I have not checked in in a while, so I was delighted to read your latest Friday Finds post. I am so sorry to hear about your arm. Yes, indeed,a second opinion is warranted. I hope you find a physician who is interested in you and allaying your fears, rather than so many who just push you through on the conveyor belt.
    I agree with you about being distract able when trying to clean. I guess that's why my house, while not really dirty, is quite cluttery.
    Also, I pinned your recipe for the goat cheese biscuits. They look delicious. I have been dieting, but a treat, once in a while, is a good thing.
    Finally, how much is 5 pounds in US currency? I am giving some consideration to purchasing your tea party cookbooklet.

  13. Hi Mrs Stanley! Nice to see a comment from you! You made my day. I have some very cluttered areas iin the house as well. It drives me bonkers, but I have no place to put things. I guess I have to just get rid. I think you'll like the biscuits. They're gorgeous! Oh and £5 is $8.1 according to Google currency convertor! Thanks so much! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!