
Thursday 25 September 2014

Five Things about Me . . .

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I found this "selfie" taken of myself several summers ago when we were in Austria and just could not resist sharing it with you.   Not my most flattering picture I agree!  Yep . . .  you know it . . .  as if you don't already know almost all there is to know about me, it's time for another Five More Things About Me Post!

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I love to travel and visit foreign countries.    I love meeting new people and seeing new things, and learning about these places first hand.  But what I love most about travelling to foreign countries is getting to taste ane experience foreign food.   This was a plate of Bratwurst and Sauerkraut hat I enjoyed on that same trip to Austria . . . it was simple food and not anything that I couldn't do myself here at home, but  . . .  it was the best Bratwurst and Sauerkraut I have ever eaten.  I also like to visit grocery stores in these countries.   It drives Todd up the wall . . .  he doesn't understand why anyone would want to enter a grocery store when they were on a holiday.  That is his idea of Holiday Hell.  Men!!

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I am able to laugh at myself.   This is a photo I took using that photo warping program on the ipad.   Oh, I do have great fun with that from time to time.  I love a good laugh.   Don't you?

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It's a family thing.     (That's Jon in the background and my son Doug in the main.)  I love a family that knows how to laugh together.  Laughter and love, two of the glues that help a family to stick together.

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I love the Winter, Spring and Summer, but I ADORE Autumn!  You get nice sunny days often, which are not too hot and not too cold.   You have the cooler nights which are great for sleeping and mornings where everything is covered in that lovely autumnal dew.   The flowers are dying yes, but the colours of the foliage are magnificent as they creep along every leaf and ivy covered garden wall  . . . there is the smell of woodsmoke and ripe apples in the air and the sound of dry leaf skittering across the pavement.   The birds come alive again as they flit about looking for something to eat, and each day the sun shines is even more of a gift as we know winter will soon be upon us.  It is the time of harvest and of thanks-giving for all that we have been blessed with throughout the year.

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I love dolls.  I always have.   I did not have many when I was a child.   I had a baby doll that my grandmother had bought me.   I had a little Miss Eaton Doll that Santa had brought me.   I had a Barbie that I had saved up for and bought myself.  I had the fashion doll that my Aunt Freda had gifted me with.  That sounds like a lot doesn't it.   I hadn't realized it was so many.  My second cousin Martha's father worked for the Goodyear Tire company and he travelled around the world, bringing her a doll back from everywhere he had been.  I can remember going to their home and in her bedroom she had a whole wall filled with dolls.  I was green with envy and longing.   I especially love unusual quirkly character dolls.   I find them fascinating.  I also love figurines.

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I believe in fairy princesses and fairy tales and happily ever afters.  I have a very whimsical mind and vivid imagination.   I always have done.  I channel it through my writing and my painting and have written several children's stories which I have also illustrated.  I have never yet had enough courage to send them to publishers.   I don't want my heart broken I guess.   I prefer to think that it is some kind of talent I have rather than to have my hopes dashed and my inspiration squashed by an editor sitting behind a desk.  It doesn't really matter to me if the world never gets to read my whimses for my joy doesn't come with that, it comes with the joy I get in the creation of the stories and the pictures.  That is truly enough for me, although . . . having said that I cannot lie and say I would not be thrilled did anyone ever want to publish one.

It is a conundrum.

And there you have it.   Five more things about me.  I hope I haven't bored you too much!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

....๑ ƸӜƷ ๑♥๑ ƸӜƷ ๑♥๑ ƸӜƷ ๑....

"The world is changed by your example,
not by your opinion."
~Paul Coelho

....๑ ƸӜƷ ๑♥๑ ƸӜƷ ๑♥๑ ƸӜƷ ๑....

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Cooking in the kitchen today with the last of the blackberries for the year . . . Blackberry and Clotted Cream Shortcakes.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

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  1. Morning Marie. I love autumn too. The relief from a long hot summer is in the air.

    I have a few dolls. I still have my baby doll. Last year i bought myself three Adora dolls on sale. Two of them really looked like Will and Pip. So the third is to be Beth but she is all wrong. my Beth has paler hair and grey/blue eyes.

  2. I wasn't able to see the images Suzan, sorry about that! I love Adora dolls! xxoo

  3. Oh Marie, you are a true sister of the heart. I love to go in grocery stores when we visit new places and see all the different kinds of groceries! I guess it comes from loving to cook. My husband has learned to accept it and actually seems to enjoy it too.

  4. I do love sauerkraut bratwurst too. I've never traveled like you have to other countries but do enjoy the food. I had to laugh at the warped pictures. That would be a fun thing to do. Hope you have a happy Thursday !

  5. I like grocery stores too..unique different ones:)

    That doll is so charming!

  6. Dee, I think you are right, it is a cook thing!

    Pam, it is so much fun doing the warped picture thing together as a family. When I was home last year we had a great time with it and a lot of laughs! You have a happy Thursday too!

    I think that doll is very charming Monique, and probably far more expensive than either of our budgets could run to! xxoo

  7. One thing I love about you Marie is your smile and I liked the selfie for that.
    I too love autumn. I think it is my number 2 best season. I just love Christmas time so it winds out.
    The pictures of the children were unique to say the least. I love it when as a family you enjoy together a good laugh.
    I so think you should send your children's story to an editor. I can't imagine you not getting an OK on a book. I love your paintings and writings. I hope you will do it.
    I too love dolls and I have a fair amount of them. At some point they will be given to my grandchildren.
    Blessings, love and hugs dear friend!

  8. LeAnn, you are too kind. I am far too used to rejection now I think! Or maybe I am not so used to it? I don't know. I'm afraid of it! lol xxoo


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