
Friday 19 September 2014

Friday Finds

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   A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!  

 An ironing board cover which has instructions and guidelines printed on it to help you iron shirts in the best way possible!  Why didn't I think of that???  Oh yes . . .  probably because Todd does the ironing! tee hee   From Mod Cloth.

Make Glassware Shine With Vinegar: A simple dish rag or towel with a few tablespoons of white vinegar on it is all you need to clean things up. It will evaporate and leave you without any taste, but if you're still worried you can fill a shallow pan or plastic dish tub with hot water and add 2 cups of vinegar to it. Give things a soak, shake off excess water and let sit to dry.  For this and a whole lot more check out Apartment Therapy!

Ten surprisingly filthy things you never thought about cleaning.   A serious eye opener here about the things in your home which harbour germs and bacteria and which we never think about cleaning.   Actually I regularly clean the remotes and the telephone, but you will be surprised to find out what else needs cleaning.   From Life As Mama.

Aren't these adorable?   I know!  Unicorn ear buds for your listening pleasure.   Cute, cute, cute!  What a great stocking stuffer these would be!  Found on Think Geek.

They also sell these . . .  so all of your chargers are on one handy usb cable.  Neato!

 A cute do it yourself purse organizer for bobby pins, earrings, hair ties, etc. to keep in your purse so that these things don't get lost in the abys which is a woman's handbag!  Found on I heart Organizing.   Brilliant page!

How to grow your own gingerroot!  It looks easy enough!  Found on Dream State.

Homemade Almond Paste.  I use so much of this stuff, especially around the holidays!  It is incredibly easy to make yourself.  Found on The Golden Pear.

How to make yourself heart shaped mini cake tins using tin cans and a bit of ingenuity!  Just brilliant.  Found on The Kitchen Paper.  I would have never thought of this on my own.  Absolutely fabulous!  People are just so smart!

 No source, but what these people have done is take a picture of themselves in each state on the map they have visited and cut it out as the shape of the state and applied it.  What a brilliant idea!  I would love to do this for all the counties of England, and of course Scotland and Wales.  What a unique travelogue!

Free Printable Christmas Tickets.   Handy for gift wrapping, card making, etc.   Found on U Printables!  I just love free printables, don't you?

And that's it for this week!  I hope you saw something which you will find useful here too!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .


Friendship is a promise spoken by the heart. 
It is not given by any pledge nor written on any paper. 
It is a promise renewed every time we keep in touch. 

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Glazed Meat Loaf Burgers

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Have a wonderful Friday!!


  1. Thanks again Marie for a lovely start to the day !....What a night we have had we had the biggest storm I have EVER heard seen in all my almost 70 years !!It started arund 8,30 and didnt stop till around 2.30. TV off at 8,45 then radio at 1,30am. also all the electrics went of. I got the dark!at 5.45 got the torch to see what time it was !! stayed up and managed to find my wee radio...Just hearing on Tv (which is now back on) that a train was caught just outside Box at 1am in flood peole had to be rescused from teh train.. I wondered why there had been no train nooise this mrong ,,,poor folks must have been awful for them....I am thankful to Peter who I called at 7am to see if he had electric...he he came along and had to reset the trip switch outside for now all is well. Mary has just arroved...better go and make the toast !! Have a good day hope you are storm free...

  2. Good morning Marie,

    Once again I have loved what you have shown us. I think you could use a very big old tin to make your shapes. It is a great idea.

    I love the tickets too.

    Christmas is creeping up on me. I think I want to declare an Amish Christmas and include the cold.

    God bless you and keep you my friends.

  3. Sounds a horrendous night Sybil! We had a fairly quiet one, but I still didn't sleep. No rain yet, but I have my fingers crossed. It looks like it is looming! Have a fab Friday! xx

    I think you're right Suzan, a larger can would work well also! I like the idea of an Amish Christmas! God bless you too!xx

  4. Hi, Marie! LOVELY to catch up with you here and read your posts this week. :O) LOVE those unicorn earbuds! Where were those when I was 12?? The grown your own ginger fascinates! Love the photos map idea! So many good here today--as always. Wishing you, Todd and Mitzie a lovely weekend now. A busy one here, as we're having TJ's parents over for dinner--lamb stew and apple dessert-good autumn food, but easy. ;o) Happy Days ((LOVE & HUGS))

  5. That sounds delicious Tracy! You are so blessed to be able to have TJ's family over like you do! I do enjoy doing these Friday Finds posts! Love you! Have a great time with TJ's family and a lovely weekend! xxoo

  6. I've been away this week visiting one of my sons and his family and haven't been on the internet much but wanted to wish you a fantastic Friday!

  7. Fabulous Friday Fun Finds for friends:)

  8. Thanks Pam! I was missing you. I was about to put out a search party! Glad you are alright and were just having a nice week away! xx

    Thanks Monique! xxxxxx

  9. Fun finds! I always learn something new! Thanks! :-D xoxo

  10. You're welcome Valerie! I have missed you. (((hugs))) Hope that you are feeling better. xxoo


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