
Thursday 18 September 2014

Five Things About Me . . .

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This is a photograph of me pushing my sister around in my doll pram.   She fell asleep in it and I have books piled on top of her.   I think I must have been around six years old in this.   As you can see I have my priorities right.   Family and books/knowledge.  I think I can probably even tell you which books those are by looking at this photo . . .  the top one is my mother's old home economics text book from when she went to high school.  I about wore that one out and the bottom one is a volume from our encyclopedia from the geography series.

Yep . . . it's another five things about me post!

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I like ketchup but only on certain things.  I cannot stand it on anything in a bun, such as a hotdog or a hamburger.   Take them out of the bun and I will quite happily eat them with ketchup.  I think it's a bread/ketchup thing.  I am also very particular about my ketchup.   I like Heinz.  I don't like any other kind.   They are just not the same imho.  I am pretty sure if you lined up a bunch of ketchup samplings I could tell you which one was Heinz without looking and just by tasting.   To me there are no other kinds.

I save all of my paper scraps and I use them.   This is a paper scrap I had from where I trimmed a water colour off.  I turned it into a bookmark that I keep in my journal.   Now you can print it off and have one too.  I have fun scribbling and making use of every bit I have.   I use up leftovers . . .  be they paper or potatoes!

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I don't drink tea, but I love tea pots.  If I had the space I would collect them.   I don't have the space though, and really at this time in my life I don't think it would be worth collecting them.   They are just dust collections . . . things like this.  That fact doesn't stop me from admiring them however . . .  and I collect them on Pinterest, which takes up no room in my house and costs me nothing but my time.   They also don't need dusting.   It's win/win all around!

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I have a thing for pin cushions.  I truly love them.  Any size or colour, or shape, or fabric, or whatever.   I just love pin cushions.  I like making them.  I like using them.   They are sitting all around my craft room.

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This is my most favourite of them all.

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I am afraid of heights.   Whenever I am up high I feel like I am going to fall . . .  or have the urge to jump.   I don't know why but it scares me.  I don't think I would really ever jump, but I feel like I want to.   I first noticed this when I was in high school.   There was a kind of a balcony near the new gym in our school.  Whenever I was on it, I felt like jumping.  I don't know if this is a common thing, or if I am wierd.   I would never jump . . .  I just feel like it . . .  I stay away from high places and edges if I can.  I don't like feeling like that.  On the other end of the scale . . .  I don't like being underground.   I can remember being taken to an old mine once with a group of people.  I was the only one who could not face going down into it.   I started to but had to get off the elevator because I was feeling all panicked.  I feel all claustrophobic. That is why I want to be cremated and thrown to the wind . . .  so I can soar and fly.

And I think that's five!  I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me.  I enjoy this exercise each week because I think it's healthy to think about your strengths and weaknesses and everything in between!

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Did any of you watch the first of the three part series on Cilla Black this week?   What did you think of it?   I quite enjoyed it actually.   I had never really heard of her before I came over her to the UK.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .


What is spiritual strength? 
It's knowing you don't have to compromise 
yourself in any way, with anyone, 
over anything in order to be content, 
confident, and secure in life. 
~Guy Finley 
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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cauliflower Cheese Pie.

Have a fabulous Thursday! 

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  1. I love how you think up all the new things about you...Thank you.
    I won't be making the pie for sure. a bit like you with tomato sauce i just can't ea the combination of couliflour and cheese...each seperate are ok. but put them both together,,,and i just feel sick.....strange is'nt it

  2. Marie I can handle some heights...Just don't ask me to be on an edge and look down.

    I have always loved dolls. My children think it weird that I bought a doll that sort of looked like each of them as a toddler. Pip took one to the play they are doing and they all teased me. However I think others have cuddled that doll more than I.

  3. Thanks Sybil! WE all have our likes and dislikes for sure! I love cauliflower cheese and broccoli cheese. All the more for me! lol xxoo

    I have always loved dolls too Suzan! I never had very many when I was a child but the ones I did have were well loved up! xxoo

  4. The pic w/ the books and carriage..So cute and funny:)

    I don't like ketchup on a hot dog either..
    And heights never bothered me now they sure do.
    Always a fun read.
    That show looks fun..I wonder if Netflix here would have it..

  5. Thanks Monique. Its simply called Cilla. It's still airing over here, they have only shown the first part. There are three. I expect it will be available on Netflix after it's done airing over here!

  6. Marie, always fun when you share about yourself. Love the cute bookmark, and it's so appropriate for the coming season...thanks! The cauliflower cheese pie looks tasty; I assume it is a side dish rather than an entree?

    Sharon in Alabama

  7. That height thing is another thing we have in common. I was always so daring when I was younger but after my son was born, my perspective changed. A visit to the CN Tower was excruciating, especially when my son danced with glee over the glass block floor. I love that you have a virtual teapot collection with all the virtues and none of the cons. And if you move, you won't have to wrap and pack them all.

  8. I love the Fall book marker you made. Thanks for sharing that. The picture of you and your sleeping sister is so cute. Haa, you put books on her. Is that a little stuffed toy on the right side of the couch? Ya know what Marie? I am not kidding...I am afraid of heights and I have the feeling OF JUMPING too! OMGoodness! Imagine us together standing near an edge? LOL!!! As I get older, it's even worse when I stand near a cliff or high place. I always stand way back right away.
    I love your teacup pin cushion. I can see why it's a favorite.
    How did the appt. go? Thinking of you! Love and hugs! xoxo

  9. Glad you like the bookmark Sharon! We had the cauliflower cheese as a main vegetarian type of course, but it certainly could be a side and feed more! It's tasty no matter which way you look at it! xx

    Oh Colleen, I oculd never go out on a glass floor! Yikes! My palms are sweating just thinking about it! xx

    VAlerie I am not so surprised to learn your once again another similarity in our pschye! When we get together we must make a pact to not visit any cliffs or look-offs! LOL I am completely healthy in every way, except of course I need to lose weight and I need to seek a second opinion on my thrombosis! xx


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