
Tuesday 19 August 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY, August 19th, 2014

Outside my window ...
I am late getting started this morning. It is fully light already.  I had a bit of a lay in this morning.   It's cold out there!  Autumn seems to be in a bit of a hurry to arrive!

I am thinking ...
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Moomintroll closed his eyes and surmised, "How different we all are, really."
I love that we are not all the same.  I like to celebrate our differences and enjoy the variety that makes up human-kind!  It would be so boring were we all exactly the same!

I am thankful ...
Iam so very thankful for two sons that are always there for me.  I don't know what I did to deserve them, but it must have been something very good!

In the kitchen ...

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In the kitchen today there are some very delicious Nutella Cookies.  Only three ingredients and a six to eight minute baking time.  What could be better than that!  Incredibly moreish!

On my "To Cook" list ...

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This Chocolate Ravioli from BHG looks awfully good don't you think?  Well at least for a start.  I think I could run with this idea.   Watch this space!

I am creating ...

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I am inspired by these hand embroidered, crochet edged tea towels from Vintage Grey. I have a whole box filled with embroidery transfers, some very old ones as well.  I may do myself a few of these.

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I love the simplicity of this granny row blanket that I found on Ravelry.   I love the colours and it is something that you could just sit and crochet without thinking about it.  What do you think?  So simple.

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It's never too early to start on simple Christmas projects.  I love this little mug cosy that looks like a Santa Suit!   From Yarnspirations.   What a great gift this would be for friends. Just buy some nice mugs, crochet up some of these.   Fill each mug with a baggie of your own homemade hot chocolate mix.  I can't think of anyone that wouldn't love getting one, can you?

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No source but I love this sewing kit in an altoids tin.   I think it would be very easy to make.  I love that it seems to hold a little bit of everything!  Pretty and colourful too.

I am going ...
Our dog grooming appointment for Mitzie for today got cancelled and rebooked for Friday.  There is a BBQ at the chapel this weekend which we will be going to.  A bit of grocery shopping and a bit of this and that and that is my week sorted!

I am wondering ...  
I had real problems with my food blog at the weekend.   Someone had attached something nasty to it.  I don't know how or what, but it took hours and hours to get rid of.  I am wondering at the  motivation and spirit of someone who would do something like that???   I don't think I will ever understand what they get out of it.

I am reading ...

Tapestry of Fortunes, by Elizabeth Berg
In this book four very different women delve into their pasts in order to share their futures, fates and fortunes.

Cecilia Ross is a motivational speaker who encourages others to change their lives for the better. Why can’t she take her own advice? Still reeling from the death of her best friend, and freshly aware of the need to live more fully now, Cece realizes that she has to make a move—all the portentous signs seem to point in that direction. She downsizes her life, sells her suburban Minnesota home and lets go of many of her possessions. She moves into a beautiful old house in Saint Paul, complete with a garden, chef’s kitchen, and three housemates: Lise, the home’s owner and a divorced mother at odds with her twenty-year-old daughter; Joni, a top-notch sous chef at a first-rate restaurant with a grade A jerk of a boss; and Renie, the youngest and most mercurial of the group, who is trying to rectify a teenage mistake. These women embark on a journey together in an attempt to connect with parts of themselves long denied. For Cece, that means finding Dennis Halsinger. Despite being “the one who got away,” Dennis has never been far from Cece’s thoughts.

Still on this.

I am hoping ...
The sun just peeked out from the clouds.  I am hoping that it decides to stick around for the day!

Makes me smile ...

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Found on Pinterest, no source . . .  but aren't you now smiling too?   It's so cute!  I just love nature!  How can people think animals have no souls?   They positively do!

I am learning ...
To love myself and embrace all of my curves, angles, aches, pains, wrinkles, grey hairs, etc.  This is me.  I am not going to let any fear of what others might think of me stop me from enjoying what life I have left to enjoy.

Around the house ...

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Wouldn't it be lovely to have a table just like this by a fireplace, a real fireplace?   It looks so cosy and inviting don't you think?

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A rocking chair on the porch just says come on over don't you think?   I would love to have a rocking chair.  I would love to have a porch!

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I adore these vintage fabric covered lamp shades I found on Indulgy.   We don't have a table lamp in our lounge.  Perhaps we need to get one.   Hmmm....

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I love the idea of using an old tin for a plant pot in the house.  I think it's perfectly lovely.

 I am pondering ...
Last night we watched the film "Heaven is for Real." It is about a little boy who has a near death experience and his family.  His father is a pastor.  It was really a very good film, but I found myself wondering how someone can be a Paster and not know in his heart that Heaven is a real place?  Thankfully by the end of the movie I think his questions were answered.   If you have the chance to see it you should.  It's very good.

A favourite quote for the day ...  

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(¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿“The true way to live
is to enjoy every moment as it passes,
and surely it is in the everyday things around us
that the beauty of life lies.”
~Laura Ingalls Wilder

One of my favourite things ...  

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I just adore brooches.   I only have a few, but I would love to collect more.  I am not a person who feels comfortable with something around my neck or wrist, but I do love a pretty brooch on my sweater or dress.  It may be a bit old fashioned, I don't know, but I just love them, and the sparklier the better! 

A peek into my day ...

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No surprise here, but a great deal of any day will find me doing a bit of this.   Cookery of some sort.  It's my bliss.  

And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. Good morning Marie. I have heard that is has cooled down quite a lot over the lat fews days. I sit here in the evening with my computer on my lap. Miss Nimbus sits on my bed too. Her eye is swollen and the medicine she has is making her look very sad indeed. Today has been a better day than the windy old time we had yesterday. Hopefully winter will blow itself away but spring will linger.

    I love the tin and right now I am longing for some comfort and pretties and once again the Marie Magic brightens my day.

    Lots of love to you my friend.

  2. Thank you as always for a lovely start to the day MArie. It is awful when some people feel they have to wreck your hard work..and also wonder what they get out of it....Lovely sunny morning hear although a cold start was only 9deg. out there this morning but hopefully it will warm up a bit. I am looking forward to a nice long "trundle" this morning with Lyn and Masy. we were going to go near Stonehenge for a country walk but decided to stay nearer home as MAsy is not ood in teh care she gets so sick but maybe if we just kee local she will be it is a walk along the canal for us....Have a lovely day...

  3. We've had some cool nights here and that's very unusual this time of year but the rest of the month they say will by much warmer and maybe even above normal. Our weather has been up and down all summer. It makes it very hard to adjust to the hot weather when it does come. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Coolish here too..Happy your sons are such treasures!
    You deserve mommy love.
    Lots of cute things here but not what the person did to your blog:(
    No clue clue..but then again..
    So the movie..I will Google..I think I saw it..not sure..

  5. I just love your Blog and you are one amazing lady and so talented!

    And beautiful inside and out...

  6. Marie, I am still smiling at the little mousie's joy in the flowers. I would love to pet his little head. Also just looked at a mama cat snuggle a kitten during a dream. So much live and joy if we look for it. The cold weather socks are complete so if you can email me your address, I will try to get them in the mail shortly. My email address is I am keeping my fingers crossed that they fit you both. Lynn

  7. I'm happy that the virus on your food blog is resolved. Man!

    I still haven't seen 'Heaven is for Real." Need to put that on my "To do" list. Glad you liked it. And also Grease. Heee! I still have the LP of the soundtrack from way back then. It's in the garage somewhere with other oldies.

    Yes, love the little critter on the flower. See my smile? :-D When Kyle was young he had 2 rats. They were the sweetest things. Clean too! Adam had Gerbils.

    Enjoyed your post and e-mail too.
    Will write you soon. Have fun at the BBQ. Would love to know what dish you bring to it. ;-) xoxoxo

  8. |Poor Nimbus Suzan. No wonder they say they have nine lives. I suppose they need them. It was supposed to get down to 3 here last night. I hope nobody's crops are affected by this cold front! xxoo

    I hope you had a great day yesterday Sybil. It's no fun when anyone gets sick in the car. I wonder if that is particular to that breed. My ex boss's used to get ill in the car as well. xxoo

    Pam, we have had really cool nights, more like September or October. We even had to put on the electric heater last night for a few minutes to take off the chill! xxoo

    Aww thanks Monique! You are a dear friend. xxoo

    Unknown, thanks so much for the compliment. You made me smile. ☺

    Lynn, I love cute animal pictures. I just adore nature. I will e-mail you shortly! Thank YOU so much! xxoo

    Me too Valerie! It was no fun! YOu need to see the movie. It is a really good one for FHE. I have heard pet rats are clean. MY grandsons have hamsters and lizzards. I am not sure what I am going to bring to the BBQ there is a cake competition so that will definitely be an option. xxoo


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