
Wednesday 20 August 2014

A Stuff and Nonsensical Post . . . just for fun . . .

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I think I'm "in Limerence" . . . .don't you just love that word?

There once was a woman in Limerence
With a man she saw sitting upon a fence
It had a sign saying wet paint
she started to faint
and we've seen neither one ever since . . . 

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Here's a couple who are in limerence . . .  Doug and Kayla.  On the beach in PEI, where they live.  Yes, they live in Paradise.  Lucky pair.

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It makes for great wedding photos . . .  the perfect location.  Not much as changed since then.  Just as in love as ever. That makes a mother's heart sing.

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They met at Uni and two became one . . .

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Then . . .  like magic . . .  the one became three . . .
and as these things go . . .

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Three became four and then  . . .

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The four became five . . .

It's funny how that goes . . .  a family just sort of grows!

I love it.    This bunch are having a great summer.  They know how to do it in style and with gusto.

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There's been sunny days and pony rides.  Jon makes it all look so easy and fun.  He is an animal lover that one.   A sensitive soul . . .  with a very kind and gentle heart.

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Josh is no slouch either.  He's a colourful boy and not just because he is our red headed prince.  He has a happy heart and a smile which just kind of glows . . .

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That Jake is a charmer . . . with his big baby blues . . .

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Hammering nails is serious business . . . doncha know.

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and to think  . . .  it all started with two.   And a tiny bit of Limerence a deux.

That sun is shining this morning, but it's really chilly.  Brrr . . .  it was so chilly in here last night we put the electric fire on for a little while.   In August!  Unbelievable!  Autumn seems to be in a hurry to arrive.

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The Gladioli are serenading us at the moment.  Todd could not remember what he planted.   I kept telling him I thought they were gladioli . . .

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I was right.  ahem . . .

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These look particularly stunning . . .

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And these quite, quite sunny . . .

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And it actually works.  They do grow new tops.  I saw this on Pinterest a long time ago.   Just stick your cut off spring onions, root end intact into a cup of fresh water, changing the water every day, and they grow new tops.

Will wonders never cease!

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Life is good.

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 A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Love is patient and kind. 
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. 
It does not demand its own way. 
It is not irritable, and 
it keeps no record of being wronged. 
It does not rejoice about injustice 
but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 
Love never gives up, never loses faith, 
is always hopeful, 
and endures through every circumstance. 
Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages 
and special knowledge will become useless. 
But love will last forever! 
~1 Cor 13:4-8 *´¨(✿◠‿◠)❀ ♫

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cracker Lasagne!  Tastily different.

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Have a wonderful day!


  1. what a lovely set of photographs you share with us this cold monring Marie, PIE is a lovely island. we went once when we were over in Canada...the drive up from Halifax was fantastic with such stunning viwes...
    it is bright dowm here as well but only 4c when i came through at 6 30...gone up to 9c should be lovely by afternoon...
    should be having a quiet day today..hpe you do as well xx

  2. I wonder what was on the land before your house was built; it seems so fertile.
    My younger daughter lives in a converted cowshed, and has similar success,

  3. Wonderful pictures today ! I'd never heard the word Limernece but it does fit in ! Here it is hot and steamy as we've warmed up and its rain rain and more rain. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Thank you Sybil. It's still cool here and it's been raining and drizzling all day. :-( I know it is the rain which keeps us nice and green so won't complain.

    We are not far from the River Dee Bunny and at one time the River Dee covered a huge area here before it silted over. Big ships used to come in here. So possibly that is part of the reason. It was also an army camp during and after WW2!

    Thanks Pam. I am trying to learn a new word a da! Hope you have a great day, but hot and steamy doesn't sound very appealing! lol

  5. I planted glads too..just spotting a touch of coral..I have neglected them..they are with some sunflowers that might tip over when they bloom..
    Your double hollyhocks are gorge Marie..
    Lovely summer your family is having they look super sweet.

  6. Thanks MOnique! I will take that as a compliment coming from you! xxoo

  7. Enjoy your day Marie. I have been struggling with the university website. It won't let me in and therefore I have had an evening of fun trying to lodge my two assignments that are due in by midnight. I have given in and sent them via email.

  8. What a precious little family! It is easy to see that you are very proud of them.

    I am looking just this morning at a United Methodist Women version of that same Bible reference! How coincidental!

    Have a super day!

  9. How very frustrating Suzan! I can really sympathise! I would feel like throwing the computer through the window I fear! xxoo Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

    Thanks so much Nellie, I am proud of them for sure! I don't believe in co-incidence, only God-incidence! We were clearly both supposed to read that scripture today! xx

  10. That is a new word for me “limerence.” I have been in the US for decades but there are still so many words I don’t know. I like that vintage illustration, too.

  11. Limerence...I like that word and it's meaning.
    It's nice to see your sweet family. Glad they are doing well. Oh, to live on PEI...sigh...I can only dream! :-)
    Your flowers are gorgeous Marie!
    The weather is so crazy. I hear that the U.S. will see an earlier Fall. Not sure if that means in the West too.
    I love that scripture. It is a great reminder and can also help keep our thoughts on track.

  12. Thanks Vagabonde! I think it's good to learn a new word each day! That's my goal anyways! You're never too old to stop learning!

    Valerie, I love PEI as you know. Todd loves it too. Who knows maybe one day I will end up back there. Life can be a strange thing! The leaves are already starting to change in Nova Scotia! xxoo


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