
Tuesday 22 July 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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FOR TODAY, July 22nd, 2014

Outside my window ...
We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave . . .  la da da da da, la da da da da, we're having a heat wave.   Actually not that excited about it.   I don't mind it being hot, but please, please cool down at night! 

I am thinking ...
"Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am, to be blessed."
~Mary Oliver

This is how I feel every day of my life.  Yes, even the bad days.  The bad makes the sweeter even sweeter. 

I am thankful ...
Foreach and every one of you.   You bless my days with your comments, love and support.   Life is good.

In the kitchen ...

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In the kitchen today, a Superfoods Salad. So tasty, and yet healthy and pretty too!  Also very simple to make.

On my "To Cook" list ...

These Beignets look fabulous. I have always wanted to make Beignets.  From Project Foodie.

I am creating ...


 I love this quilted blanket from Nana Company.  In fact I love Nana Company.  Her work is so beautiful.   The whole blog is a treat.

I love, LOVE this little star pin cushion.  It's a complete tutorial from Lots of Pink Here.  Don't you just love the names that people give their blogs?  How could you not love a blog named Lots of Pink Here?   Impossible!  


I just love this daisy in the middle dish cloth from Daisy Cottage Designs.   I love pretty things.  I reckon I am a girlie kind of a girl!  It's all pink and ruffles with me  . . .  and crocheted daisies! 




I love this scrapbook page from the iheartblog, designs by Wilna Fursentburg.  People are so very inventive with their creativity. This girl is very talented!

I am going ...
I am going Visiting Teaching on Thursday, but other than that no concrete plans.   We may pop to the beach one day.  We'll see how it all goes.  Our friend Doreen isn't very well this week.   She's had to come off some tablets and I think it's withdrawel.   She's been on sleeping tablets for over 30 years and they have switched them around and it's thrown her balance off.  We had wanted to take her to the beach one day, but may have to put that off for a while.

I am wondering ...
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

I am reading ...

Tapestry of Fortunes, by Elizabeth Berg
In this book four very different women delve into their pasts in order to share their futures, fates and fortunes.

Cecilia Ross is a motivational speaker who encourages others to change their lives for the better. Why can’t she take her own advice? Still reeling from the death of her best friend, and freshly aware of the need to live more fully now, Cece realizes that she has to make a move—all the portentous signs seem to point in that direction. She downsizes her life, sells her suburban Minnesota home and lets go of many of her possessions. She moves into a beautiful old house in Saint Paul, complete with a garden, chef’s kitchen, and three housemates: Lise, the home’s owner and a divorced mother at odds with her twenty-year-old daughter; Joni, a top-notch sous chef at a first-rate restaurant with a grade A jerk of a boss; and Renie, the youngest and most mercurial of the group, who is trying to rectify a teenage mistake. These women embark on a journey together in an attempt to connect with parts of themselves long denied. For Cece, that means finding Dennis Halsinger. Despite being “the one who got away,” Dennis has never been far from Cece’s thoughts.

I have only just started it, but you all know how much I love the writing of Elizabeth Berg.

I am hoping ...
I see some small improvements in my thumb.  It's at least not hurting anymore, although it is still clicking and locking.  I am hoping and praying that that improves.  I do not want to have an operation.

Makes me smile ...


 My DIL posted this on her facebook page and it made me smile.  No matter how many times I tell advise Todd on how to load the dishwasher properly, he invariably does it wrong.  I don't think men's brains are wired in quite the same way. lol

I am learning ...
Patience is something I am always working on.  Also trying to not be so judgemental about certain things.  Mostly on modern day parenting skills.  I don't think I would have the patience to be a parent today.  Or maybe children just behave a lot worse.   I could take my children anywhere and they never acted up.  They had manners and knew how to behave, at least in public.  ;-)  Maybe I am just hopelessly old school about certain things.

Around the house ...


I love the idea of these tiny little homes.  Todd just laughs when I say that.   Probably because I am the biggest hoarder on the planet. 


 Somehow the manage to make these small spaces look inviting and cosy and like places I would love to live.  Mind you I would have to be a heck of a lot more organized.  Organizing is not a skill I have in abundance.


I love this office space which appears to be in the dining room, or kitchen.   Loving the door and drawer pulls oon the bottom half and the beaded wood wall look.   From The Decorated House.  Of course we have no budget for any of this, but it is nice to look at these things and admire them!

I am pondering ...
All of the conflict in the world makes me think.  Why can't we all just get along?  Why does there always have to be someone or some country trying to take over or cause problems.  It has been ever so, and will probably never change until the Saviour's return.  Sigh . . .

A favourite quote for the day ...  
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"To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with."
~Mark Twain

So grateful I have plenty of people to divide it with.

One of my favourite things ...  


I just adore Christmas.  There I said it.  The "C" word and it's only July.  I can't help it.  I love Christmas.  Sigh . . . the music, the decorations, the spirit . . .  ALL of it!

A peek into my day ...

There may be only two of us (and a dog) but it seems I am never caught up with the washing.  Of course we don't have a clothes dryer so that means there is always wash hanging in the house on the drying rack.   I don't miss having a clothes dryer, except for the towels . . . it takes a long time to do a wash over here.  The  cycles on the machines are ever so long.   The very shortest cycle still takes over an hour to finish, and the drums are not very big.  I wish we could afford a North American style washer and dryer, like they had in the big house down south, however we are not millionaires, nor do we have a house large enough to accomodate a set!  One must be content with what one has.   

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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The Missionary sisters  are coming for supper today.  I have something special planned.  (Of course!)
As you know I do so love to have the Missionaries around.  We are blessed to have two sets here which means double the pleasure!  If you want to bring joy into your house . . .  feed a missionary or two!!!


  1. Another glorious morning down here Marie...I love love love the warm sushine...however it is better if we have a breeze to go with it...I just can't sit out when it's so very hot...Don't know how some of our US friends cope with Temps. in the 90's !!
    Do you have a place to hang your clothes outside Marie ? It has been great that we have been able to hang things out this summer and they are dry in a few hours..Mary had teh towels out yesterday, they come in so nice and fresh smelling...I am just away to run out the dress I had on and willjust hng it over the handrail by the steps and let it drip dry ..means I don't have to iron...I dn't "do" Ironing !!
    Have a lovely meal with your missionary you say nothing like sharing a meal with a fried. This is Tues. so is the night I feed Peter !! tonight it will be a steak pie I think new potato from the garden green beens again from the garden. and tiny wee carrots again from the garden..Peter is very impatient and is picking them much too soon !! The vegs have been very good Peter grows everything in bags, pots and garden is tiny with just a small flower border and the grass that Peter cuts..and at the back just a strip yard where I have lots and lots of pots of flowers etc these Lyn cares for...Peter is not a flower man !!..Have a wonderful day dear friend. Glad the thumb is a bt easier xx

  2. Hi, Marie! We're boiling here too... and have been for weeks, almost all of July. We have a pair of funs running almost all the time now... A little let up would be nice. Tea cold rather than warm is becoming more the thing...LOL! LOVE that Mary Oliver quote--one of my faves! Wonderful salad--must try. I've never made beignets before either...never really dipped into donut/donut-type things. Pretty decorated blanket. I enjoy Nana Company too. I have an embroidery pattern of hers I want to make up this summer. So many sweet things here today... :o) I think I could live very happily in a tiny house. I wouldn't mind reducing more "stuff" and giving that a try! Anyway, hope all of you have a very good week there! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. Sybil, have been hanging out everything that I can these past couple of days. Taking advantage to get all of the bedding done. Bedding is a real nuisance when you can't hang it out! Loving these hanging out days! Your supper sounds just perfect! I would love to grow more vegetables, but Todd says it is too much work and expense for too little a return. Sigh . . .

    Tracy! I'm with you. I have one of Nana's patterns too, for a doll blanket. I am trying to reduce. It means giving up a lot, but I am doing it little by little. Hard to do though! xxooo

  4. Good Morning Marie and friends,

    Our day has been warm as our winter days often are. The day ended with a thunder and hail storm. We took dad out of the nursing home this morning and met some friends for lunch. He cried with happiness to be outside in the sun and out of the unit. It is tough to be locked in 24/7.

    I am steadfastly trying to finish what I have started and keep my hunts down. My family are not giving me the time I need to do my uni work. Oh well we had to settle into a routine and need too.

    Washing is the constant in our lives. Our machine is dying and I think mum will be going back to a top loader. She thinks that the washing is not rinsed well enough. No one in our family had washing powder itches until we swapped to the front loaders. They use far less water and water is so precious here. But I cannot complain too much. My washing time has decreased since we placed dad in the home. We have sunny days more than bleak and most things dry outside.

    If we move onto dishwashers I could complain for a long, long time. No one seems capable of emptying it and if I nag them into emptying it no one can fill it. Mum of course has many criticisms but is part of the no can do club. I truly dislike how I have to be so aggressive and loud to get a little help.

    Enjoy your dinner tonight Marie. I wish I could be there.

  5. I wish you could be here too Suzan! I hear you about the being loud to get anything done. That is what it was like when I had a house full of teenagers and a husband who felt anything in the house was woman's work. In any case, happy now I don't have to be loud to be heard anymore.

    How nice that you were able to take your dad out for the day. It's so sad that they don't take the residents out even into the garden. The home I worked at had a lovely garden, but the residents never got out in it. It was mostly used as a smoking area for the care givers, and I say "CARE" givers loosely, as there was very little care given!

    I hope that you are able to relax this evening and get some course work done! xxoo

  6. Marie the place we have found is better than that. A patient collapsed in the most horrific way today and the staff were swift and excellent.

    There are things organised Monday to Friday. Last week dad went on a bus trip to the Gold Coast and I went too. They have men's lunches and ladies afternoon teas every month. There is a lot to do but dad has degenerated pretty far now.

    After lunch we sat with dad in the garden and you cannot smoke in there. The residents are allowed into it. They are encouraged to water the plants and at present they are trying to grown beans and zucchini for their dinners!

    The unit has two sitting rooms, tow lounge rooms, an activity/dining room which is huge. Everyone has their own room with an ensuite bathroom. There is plenty of space and a lot of walking places too. Every resident has some for of dementia and it is a bit confronting as to enter or leave you need to go through two sets of self locking doors.

    The young lady who looked after dad this morning was so pleased with her work. She washed his hair beautifully and it was so shiny and silvery. It was obvious that it was a job well done and she took pride in that.

  7. I love Nana's blog too..And that blanket..Dishtowels would be lovely like that..(I wouldn't use it though)..Beautiful..and now I must make a few of those She loves Christmas ornaments.My girls love you..
    So glad you got all decorated last year:)
    Hot hot hot here too..
    But.. I remember winter.

  8. Suzan you were so blessed to be able to get your father into a good place like that! we should all be so lucky! xx

    Monique, I need to be making some ornaments, but because of my thumb have been putting it off. I don't think I can any longer though! Like you, I would not be able to use the dish towels! (I have a few like that now, lol) xxoo

  9. Oh dear Marie, it is always such a treat to read your posts. I always enjoy the Daybook ones. Your tastes in things match mine. I love looking at the various items you find.
    I too love the little house; it is just so adorable.
    The book looks like a good one. I am struggling to find time to read a novel series I am into right now.
    The dishwasher pictures is a LOL one. It is so true my hubby doesn't know how to load it right either.
    Have fun feeding those missionaries.
    Have a blessed day; and I am sending love and hugs!

  10. I love everything that you put into this post Marie! I could have written it myself. Even the illustrations about the dishwasher...HAAAAAAA! Same thing happens here at my house! Sorry about the news about Doreen. I am sorry she's having a hard time of it. I need to write her still. I keep meaning to then get busy. Poor excuse but true. I hope she feels better soon after the withdrawal symptoms. Poor lady!

    Glad you are feeling well and blessed! Me too! :-> xoxo

  11. I love that quilt. Anything appliqued-looking tends to make me happy, though.

    And those little homes. Mike wouldn't be able to, but I could absolutely live happily in one. ♥

  12. Valerie, Doreen had been coming to church lately, but wasn't there on Sunday. She will love getting a letter from you. I am hoping that she feels better soon as well. We are having perfect beach weather! xxoo

    Val, it is so good to see a comment from you! You have been much on my mind! xxoo

  13. Thanks LeAnn! I am not surprised we like the same things! Like goes to like! I like to read series of novels, but find they get tiresome after a while. Kind of like sequels to television series I suppose. Perhaps it is the sameness? I don't know! I think men just try to cram as much into the dishwasher that they can without no thought as to whether something is too high up so it stops the blade from circulating or they put the knives in so that the part which has food on them is inside the basket instead of sticking up, etc. Little things like that which mean that the dishes don't get properly cleaned! xxoo

  14. I realized last night that the comments I've been leaving for you have been bouncing back to my email account as "undeliverable." They were all in my spam folder. I *have* been commenting! :)


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!