
Wednesday 23 July 2014

All of my life I have been waiting . . .

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You hear a lot of talk about "Bucket Lists" these days . . .  by that I mean those lists of things that people want to do before they die.  I think we all have them, whether we have chosen to give a voice to them or not.  I think we each have a list of things we want to cross off while we still around to cross them off!  I thought it would be fun this morning to share a bit of mine with you.  I could never share the whole thing because there are far too many things on it, but I can share a few!

Note . . .  there will be no sky diving or bungee jumping on this list!

 I was so privileged to be able to visit Salt Lake City several years ago, a much treasured gift from a much beloved friend, and I want to be able to go again with Todd so that he can see and experience all the things I got to see and experience.  Being able to share these things and see them again through his eyes would be just wonderful.

 I have always wanted to go to Disney Land.   Ever since I was a young girl I have wanted to go to Disney Land.   I wouldn't be able to go on most of the rides because I suffer from outrageous motion sickness, but I still want to go.   I think now it will be Disney Land Paris, because that is well within the realms of possibility as it's not that far away.  But one day I will walk the streets of a Disney Land somewhere on this planet!

One day I want to visit Tuscany in person instead of just in photographs.   I want to bathe in it's golden light and drink in all of it's beauty.    Anyone I know who has ever been has fallen in love with it.  I want to fall in love with it too . . .

Ever since I was a little girl perusing the pages of the geography volumes of our encyclopedia I have wanted to visit Holland, especially during tulip season.   That is a long time to have a dream.   It is also not all that far away from us.  I really must work towards making that happen while I can still walk and enjoy it all!

 I used to want to go on a cruise, but now I have my doubts as I do get very sea sick, however I don't get train sick and so I now want to go on a great train journey.  It doesn't matter where . . . across the expanse of America?   The Orient Express?   From London to Scotland?   Just on a train with great scenic views and sleeper and dining cars that travels at a leisurely pace so I can drink it all in.

 Enjoy a hot dog from a hot dog cart in New York City.   They always look so good when you see them on television.  I have wanted to try one for a long time and I don't think it is possible to do it unless you are actually in New York City.   I also want to enjoy a corned beef sandwich in New York City  on beautiful rye bread, dripping with mustard and sauerkraut.

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Walk into a shop which sells books, or cards or whatever and see my work for sale there. On cards, in books, on mugs, figurines, or whatever.    To be a successful artist and making a living at doing what I love. 

 To have one of my books published . . . either one of my children's books, or my poetry and writings, or cookbook . . . just to see my work in print somewhere. 

To have a relationship with my Grandchildren in which I am loved, respected, honoured and revered, but mostly loved. 

 To have my family accept who I am and what I believe and no longer be the black sheep nutter who went off and joined a cult.  Maybe even have one or two of them see the truth in what I believe for themselves.  Okay so that last one may be a bit of a stretch, but my patriarchal blessing says I will be as a light on a hill to my children and I believe that will happen, either here on this side of the veil or after I cross over. 

 To have others see His love in me.  I strive daily to become more like Him and I know that with each day that passes I get closer.   

To mend all the fences in my life that need mending.  I am working on it.   

I think that will do for now, don't you?   

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"When you do something beautiful and nobody notices,
do not be sad . . .
for the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle,
and yet most of the audience still sleeps."
~John Lennon   *´¯`.¸¸.☆ *´¯`.¸¸.☆*´¯`.¸¸.☆*´¯`.¸¸.☆    

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Crispy Chicken with  Sweet and Sour Dipping Sauce.

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Have a wonderful Wednesday!  It's hard to believe we are already halfway through the week!
I hope your day is good to you!


  1. Good Morning Marie....If I had enough money I would bring you to Australia and you could do two of the epic train journeys. One on the Indian Pacific from Perth to Sydney and then from Adelaide to Darwin on the Gahn. I have never down them but in November I wish you could be with me.

    The grand plans are pretty much done and my fare is paid. I will fly to Sydney then board the Indian Pacific and do part of the trip in Kangaroo(gold) class to Adelaide. I have never been to Adelaide and we shall spend four nights at the Hilton and explore the area, the famous churches and the Barossa valley and Handorf. On the fifth morning we will board theRadiance of the Seas and sail to Melbourne. We have one day there and we will travel around the city by restaurant tram. I have done this twice before and it was fun. After that the boat sails around the south island of New Zealand then to Wellington in the north island and back to Sydney.

    I would also like to see Canada, PEI, Amish country, Swtizerland, the nordic world and England. I am not asking much.

    I certainly hope that one day I shall see those I love again. I worry about my brother as he was a Hari Krisna devotee before his death. I miss him so and I would love to see him again.

    Off to drive into the country to take Pip to Cinder's rehearsal. God bless everyone.

  2. Wow Suzan, that sounds like so much fun! You go girl! Sounds like the trip of a lifetime! If you ever do make it to the UK, you know you have a place to stay. I would love that.

    I wish I could give you the comfort and closure you need regarding your brother. Heavenly Father loves all of His children.

    “Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.” ~Jeffrey R Holland

    You WILL see your brother again one day Suzan. I know you will and it will be a joyeous reunion. There is hope for everyone. My church teaches that for those who for whatever reason were not able to embrace the Gospel on this side of the veil, they will have an opportunity to do so on the other side. It is not a strange concept and it is Biblical. I would be happy to tell you more sometime. Love you much. xxoo

  3. Your desire to enjoy an NYC hot dog made me smile. I too have watched enough American television where characters are enjoying lunch on the run from a hot dog cart in NYC. On a visit there for our 25th (combined with my husband's business trip), I insisted on having a pretzel from the cart. As I was suffering through it, way too much bread, and who puts mustard on without butter anyway, I realized it was one of those things that looks better in the movies. Maybe next time I'll just have a hot dog instead.

    Hope you are able to cross some things off your list some day soon.

  4. I always thought that a journey on the Orient Express would be a wonderful thing. Now that I am older and wiser though I've accepted the fact that every day is an adventure and it doesn't take going someplace to accomplish that. Now I'm just blooming where I'm planted. Right now that is here at home.

  5. Colleen, you made me smile! The horrible truth is that nothing probably ever tastes as good as the "idea" of it! Maybe best to stay a dream rather than a reality! I don't know!

    Pam, you do a GREAT job of blooming where you are planted! xxoo

  6. I enjoyed reading the items on your bucket list Marie and the other ladies too. What a wonderful group of people gather here. Like minded. Wish we all could get together for fun gathering. Marie, what cracked me up is that I just wrote you an email saying that we are having New York and Chicago style hot dogs today. I honestly had not read your post yet when I sent it.
    I have had the New York hot dogs you are referring to (in NY) and they really are extra good!

    The biggest thing on my bucket list is to take a trip to Ireland and Scotland. It's been calling my name for a reason I do not know.
    My favorite place that I did visit was Salzburg Switzerland (Think The Sound of Music movie). That place was a bit of heaven on earth for me. :-)

  7. Valerie, I am with you. I think the BEST people gather here! It would be so much fun if we could all get together for real! What a ball we would have.

    I have been to Salzburg and it is indeed a gorgeous city. It's in Austria, or at least the one I visited was in Austria! Went on the Sound of Music tour and it was fabulous! Love you! xxoo

  8. Whoops! Haaa, yes...I meant to say Salzburg Austria. Steve and I were just talking about Switzerland and I guess it was on the brain. I also loved Switzerland. Nice that you took the Sound of Music tour. How fun. Mine was more of a self guided one. Just love those quaint places! xoxo

  9. I haven't make up a bucket list but perhaps I will. I love all the places you would like to see.
    I do hope you get to go to all those close to you.
    I would love to see England, Scotland, Ireland, and Rome. In the States I would still love to do a church history tour to Palmyra, Kirkland and etc.
    I would like to go to New York City and a Hot Dog would be good there.
    I love that you did get to see the Salt Lake Temple.
    I wish you had an agent to help you get all of your talents out there. I just think that you deserve to be published in writing and cooking.
    Blessings to you dear friend and I hope some of the dreams will come true. Love and hugs!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!