
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Wednesday whitterings . . .


Now and again in January, amidst the grey and dismal we get a bonus day.  The skies are clear, with nary a cloud to spoil their blue brilliance . . . the sun is clear and warm . . .  the air as soft as a baby's breath upon the cheek . . .

Looking out the back window I see  clouds of midges hovering  near the pond, doing a dance in the air.  They look like little gold and glittering jewels in  a month where nothing sparkles . . . and the trunks of the fruit trees glow in this rare light.   

Even the birds seem happier.  They flit about on gay light wings, twittering their tweets and flapping their wings in an aerial dance both joyous and endaring.   The tits flock to the nuts that hang from the feeding pole and cover it, enjoying this rare January picnic in the sunshine and warmth.

Even Mitzie enjoys it.   She sits by the back door surveying her domain . . . her ears quickening at any sound, ready to do a good job at protecting the home front . . . a much easier and more pleasant job in the warmth of sunlight rather than in  cold drizzle . . . all seems right in her tiny kingdom as well . . .    

I am almost tempted on such a day to enjoy a late lunch in our quiet garden, but common sense prevails . . . I know the seats will still be cold despite the warmth of the sun and we settle on fish and chips in front of the fire, a surprise from Todd who has just gotten in and back from town, and they are good, very good, despite having travelled on a bus . . .

It is exciting to have such a day . . .  it is a rare and precious jewel of a day, set amidst the silver banded crown of winter . . .  and we feel very blessed, the three of us . . . so very blessed indeed. 


A thought to carry with you through today . . .

❀• . • •° •• ° •.. .·**·.¸  
Keep your mind continually
turned toward God
so that your every work
and all your activities . . . 
physical and mental,
may be prayers.
~Ven Louis of Granada, 16th century
(¯`·.¸**¸.·´¯) . •❀


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Irish Pancakes.   Delish!

 Have a wonderful day.  I hope it's a jewel!

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