
Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY January 21st, 2014

Outside my window...
It's dark and cold. I think there is frost.  It was very mild at the weekend and we had a dry day yesterday, but today I don't know.  It remains to be seen!

I am thinking...
"The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice
~ Peggy O'Mara

I did not have a lot of confidence when I was a child.  As a result I was bullied and teased at school.  (Thank goodness there was no social media then, at least I was able to get away from it when I went home!)  I always felt like I was never going to amount to much and that was partly because I never seemed to be able to do anything right at home.  I was always at fault because . . . "I was the oldest and should have known better!" or a mulititude of other things.  I don't think that my parents meant to undermine my confidence, but I was very careful when I was bringing up my own children to make sure that they knew that they were the absolutely most important people in my life.   At least I thought I did!  They may have a different opinion! 

I am thankful...
I am very thankful that in later life I have come to realize that my parents are actually quite proud of me and my accomplishments.  It took me a while to get there but very grateful that I did!

In the kitchen... 


WE have a delicious Bacon, Tomato, Cheese and Leek Pudding.  It uses up stale bread and a host of other little bits and bobs.   It's pretty tasty!

I am wearing...
Blue fluffy nightie with white polka dots all over it and lace across the front.  It's cosy and warm.

I am creating...  


First I am really excited to tell you that I have finished my latest Cookbooklet, Recipes to Keep.  Like the others it is filled with little bits of artwork and tastiness.   It has over 40 recipes which I have not published anywhere else and that are some of my absolute favourite fail proof recipes.  In other words Recipes to Keep.   It is bigger than my other booklets, but the price is remaining the same.  I had ever so much fun creating it.  It has taken me several months.   You can find a link to it here


I thought these water bottle cosies were just the cutest thing ever.  Love the bright colours.  You can find the patter here on the blog Our Colorado Home Front.   

Now here is a really novel idea.   Wine corks used as plant markers.   You can see more on  Shine Your Light.  She calls it a craft for the uncrafty!  Cute.  We don't get too many wine corks in this house.  Kinda makes me wish I was still working at the manor.   They had an abundance of corks! 

Some really cute fabric pot holders.   I have to say I like these pinch type of pot holders most of all.   They are so easy to use and not cumbersome in the least.  You can find a tutorial HERE on Miss Mary Sewing Class.  

Dishmats from Noodlehead.   It's a great repurpose of old towels.   There is a tutorial to download.  A brilliant idea I think!

I am going...
There is not a lot planned for this week either.  I am not sure what it up with that.   We have had a few quiet weeks.  We do want to see the Nelson Mandela film at some point.  Probably on Wednesday.  I can get two tickets for one using my phone plan on Wednesdays, which is a real bargain.   Movie tickets are so expensive these days.  When I was a child my parents would give me a quarter (25 cents) and it was enough to get into the movies and buy a drink and popcorn!

I am wondering...
How long photo bucket is going to be out of commission.  It's still not working this morning.  I am using google albums.

I am reading...
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What Alice Forgot, byLiane Moriarty
This winning not-quite amnesia story parses what happens when Alice, a married mother of three whose marriage is disintegrating, takes a knock on the head and comes to thinking she is herself, but 10 years younger and in the middle of a blossoming young marriage, with her first child on the way. As younger Alice adjusts to her older life and body, she finds much to be surprised at: a wealthy lifestyle she never dreamed of, a rejuvenated mother with a surprising love interest, and a sister whose life has turned out unexpectedly disappointing. And everyone is so sorry for something that happened with her best friend Gina, whom she doesn't remember, but apparently who helped sow the seeds of her marriage's collapse. But as the young Alice takes over the older Alice's life and applies her goofy, laissez-faire approach to living, the tension builds: what will happen if old Alice regains her memory? Alice's journey of reconciling herself to how her life came to be what it is, and her slowly building understanding of how the threads of her marriage began to unravel, is moving, well-paced, and thoroughly pleasurable.  Early days yet, but quite enjoying it thus far.

I am hoping...
That my mother's toe heals a lot faster than they say it will.  The big toe on her left food was damaged extensively last April when she had her heart attack etc.   It was necrified and so they were just letting it dry and fall off.   Then a couple months ago the Vascular Surgeon removed the affected part in his office and she has had the VON coming several times a week since to change the dressings etc.   When she asked the Dr how long it would be before it was healed, he was not optomistic that it would be healed by this summer, which seems a long time to me.  It makes it difficult for her to walk, or course, and is sometimes quite painful and of course she is very limited in what she can wear on her feet, which is a real downer to a woman who always loved wearing her high heels.  I am hoping that it continues to heal well though, and that there are no further complications.   Other than that she is doing superdy duperdy!

Makes me Smile...

This is a picture of the snowman that my sister's partner Dan made just a few days ago.  It made my mom really happy and that makes me really happy and filled with gratitude as well.   I don't think any of us, not even she, realized how lonely she was prior to my sister moving home.  I am so happy that they are all getting along well and that Dan is such a fun person and does little things like this which help to make my mom's life more interesting and exciting in little ways.   That makes me smile.

I am learning...
 "The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days."
~Robert Leighton

I am learning to follow the sun.

Around the House ...

How to paint Kitchen Cabinets.  You never know when this will come in handy.  A tutorial from BHG.   Sometimes I think I would love to change the colour of mine. 

I love, Love, LOVE this idea of a gallery wall featuring the telly.  I am still looking for an old wooden low dresser to use as a tv table.  This black glass one we have is just a magnet for dust.


Do it Yourself Slipcovers from Opulent Cottage.  
It is a fabulous tutorial which will lead you through the whole process!

I want a Peter Rabbit room like Susan Branch has.   It is my dream to this year make it happen.  Watch this space.

I am pondering...
With all of the climate change, uprisings,  and increase in freakish storms, earthquakes, Tsunamis, Flooding, Tornadoes, etc of recent years, all of which have been predicted in the scriptures towards the end times . . . why don't more people see it and recognise it for what it is and want to make changes in their lives, to prepare?  Tomorrow never comes.  Today is the day.

A favorite quote for today...  

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Do stuff.
Be clenched, curious.
Not waiting for inspiration's shove
or society's kiss on your forehead.
Pay attention.
It's all about paying attention.
Attention is vitality.  It connects you with others.
It makes you eager.
Stay eager.

I love this quote.   I believe it is one of the secrets to a very happy life.

One of my favorite things... 

Reading, studying and pondering the scriptures.   The three go hand in hand.   I love to do this.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Not too overly much.  Another quiet week!

A peek into my day...

I spend a great deal of time with my head in the clouds.   I am a day dreamer.  It's a good thing that you can still do other things while you are daydreaming, or else nothing would ever get done!

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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