
Thursday 12 December 2013

Thursday wanderings . . .

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In my quest to get in as many Christmas movies as possible before the big day we sat and watched Christmas in Connecticut last night.  I had never seen it before.  I know!  However did I get to this ripe old age without having seen it?  I don't know really.   I just adore the old black and white films.  A bit corny.  A bit cheesy.   But there is no swearing or nudity or gratuitous violence.  A nicer, gentler world.   Manufactured and idealized. . . perhaps, but no less fun for me to watch.  Todd moans and groans . . . but always ends up enjoying them too.  Me-thinks he doth protest too much.

The other night we watched Boys Town with Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney.  Neither of us had seen that before either.  I had not realized until I watched the extras included with the film dvd that it was based on a true story and that there actually was a Father Flanagan and a Boys Town.  Knowing that it was only made the film a lot better for me.  I love films based on true stories.

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One of my favourites of the old Christmas films is A Miracle on 34th street.  I love Maureen O'Hara as an actress.  The Quiet Man is one of my all time favourite films.  I loved Santa Claus in this film.  He looks like what I have always imagined Santa Claus to look like in my mind's eye . . . perhaps my mind's eye has been coloured by this film, but no matter, my imaginary Santa will always look like Edmund Gwenn, just like Moses will always look like Charlton Heston.  In fact I will be most disappointed when I get to the other side and find out that he doesn't! 

Other films come to mind . . . A Christmas Story, Its A Wonderful Life, The Homecoming, A Christmas Carol, The Family Man, The Santa Claus, Home Alone, Grumpy Old Men, Holiday Affair, White Christmas, Meet Me In St Louis, Our Vines Have Tender Grapes, A Charlie Brown Christmas, The Snowman . . . all holiday viewing pre-requisites.    There is a mix there of old and of new . . .

What are your "must view" holiday favourites?

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Do you not think this is the prettiest snowman/lady you have ever seen?  I fell in love with this picture.  I think it is so sweet that she is smiling and I love her dainty little arms and flowery hat.  When I think about the type of person who created this I imagine them as a person who lives in a very cottagy flowery house . . . a Susan Branch or Cherry Menlove kind of person, artsy craftsy to the core and beyond.  It makes me wish we would have a snowstorm with lots and lots of snow falling so that I can make one for me.  I can see her standing in our front garden now, nestled between the spent blooms of the hydrangea and roses, just behind the lavender . . .

I would love to put a wreath on our front door, but fear it would be stolen, which would break my heart.  I have not written any of my Christmas Cards out yet.  I have not baked my fruitcake, nor have I made my Christmas pudding.  I think I will have to resort to just buying them in this year, same with the mince tarts.  I have been pre-occupied with a special scrapbook project I am putting together as a Birthday request from someone that is all hush hush, but which I am enjoying . . . and time is speeding up, I don't care what anyone says . . . the days are passing quicker than ever before.  It can't just be me.  It can't be just 13 days until Christmas and . . . 2014 can't be just a few weeks away.  It's not possible . . . and yet . . . it is.

And with that I shall leave you with a thought for today . . .

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(¸♫´ (¸.♥´´¯`•.¸¸.♫´¯`•.¸¸.

Live life in the present,
and make it so beautiful 
it will be worth remembering.
~Ida Scott Taylor
♥´¯) ¸♫´¯)
(¸♫´ (¸.♥´´¯`•.¸¸.♫´¯`•.¸¸.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Hash on a Bun.   A delicious indulgence.

Have a great day!

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