
Friday 13 December 2013

Friday Finds

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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The most adorable Gingerbreadman Pinata!  Isn't this cute!  There is a fabulous tutorial over on DIY Studio.   Makes me wish I had some children to make this for!  What a fun activity this would be on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, or even New Years Eve for that matter.  What child doesn't love to wack a pinata!

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100+ Christmas Cookie recipes from Better Homes and Gardens.   Lots of tastiness there.   I still have my Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book encyclopedia that I started collecting when I was in high school.   They are 40 years old and I still use them from time to time.   Great standard recipes for everything under the sun.

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This sentiment is so true.  When my children were growing up I didn't get Christmas Presents unless my mother sent me one.  I used to hate it when people would ask what did I get for Christmas because I never had anything to tell them.  All of our money went to buy the children gifts.  When you have five children that is a lot of gifts to buy!  Now that I am old (er) there is nothing that I really want or need.  I have everything and am so very blessed.   Todd and I don't really do Christmas gifts either.   Our gift is being able to spend the day together and sharing it with people we care about, a nice meal, etc.    The greatest gift for me though would be to have my children around for just one Christmas.  I am not greedy.  One will do.   Dreams can come true and I'm not giving up on this one. 

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Red snowflake Mittens.  I just love these.   They are on Etsy.   A bit pricy though.   One can but dream.  Maybe I need to learn how to knit mittens.  I can knit straight things . . . but have never mastered knitting with four kneedles quite as nicely as I would like to have.  I know that a lot of time goes into making a pair of mittens.  My mother used to make lots of them.  I wish I still had a pair of the ones she knit . . . 

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 This Slow Cooker Brown Sugar and Garlic Chicken looks really good.  I know I would not like it though.  I don't like chicken cooked in the slow cooker.  It's a texture thing.  To me it ends up tasteless, dry and ugh . . . this would probably be very tasty done in the oven though.

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 Free Antique tin Printable Graphics over on Knick of Time.   I used to collect tins.   I don't anymore.   I had to leave them all behind when I got divorced.  I wonder what happened to them all?   Hmmm . . .  hopefully one of the kids got them.  

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Free Crochet Christmas Tree Skirt Patterns.   You can find this one and a few others over on the Free Crochet Patterns Blog.  My sister taught both my mother and I how to crochet when I was in High School.   I thank her for that.  I've gotten a lot of pleasure from crocheting through the years.  

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Is this not adorable?   It is a snow man candle holder made from an upturned terra cotta flower pot.   I think it is so cute.  I could not find a source for it, but it wouldn't be that hard to do really.  Its really sweet!  

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Free Christmas Gift Tag printables.   You can find them here.  I think they are really nice.  People are so talented!!!

I think that about does it for today!   I'll leave you with a thought to carry around with you today.  I have my annual health check this afternoon.  I would have thought it un-necessary with me having been in and out of the Docs office so much this autumn, but I got a third letter warning last week, so I'm being a good girl and trotting off to have my blood pressure taken.  sigh . . . 


"Where charity stands watching 
and faith holds wide the door 
the dark night wakes - 
the glory breaks, 
Christmas comes once more."
~ Phillips Brooks

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a bit of fun with a Frosty Cottage Pie!!   So cute!

Have a fabulous Friday.   (That sure came around quick!!)

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