
Friday 4 October 2013

Friday Finds

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Do you like to doodle?  I am always doodling and sketching.   The margins on my notebooks are always filled with little characters and pictures . . .  small vignettes.  I sat here this morning with a blank piece of white paper just to see what would pop out.  Listening to the BackStreet Boys on YouTube, this is what appeared on my paper.

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Not sure what it means if anything.   But it was fun to do.   I wonder if what we sketch has anything to do with who we are?   How we are feeling?  Our dreams?  Aspirations?   I can well imagine that they do.  I wonder what this sketch says about me . . . hmmm . . .

I thought it would be fun on Fridays to share with you five things that I have discovered each week.  A Friday five as it were and how I feel about them, so without any more adieu I will continue!

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Emma, by Jane Austin.  The BBC mini series which came out in  2009.  I know there were previous ones.  I believe Gwyneth Paltrow was in one of those.  I don't think I would have liked that one as I am not overly fond of her in any kind of film, but we discovered the DVD in our pile this week, of this particular version and we have both fallen in love with it, so much so that we have watched two episodes in a row.

"Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her." She has no need to marry, being head of her own household, and having plenty of money, but she delights in matchmaking those around her . . . and credits herself with being very good at it.  But is she really very good at it?  We shall see!


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These are Burleigh Cobalt Mixing Bowls.   I love them because I love blue and white.  I used to have two stone spongeware bowls in blue and white which seems a lifetime ago now.   These are a wonderful example of British ironstone, transferware patterns in Calico, Felicity, Arden and Asiatic Pheasants.  I think they are quite beautiful.   I would be afraid to use them though, because I wouldn't want them to break.    I do that with a lot of things . . . admire but won't use for fear of loss.  What then is the point in having them, one wonders.  I think I will start using the things I love, despite my fear of something happening to them.

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You might be asking yourself, "What the heck is that???"  It's a book light!  The Kandle by Ozeri.  I was recently sent one of these to review and I have fallen in love with it.  I often read after Todd is ready to fall asleep at night and this makes it much easier for me to do so without feeling guilty about it.

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It clips right onto the top of your Kindle and  lights up the page so you can read easily.  It's small and inobtrusive and easy to use.  I just love it.   My old one was this long wired thingie that clipped on top but which was awkward, awkward, awkward.  This one is just perfect.  You can also adjust the position of the light which makes it even more adaptable.  LOVING IT!

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This is Carrot Cake Breakfast Bread which you can find the recipe on Try Anything Once.  I discovered this and am so wanting to try it.   You can do the hard bit in the bread machine.  It looks really good.  I think I am going to give it a go.  Wish me luck!!

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Last Sunday in church we were challenged as a Ward (Congregation) to read the Book of Mormon, beginning on the 1st of October and have it all read by Christmas.  This is a part of the three gifts we have been challenged to give the Saviour in the lead up to Christmas.  I started doing that on  Tuesday.  It's not a lot, only six pages a day, but already I have been enriched by this exercise.  Todd is reading his too.  We are not reading them together, but independantly, but as we read we do find things which we want to share with the other and that is wonderful by-product of this exercise.  There is a great power and safety in staying close to God's word, no matter which scriptures you are reading, and I am well aware that there are many who don't consider the Book of Mormon to be Scripture.  I can remember when I spent time with my dear friend Lura and her family in Utah that February several years back.   Her daughter read the scriptures daily out loud to her children as they were eating their breakfasts before they went to school.   These were not small children, but preteens and teens.   I remember thinking at the time what a wonderful example she was setting to her children.  My children knew that I read the scriptures, but I never read the scriptures to them.  I wished then, that I had.  What special memories these children will have, of a loving mother who took the time to share what was so important to her with them each morning when she would probably have rather been doing something else.  She had to get ready to go to work as well.   It would have been really easy for her to skip doing this, but she didn't.  I firmly believe that she and her family will be greatly blessed for her efforts.   And I believe that we, as the Chester Ward, will be blessed for ours.   As individuals.   As families.   As a Ward.   As a Church.  There is great power in the Word of God.

And there you have it, my Friday Finds for this the first week of October 2013.  What have you discovered this week???   I really want to know!

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A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

"October, here's to you.
Here's to the heady aroma of the frost-kissed apples,
the winey smell of ripened grapes,
the wild-as-the-wind smell of hickory nuts
and the nostalgic whiff of that first wood smoke."

~ Ken Weber

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Parsnip and Potato Mash with Spiced Onions.  Deliciously different!

Have a fabulous Friday!


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