
Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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 FOR TODAY Septembe October 1st, 2013

Outside my window...
It's still quite dark.   Mitzie is scratching at the back door to go out.  She does this every few minutes which is a tad bit annoying.  It is ok in the summer because I just keep the back door open and she can go out and come in as she pleases, but once the colder weather hits we have to keep the door closed so that means letting her in or out whenever the whim hits.  Every once in a while she takes it in her head that there is a cat in the garden or some such and she just has to go out and investigate!

I am thinking...
"Respect yourself enough to walk away from
anything that no longer serves you,
grows you or makes you happy."

~ Anonymous *✻ღϠ₡ღ   

That's not always an easy thing to do . . . walk away from things which end up being wrong.   Sometimes it means accepting defeat.  I am not one to accept defeat easily.  I am pretty stubborn.  I get that from my mom . . .

I am thankful...
Last night I had a dream about heaven and the Savior and I am thankful for that.  It is a rare thing.

In the kitchen...

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Check it out in The English Kitchen today . . . Quick and Easy Chicken Fried Rice. Tasty, tasty, and easy to make using store cupboard ingredients!  This is a recipe for two but can very easily be multiplied to serve more.

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my nightie!  Today I have added a dressing gown though because it is a tad bit chilly. I still need to buy myself or make myself a pair of slippers.

I am creating...  

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There is a great Tutorial on Dana Made It on creating your own hot pads and pot holders.  I love them.  I need more.  My motto is you can never have enough hotpads and pot holders!

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I love these beautifully colourful pillowcases. What a novel and beautiful way to use up scraps.  You can see more at A Spoonful of Sugar.   (Love that name!)

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I found this little felt doll house with furniture.  It took some doing but I finally found a source for it.  I would loved to make this or something like it for for Maryn.  I think it is adorable!  Plus it wouldn't cost much to post as it would be very light.

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I love this little fabric basket.  You can find the tutorial here.  It doesn't look very hard to do at all.

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This felt envelope is so sweet.  I can see you using something like this for all sorts.  You can find the tutorial here.

I am going...
Iam having a not very busy week this week, which suits me just fine.   Todd has a cold and I am trying to relax.   We have the missionaries coming over for supper tonight.  This is the ones which were supposed to come last week.  We have three sets here now, so three opportunities to feed them each month.   I like that!  It's kind of selfish of me really.  They bring such a beautiful spirit when they come.

I am wondering...
I believe in a God who loves us, his children and wants us to come to Him because we want to partake of that love.   Other's believe in a God who draws his children to Him out of fear.  I don't believe God wants us to only believe in Him because we are afraid not to.  That is just not right to my way of thinking.

I am reading...

Vanishing Acts - another great Picoult

Vanishing Acts, by Jodi Picoult.
Delia Hopkins has led a charmed life. Raised in rural New Hampshire by her widowed father, Andrew, she now has a young daughter, a handsome fiancé, and her own search-and-rescue bloodhound, which she uses to find missing persons. But as she plans her wedding, she is plagued by flashbacks of a life she can’t recall. 

When a policemen arrives to disclose a truth that will upend the world as she knows it, Delia must search through these memories . . . even when they have the potential to devastate her life, and the lives of those she loves most. It is a book about the nature and power of memory; about what happens when the past we have been running from catches up to us . . .  and what happens when the memory we thought had vanished returns as a threat.

Quite enjoying this, but then again, I enjoy all of Jodi Picoult's books.

I am hoping...
I am hoping that all will be well with my heart, as well as hoping that it won't take overly long for them to get some tests set up.  I've been given a bit of a run around already.   It doesn't make sense but I think the Doctor is punishing me for having gone to the ER on my own last week.  I think he thinks I went over his head or something, at least that is the impression I am getting.  It doesn't make me feel very encouraged.  On the one hand I think, what a preposterous idea that any Doctor would do that, but then on the other hand I know that he has had me running around like a blue arsed fly for nothing.

I am looking forward to...
The sisters coming for supper today.  It's always nice to have the Missionaries in your home and feed them.  They bring such a special spirit with them.   I wish more people would take the opportunity to have them over for a meal.    

I am learning...
Patience.   I have spent much of my life trying to be patient and not succeeding.  I wonder if anyone ever does?

If I had a Dream Kitchen...
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I'd have a black and white checkered floor an a big ol fashioned range to cook on.

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I'd have a great big old Hoosier cupboard for a baking station.

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And lots of red and white accents, and open shelving in some spaces.

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There'd be room enough for a kitchen table, so that I could treat my guests to cosy cuppas in the heart of our home which would help to make them feel welcome and loved.

Sigh . . . tis a nice dream . . . and you've got to have a dream haven't you?

I am pondering...
I belong to this book club and the leader keeps picking childish books to read, which I am not all that interested in reading.  How do I quit without offending?

A favorite quote for today...  

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"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves."
~ Karl Wilhelm Von Humbold

One of my favorite things... 

A study in pink photo SAM_1123.jpg

Playing with my camera and then manipulating the photos to create something artsy.  I quite like this one of the hydrangea.  I think it would make a great postcard.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
We were going to go to the Temple tomorrow, but alas, finances have declared otherwise.  I wish we could catch a break financially.   It all seems doom and gloom.

A peek into my day...  
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I spend a lot of timeTalking to myself, lol.  That's what it's like when you have a husband who is either hard of hearing or has selective hearing.  I haven't decided yet just what it is!  Perhaps a bit of both?

A thought to carry with you through today:

You never lose by loving.
You always lose by holding back.
~Barbara DeAngelis



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Have a wonderful Tuesday!
 May all be well in your little corner of the kingdom. 

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