
Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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 FOR TODAY July 23rd, 2013

Outside my window...
It's been raining, but it's still quite humid.   Expecting thunderstorms today at some point!  We want to welcome His Royal Highness the Prince of Cambridge to the world.   I knew it was a boy!   Glad to read that the baby and mum are doing well.  As a country we are delighted!  Or dead chuffed as the British would say!

I am thinking...
As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears.

Never let me become so indifferent,
that I will fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a

Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer
make them forget, at least momentarily,
the unpleasantness in their lives.

and in my final moment, may I hear You whisper:
"When you made people smile, you made Me

I do hope that I create more smiles than tears in this lifetime of mine and that my Heavenly father is pleased with me.

I am thankful...
I am thankful for the Lord's tender mercies.  I partake of them every day of my life.  Even amidst the bad I have always found some good.

In the kitchen...
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In The English Kitchen today , , , Chicken Caesar Salad Sarnies (sandwiches)  A rather tasty way to use up stale bread, a chicken breast and a few other bits and bobs!

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my jim jams!

I am creating...
Working on a new cookbook here, Cheap and Cheerful in The English Kitchen,  but nothing concrete to show you just yet really . . . so thought I would share some baby boy craft ideas here this morning in honor of the new Prince!

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I think this little shark hat is adorable!   The wee one looks chuffed to be wearing it!

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I couldn't find the source for these, but aren't they adorable for a wee baby boy!   So monsterish!   I would love to find the pattern as I have a new wee grandson too!

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I don't know about you, but I think this is absolutely ADORABLE!  Of course you couldn't use it with the baby unattended, but I think it's pretty sweet and what a fab picture opportunity!

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I am loving this owl mobile.  Good for any baby and you could customize the colours to the room!  Cute!

I am going...
I am going to closet myself in my craft room today because I have a talk to write for Sunday.  It is supposed to be on the Atonement.  So much food for thought there.  I normally like a but more time than a week to write a talk, but oh well!   That's how it goes!

I am wondering...
I am wondering what they will name the little Prince.   I am thinking that the grandfather's names will be in there somewhere . . . Charles and Michael . . . and of course the great granddad, Phillip.   There's a lot of speculation floating about concerning this.   It will be a name deserving of a royal of course.  Perhaps Prince George?   Who knows?   I can't wait to find out though!  George Charles Michael Phillip Mountbatten Windsor???  Has a nice ring to it!

I am reading...
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Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine
This is my second reading of this book.   Jo Clifford, a successful journalist, is all set to disprove hypnosis and past-life regression, until she submits to a simple hypnotic session and finds herself reliving the experiences of Matilda, Lady of Hay, the wife of a baron at the time of King John.  I read Lady of Hay when it was first published in 1986. The quality of the writing is superb , and the depth of reader involvement in the story is something that has been maintained throughout every single Barbara Erskine book. Looking at the twenty fifth anniversary edition , it appears that this book has stood the test of time and deservedly so...  I thought it would be fun to revisit it now that I live very close to the places which are mentioned in the book.  I can now picture the reality of them in my mind as I am reading.   I highly recommend!

Nothing has changed.   I am going to try to get Todd to take me to some of these places though! Last night I was reading in the book and they mentioned Tonbridge Castle and I was chuffed to think I have been there!!

I am hoping...
 I am hoping that I can get my talk completely written today.  Fingers crossed!!

I am looking forward to...
We have invited some good friends over for supper on Friday evening.  I am looking forward to spending some quality time with them.

I am learning...
I am learning that the more you think you know about people the more you are surprised!  I like that about people.  For instance this past Friday night at the Promise Auction at our chapel to raise funds for the Youth, the opportunity to play darts with an International Darts Champion was one of the auctions.   They did not reveal who the champion was until after the bidding had closed.  It ended up being an older woman!  I had been expecting a man.  I think everyone was pleasantly surprised!  Way to go Eileen!

Around the house...

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What a gorgeous kitchen larder door!   I think it's just wonderful.   You would have to have a large house to have this though.  It wouldn't work in our tiny one.

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Loving this old washtub being used as a planter in the garden.   It's a beautiful repurpose!

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What a gorgeous garden bird.  I love finding little surprises like this in a garden.  They add to it's beauty.  We have fairies and such tucked into planters throughout our garden and I have a wee tiny rusted birdbath with a bird sitting on it quite similar to this.   These types of things never fail to delight the eye and inspire the imagination!

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I just adore this garden path.  Can you imagine stumbling upon this in a garden???  How could you not follow it!  I want to know what's at the end!!

I am pondering...
Who was the genius who invented cake? 

A favorite quote for today...  

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(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)☆__ ☆
¤ ؛° ¤`•.¸.•´ ¤ ☆__☆***☆__☆..

There's nothing half so pleasant
as coming home again.”
~Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

One of my favorite things...
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Angels.   I love Angels.   Have you ever had an Angelic Encounter?  I love reading stories about people who have seen angels.  I believe they are all around us and they will step in to help us from time to time,  We may not always recognize them though!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
A bit of this, a bit of that and . . . everything in between.

A peek into my day...
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I spend a great deal of time with my head in the clouds . . . it has been ever so . . . I am a dreamer at heart.

A thought to carry with you through today:

“Next time you’re stressed, take a step back,
inhale and laugh.
Remember who you are and why you’re here.
You’re never given anything in this world
that you can’t handle.
Be strong, be flexible, love yourself,
and love others.
Always remember,
just keep moving forward.”

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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