
Monday 22 July 2013

Small and Wonderful Things

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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I just love the Sister Missionaries.  This is Sister Milben on the left and Sister Doherty on the right.   Sister M is from Canada and Sister D is from Australia.   They both stopped by last evening as they are leaving us this week.   Sister D is going to be returning home to Oz in about 10 days time as her mission is finishing and Sister M is going to the Manchester YSA Ward.   We will really miss them both so very much.  Sister M has been here since January!  A very long time.   She is like a piece of the furniture now.  I've been able to go out teaching with these girls and they've been to our home many, many times.   You always hate to see them leave, but it's all a part of what needs be.   We wish them both God speed and joy.   I am sure we will have an opportunity to see them at the British Pageant on the first of August, but still . . . we'll miss them so very much!  Sister Missionaries warm my heart in a very special way.

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This is Elder Galera from Portugal.  He's been here for four months.  He's leaving us too!   We love Elder Galera.   He is such a happy and cheerful chap!  His enthusiasm and love for the Gospel is quite contagious.  It is hard not to smile when you see him because he is always smiling and so very happy.  It is like a tea kettle bubbling away, his joy for life.   We will miss him. We have enjoyed having him in our home these past months and our loss will be another Ward's gain, but then again . . . that is the nature of Mission Work.  They are always moving on to a new place and we get to make new friends, as do they.    God bless the Missionaries and all that they share and sacrifice for the Lord.

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This is Elder Johnson from San Diego, California.  He doesn't really like dogs that much, but he loves Mitzie and she loves him too as you can see!  Elder Johnson is staying.   He hasn't been here that long so we get to keep him for a while longer.  He's very tall.  I think they grown them especially tall in America, as most of the lads we get from there are very tall.  Elder Johnson loves to cook and is always looking for new recipes.  He loves the Gospel too.   All these Missionaries do.  That is why they are out in the World doing what they are doing, having left their families for two years (the lads) and 18 months (the girls.)  It is a great sacrifice for them, both emotionally and financially.   They do this at their own expense.   At a time when most young people in the world are having a great time partying and being young, these young people of our church spread the Gospel message far and wide.  They are a beautiful example of courage and faith.   It is often not very easy for them.   They are ridiculed from time to time, even spit upon at others.   They are often rejected and have doors slammed in their faces, or verbal abuse hurled at them.  In some places they even face danger.  Why do they do it?  Because they love the Lord and they want to share that love with others.  Because they know that their own lives and the lives of their families will be blessed in doing so.   It breaks my heart when I see or hear of people being unkind to them.   If you see a Missionary about, please say hello and be kind to them.  Remember, even if you do not agree with the message they are sharing, they are someone's son or daughter, brother or sister, grandson or grand-daughter.    Think about what it would be were it your son or daughter and how you would want them treated.   I know that none of my readers would be unkind, because I have the best readers in the world!

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Little Visitors who love our garden as much as I do!   I see all sorts . . . from long thin winged mysterious creatures . . .

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Fat and hairy little Bumble Bees, their pollen sacs all golden and filled to overflowing, wings a buzzing as they flit from flower to flower . . . to flower . . .

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to loving long haired spaniels who dog my every footstep taking in all that I am taking in and sniffing everything along the way.  Oh, I do love this little madame . . . she is so curious and so eager to please . . .

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And such a playful loving creature . . . what would we do without her.  She brings us so much joy and pleasure, and . . . love, unconditional love.   Her brilliant personality and eagerness to please is a wonder to us.    She is probably one of the sweetest things in our lives and days . . .

She is our baby we could not have.

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Speaking of babes . . .  this is the latest photo of our little Cameron mimicking his Uncle Bruce.   He's such a little cutie pie.   Oh how I miss being around for these things . . . he is growing like a weed.  So precious these wee ones are . . . so very precious.

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Todd trimmed the hedge at the weekend, except for this area.  We have these beautiful pinkish blooms sprouting all through one area of the hedge along with an abundance of blackberries!   Todd is not allowed to trim upon pain of death!!  They are just gorgeous and I want the blackberries!  (hopefully before the birds get them, and if they do . . . well, so be it!)  I don't know what these flowers are, do you???

Surprise gifts from above.  Those are the best kinds.

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Our garden is a thing of great beauty at the moment . . . with beautiful flowers blooming in every corner, and fruit ripening on bush and tree . . . God is good.

And that's the most wonderful thing of all.  This knowledge that God is good.   I am so grateful for that knowledge and the power that it brings into my life.

A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

“The true way to live
is to enjoy every moment as it passes,
and surely it is in the everyday things around us
that the beauty of life lies.”
~Laura Ingalls Wilder~  

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Simple Vanilla Biscuits (aka cookies).  I love my new cookie stamps!

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One last small and wonderful thing!!   There is a Royal Baby on the way!  Yes, the Duchess of Cambridge is in labour!  We wish her well!  Come on Kate!

Have a fab Monday!

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