
Sunday 25 November 2012

Sunday Morning This and That . . .

First of all I want to thank everyone for their love and support and most importantly prayers for my dear mum.  I spoke to her for about an hour yesterday and She is trying to remain upbeat about it all, which is good.  The Doctor actually told her that she had lung cancer, which I don't really understand. I do not know how they can know this for sure, without taking an MRI or something of that kind.  She's going in to hospital tomorrow for a week and there will be further tests done so we will see.  I know they told my dad about 12 years ago that he had lung cancer and he didn't.  He had TB.  At the time we felt as if we had been visited by a miracle and so I am praying for a similar miracle here.  I deeply believe in the power of prayer and in miracles.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

We popped into Chester after I spoke to my mum as I had some Christmas Cards to drop off at the Gallery.  The city was the busiest I had seen it in a while and looking very festive to say the least.  They have their Christmas Outdoor Market set up again this year and it's just lovely with lots of medieval looking stalls and everyone in them dressed up in Dickensian style.  I took some photos but they are rather naff I'm afraid.  I think my head was all over the place yesterday and I wasn't very focused in what I took photos of.

There was a really colourful ride set up for the kiddies as well.


All the shop windows were looking particularly festive as well.  This is the bake shop up near the forum.  I thought it very pretty and pretty tempting, but I did not succumb!

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

The Chester City Tour Bus is all done up for Christmas as well and it was buzzing through town, dropping artificial snow through the air.  It was really festive and impressive.  It was too fast for me to grab a photo, but I found this one on flickr.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

The inside of the Grovenor Shopping Arcade.  Very pretty and festive looking and all of the shop windows, just beautiful.  They have really gone all out in there.

Even the Victoria Jubilee Clock looked festive, although I have to admit I think the street decorations are a bit subdued in the day time . . . it's only at night that they really sparkle and shine.

 (photo pinched from Flickr)

The Christmas Season has officially arrived at Chester.  I do so love this city and it's spirit.  It was really buzzing yesterday with lots of Buskers and people.


I expect it will become even more so with the run up to Christmas.  I am not overly fond of the crowds, so I will probably not go in again before Christmas unless on a week day, but most certainly not on a Saturday!


Another reason I had wanted to go into town was that I wanted to look for a rag doll for my Granddaughter for Christmas.  I had bought her a Sucre D'orge dress set in denim and red yonks ago and I was going to make her a special doll as you know, but time has just run away from me and so I recognize that it won't happen now.

I saw this at the Build A Bear shop.  It was so sweet.  I love gingerbread men.  They are my absolute favourite thing, but . . . I just couldn't justify the expense of this.  I so wanted to though . . . I really did.  A Gingerbread Hello Kitty . . . so sweet.

I continued on down to the Disney Store.  (I was having a good day yesterday arthritis wise which was great!)  I fell in love with these mini mouse shoes and thought they would go perfectly with the dress.  They are so cute and sparkly and RED!  Just perfect.  What little girl would not love a pair of red sparkly shoes.  When I was a little girl I always wanted a pair of red shoes.  Even better that Mini  Mouse adorns the front.  I feel fairly safe in showing these as my granddaughter doesn't go on line yet, at only 22 months of age and my daughter is not the least bit interested in my page or what I get up to, so I am pretty certain the surprise won't be spoilt!

Of course this had to come home with me as well.  I wasn't going to do Christmas Gifts this year, just money . . .  but where I had already bought the dress  earlier in the year . . . well, you know.   Besides, with the shoes it was only £7.99, a real bargain. The other grandchildren have had years of me buying them gifts, but little Maryn has not.

After that we came home and I tried to settle into doing some work but I just couldn't get my mind to settle on anything at all, so we plunked ourselves in front of the telly and watched mindless drivel for the rest of the evening.  And that was Saturday . . .

But today is a new day and I get to go to church and recharge my spiritual battery and I will be talking to my mom again this afternoon.  I will be sure to pass on to her all of your best wishes and prayers.  I know she will be very touched and encouraged by them.  I do believe I have the best friends in the world.  You are all so very special to me.

“Your Father in heaven knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations. And He knows what you can become through faith in Him.” 
~Jeffrey R Holland  

This is a promise I cling to.


Cinnamon Roll Pancakes in The English Kitchen today.

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