
Monday 26 November 2012

Monday morning this and that . . .

I spoke to my mother yesterday afternoon when we got home from church. They were having their first real snowstorm of the season  and we reminisced about how exciting an event  that used to be as children, despite the 20 odd year difference in our ages.  She was very upbeat and we lifted each other.  I won't be calling her today as she will be busy getting settled into the hospital.  She is not even sure yet what time she is to be admitted. I feel very positive about this whole thing.   I have laid it all at the feet of the Lord and am resting in His promises and His provisions.

"Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
~Joshua 1:9

I wanted to call your attention to another prayer concern this morning.  My eldest daughter, Eileen (the one that got married in July) boarded with a woman named Brenda for a number of years before she got married.  Brenda is like a second mom to her and I will always be so very grateful to her for the way she has supported and loved my daughter.  Brenda's daughter had a little baby boy last Spring, her first grandchild.  His name is Logan.  I only found out yesterday that Logan has a type of cancer called a  neuroblastoma.  It often just goes away in small children once their immune system kicks in at around 9 months of age and he is to all intents and purposes a healthy happy normal little baby boy, but as a great believer in  the power of prayer I know how much it helps so, if you all wouldn't mind adding Logan to your prayer list, I would appreciate it so very much and I know Brenda would as well.

We had a lovely service at church yesterday morning.  The talks were wonderfully uplifting and soul enriching and there was a baby blessing.  I just love baby blessings.  There is always a beautiful spirit in attendance.  We do not baptize or christen babies in our church. It is a simple procedure. It takes place in the chapel during a regular Sunday meeting. The father or a priesthood holder along with other priesthood holders gather around the baby. They put one hand underneath the child, and one on the shoulder of the man to their left. The person performing the blessing announces the name of the baby and then gives the child a personal blessing of health, and future development such as education, marriage, etc. as the spirit inspires.  It's very beautiful and moving to witness all of these righteous men, both family and friends of the family exercising their priesthood in such a way.  I always feel the loss of not having been able to witness this same blessing pronounced upon my own children, but at the same time my heart is filled with joy at all that we have been given from God, and the beautiful doctrines and ordinances of this church I love so very much.

Mitzie is going to the Vet again this morning to be given a clean bill of health, hopefully!  She finished the last of her antibiotics yesterday.  I have been rolling them up in a bit of cheese and giving them to her before each meal.  I think she will wonder this morning why her breakfast has not been preceded by a tasty bit of cheese!!  She is a really smart little cookie, and it doesn't take her very long at all to take something like that on board and make it an integral part of her daily routine.  She loves to go to the Spar with us (like a 7/11 shop).  She always waits in the car with Todd.  She knows I always buy her a cheese string thingie when I am in there.  It's a great adventure for her!  I wish I could get that excited about a cheese string!

It's hard to believe that we are already into the last week of November and the year is drawing down to it's close.  I find this year has passed by very quickly.  Does anyone else feel that way?  It's like time is speeding up or something.  WE have more time saving devices than we have ever had and yet . . . it seems we have less and less time.  Funny how that goes.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I hope that it is a good week for each of you my dear friends.  One filled with lots of love, hope and blessings of joy.

Happy Thought for the day:

"Every kindness spreads in a shining circle . . . see how good people everywhere set rings of light moving across the darkness, rings that link and interlock and keep at bay the forces of the night."
-Pam Brown

May I be a ring of light today and indeed every day.


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Salmon Loaf with Creamed Peas.


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