
Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, October 2nd, 2012...

Outside My Window...

A new day is dawning.  I wonder what the day will bring.  I am sure it will bring something amazing in some way, grande or small.  Each day is like a clean page . . . just waiting to be written upon.  What will you write today?? 

I am thinking...
"It's possible to forget how alive we really are.  We can become dry and tired, just existing instead of really living.  We need to remind ourselves of the juice of life, and make that a habit.  Find those places inside that jump for joy and do things."


We had a lovely time down in London.  It had been a long time since we did something like that.  Life is so amazing.  We really need to be alert to the little pockets of joy that smack us in the face every day and often.  It is so easy to get stuck into the humdrumicity of life, but that needn't be the norm.  I walked more than I have in months.  Even though much of it was painful, I walked through the pain.  It made me notice how very much I have been giving in to my pain and allowing it to cause me to only half live my life.  I vow to move about more and not stay home when I could be out and about . . . simply because it might make my joints groan!  I am living a truly remarkable life.

I am thankful for...

Those of you who are my friends and have been keeping up with my adventures on Facebook will have already seen this, but not all of you are so I will shout it to the rooftops!  I am thankful for my "British Turkey Award!"  Yes!  I won.  I am the UK Turkey Blogger of the Year!  (That sounds rather funny doesn't it! lol)  We had a fabulous time down in London and I actually won!  It was a wonderful evening which I will write about more at length once I have my pictures downloaded and edited.  Let's just say . . . Phil Vickery, Jamie Oliver, Sir Matthew Pinsent, Pete Scrivener, snogs, great food, Jimmy Doherty, Ed Byrne, great entertainment, wonderful company . . . in a beautiful environment, feet that still haven't touched the ground . . . all rolled up into one delightful evening!  Oh, and the most important thing . . . Todd by my side the whole way!

From the kitchen...
NOT A LOT!  We just got back yesterday afternoon and I have vertigo for some odd reason!
I am wearing...

A pink M&S nightie, slippers, robe.  Warm and comfy. 

I am creating...

Working on 
the finishing touches for my Christmas Cook-booklet.  I have ever so much fun doing this one.

Getting things ready to put into the Gallery next week. I have all of the mats bought, and plastic sleeves.  Some cards, some prints, some matchbox dolls.  Lots to do!

Anyone wanting Christmas Cards, now is the time to order them.  As I do each one individually by hand they do take some time to put together.  Leave a comment or e-mail me if you are wanting any!  I have all the ones available from years gone past, plus new ones for this year.

Working on one of these while we watch telly in the evening.  It's a ripple afghan.  Using the same colours as I did in the other one for continuity.

I brought my pencils and notebook down to London and practiced my sketches for the art course I am taking when we were just sitting around resting.

There are more, but . . . I don't want to bore you!

I am going...
I am taking it easy for a couple of days.  We are going to be spending Thanksgiving day with some dear friends later this week.  (Canadian)  I am doing the desserts and condiments, rolls, etc.  I am really looking forward to it!  I just love these people and aside from the food, I just know we will have a fabulous day!  Also looking forward to General Conference this weekend!  OH, and the Relief Society Additional Meeting at our chapel on Thursday evening.  We have a nice one planned for the girls.  It should be fun!

I am reading...

Source: via Kaye on Pinterest

When Love Awaits, Johanna Lindsey

From amazon:
Once Lady Leonie cursed 'the Black Wolf' - handsome Rolfe d'Ambert, the mercenary Lord of Kempston - for his bloody deeds and cruelty to the local peasants. Now she must marry the magnificent blackguard to bring peace to the land.
Young, innocent, and possessing a rare and exquisite beauty, Leonie would be a prize for any man - yet Rolfe seeks the match solely for revenge. But her sensuous kiss ignites within him the fiery need to claim her - and an irresistible desire to unite their warring hearts in glorious love. 

I know . . . these romance novels are all the same.  Girl hates boy.  Boy is a handsome rake.  They fall in love whilst trying to pretend they hate each other. I just wanted some light reading for a change.  It's been a long while since I have read one of these.  I used to read them all the time when I was younger.  I just skip over the smutty pages now.  I never used to mind them much, but I find them a bit embarrassing now.  I must be getting old!  

I am hoping...

The sky is beginning to brighten up a teensie bit.  I am hoping that today will not be a complete wash out!  I think England has had enough rain!

I am hearing...
Nothing new really.
Mitzie is snoring on the couch. The clock is ticking . . . my fingers are clicking on the keyboard.  The sound of the odd car driving past on the wet pavement.  Nothing much changes in that way from one morning to the next.

Around the house...

OOPS!  Sorry . . . I got distracted there for a minute.  (Although he would be RATHER nice to have around the house! tee hee!)

I am loving this idea for inside my baking cupboard, albeit in a different colour!  (Not liking the black.)

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

Am wanting my fridge to look like this.  Sigh . . .

Yes please!  What a clever idea!!  You find the neatest things on Pinterest!

One of my favourite things . . .

I  ♥ ♥ ♥ Katie Alice anything!  I have a few of her tea cups.  I just adore these mugs.  I have one of her melamine sandwich trays.  Her things are so fresh and pretty and sweet.  I actually like her stuff more than Kath Kidston, and that is saying a lot as I adore Kath Kidston!

Something new about me ...
Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I love, LOVE Gingerbread men/ladies/children/houses.  I have held a fascination for them ever since I was a child and read The Gingerbread Man book.

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

It was a Little Golden Book.  (Can you believe I had all of these!  And more.  I wish I still did!!)  I love to fill my house with gingerbread men at Christmas time.  I think I will have a battle with Todd over it this year.  He keeps saying he doesn't want anything pagan in his house this Christmas, like a tree or anything . . . I beg to differ.

One of my guilty pleasures ...

It's so bad for you, and I can feel my arteries constricting just looking at this picture, but I do love to indulge myself in this once in a while . . .

I haven't had any in forever.  Must resist . . . must resist.

Pet Peeves... 
Cab drivers who take advantage of people.  We got ripped off twice down in London.  We got a cab from Euston Station to our hotel and it cost us £35, which was a lot.  I didn't want Todd lugging those heavy cases on the underground.  The same trip back to Euston Station, different cab driver, at the end of our stay, £15.  We took a cab to the Savoy from our hotel on Thursday evening,  once again . . . £35.  Trip back to our hotel that same evening, from the Savoy, after 11 PM when the rates triple due to the late hour . . . £17.  Talk about getting rooked.  It's just not right.

The two decent drivers were cockney's.  Just saying.  Obviously much more honest.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

"All you need is tea and warm socks!"

That is one of the best and coziest things about the colder weather, except I am more likely than not to have a hot chocolate and an herbal tea.  Love warm socks, especially in the winter.  Especially love keeping them on my feet right up til I crawl into bed.  Then I take them off.  Does anything on earth feel better than that feeling of the sheets upon feet that were just wrapped in socks???  I THINK NOT!!

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

"There are moments of such pure, sublime, unparalled perfection that they will force you to close your eyes and hold on to them as best you can.  Life is a series of these moments.  Everything else is just waiting for them."
~Ian Thomas

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!  


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Steak Burgers with Stilton and Ale!

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