
Thursday 27 September 2012

And we're off!

It's hard to believe that the 27th of September is already here and today I am off down to London!  The time sure has gone quickly.  It will be a nice little break for me and Todd.  Canada was nice, but it was more like a working holiday, not like a real holiday.  This weekend will be more like a holiday.  The weather is set to clear and with any luck, we won't get rained on!!

We had a friend of ours from church over the other morning to do some portrait photos of us and Mitzie.  He posted this on facebook yesterday for us to see.

Aren't they absolutely gorgeous??  It will be hard to choose one!!  We took her to her little holiday camp yesterday.  She always stays with a friend of ours who has two sons when we go away.  (Well, twice now anyways.)  She really likes it there because they make a lot of fuss with her, but she's always happy to see us when we get back too.  That's the worst part of being away . . . missing Mitzie.  It just didn't seem the same here in the house last night without her being here too.  She is just such a vibrant presence in our lives and we love her so very much.

So this is the dress that I got to wear.  Not a good picture I know.  It is really difficult to get a formal wear dress these days that is modest.  I also got a little cream coloured silk sweater jacket to wear on top that has crystals around the neck.  I have a little black clutch bag with pearls and crystals on it and a pair of black patent leather flats that I can wear to church after.

Todd's got his dinner suit all dry cleaned.  We were really lucky there as we just happened to have one in our closet.  When we worked at the Manor, clothes often came down to the laundry room to be sent to charity shops or whatever.  One time there was this tuxedo/dinner suit in the bunch and the housekeeper thought it would fit Todd and so she gave it to us.  We never ever thought we would have a chance to use it, but we kept it anyways because you just never know when something like that might come in handy and it did!  We'll try to get someone at the hotel to take a snap of us before we leave to go to the ball.  I feel a little bit like Cinderella.  I hope that I don't turn into a pumpkin at midnight!

We have plans to visit a few things while we are in London.

Todd wants to go to the Horse Guards Museum.  We've been to see the Horse Guards before, but never gone into the museum.  That should be interesting.

We've got vouchers to go to Kensington Palace, which will be fun.  I've wanted to go there for a long time.

We've got vouchers for a Thames River Cruise, which will be fun.

We have a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum, which is free, planned.

Then I want to go to Harrods, to the Food Hall.   I've been there before, but I want to pick up a treat for the gal who is watching Mitzie.  Something different and a bit naughty that she wouldn't normally be able to indulge in.

In any case, I am sure we'll have a nice time away.  I promise to take lots of pictures and show them to you when we get back.  I've set up the English Kitchen to publish each day while I am away.  That's easy to do because it's just food, and I have an Italian fella doing a couple of guest posts beginning tomorrow.

Not sure if I will get online to give any updates while we are away.  It all depends on if the hotel has free WiFi or not.  Try not to miss me too much!

A happy thought for the day to leave you with:

"There are moments of such pure, sublime, unparalled perfection that they will force you to close your eyes and hold on to them as best you can.  Life is a series of these moments.  Everything else is just waiting for them."
~Iain Thomas


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Pork Cutlets with a Port and Cherry Sauce.

See you when I get back! 


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