
Tuesday 15 May 2012

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, May 15th, 2012...

Outside My Window...

It is looking decidedly overcast at the moment.  I'm not sure what the day will do.  Typical day in the UK!  It swings back and forth and changes from one moment to the next.  We had a bit of a thunder storm yesterday afternoon, with lots of hail.   One thing about the weather is it makes for an interesting topic of conversation at any rate!!

I am thinking...
I have been thinking it won't be long now and we'll be off to Canada for the wedding.  The invitation came in the post yesterday.  It's really pretty.


It's becoming more real now.  Our Eileen getting married.  She and Tim have been together for a long time now, and have been waiting and waiting to be able to get married.  I am so happy for them and pray that everything works out well for them.

I am thankful for...

 Although I have my aches and pains, arthritis is no fun for sure . . . I do enjoy relative good health in every other way.   I think that every day you wake up over the age of 55, and you  find yourself healthy and sane, is a bonus!

From the kitchen...
Well . . . um . . . there's not a lot. We are having the missionaries for supper tonight though, so I better get busy!  I must feed them up!

I am wearing...
Pink nightie (M&S) robe (again M&S) and slippers (WOW M&S again!)

I am creating...

 As many of you know this year is the Silver Anniversary Jubilee Celebrations of Queen Elizabeth II!!  I have created a very special cookbooklet in honor of this most auspicious occasion. Entitled "A Very Royal Tea Party", it is filled with over 20 special recipes,  including everything from delicious savoury offerings, to delectable puds and delights.  Also included are my own delightful water colour illustrations (Rule Britannia!), Teatime prose and folklore, Hints and Tips to make your tea party the very best that it can be, Teatime etiquitte, several crafts to help make your day special and unique, and your very own Tea Party Invitations that you can print and send out to your friends.

The price is £5, payment via paypal, and will be sent to you  as a downloadable PDF.

Please allow 12 hours for delivery, due to time differences!

I worked really hard on this, doing all the little paintings and putting everything together in just the right way.  I'm quite proud of it.   I've had very good feedback on it thus far from those who have purchased it.  If this works out well, I may do another one a few months down the road!

I am going...
I have the daily reading lessons of course and then tomorrow morning we have to take Mitzie to be groomed.  Then on Wednesday evening I have my Presidency meeting at the chapel.  Then we are having friends over for a late lunch/early supper on Saturday, which will be the highlight of my week!  I do so love to have friends over!

I am reading...

Heaven Is Here, by Stephanie Nielson
I have been reading the story of Stephanie Nielson, who blogs over on The NieNie Dialogues.  She was in a really bad accident  in 2008 when the light plane her husband and his flight instructor were flying crashed.  She was burned in over 80% of her body and her life changed completely.  She has been an inspiration to so very many people in the world since then, with her honest and poignant writings.  I am a fan and I am really enjoying her book.  I find her so very inspiring.  Life is interesting isn't it.  I am sure that when she started her blog, a number of years before the accident, she had no idea of the impact it would have on so many people's lives and the influence she would have.  I am sure that she would much rather have not had to endure that horrible accident and the pain and challenges she has had to endure since that time . . . and I wish too, that she hadn't had to . . . but in having done so, she has been able to turn what was a really horrible negative into a positive and inspired people all around the world.  That is the power of the Gospel.  It can help anyone to turn a horrible negative into a positive.  I am almost finished this book now.  I highly recommend it to anyone.

 I am hoping...
I noticed that in my e-mail sent folder this morning, there was evidence of a couple of e-mails that got sent out to people I don't even recognize early in the wee hours yesterday.  I am sure hoping that is not problem cropping up!!

I am hearing...
Nothing new really. Mitzie is snoring away on the sofa. The keys are tapping. The birds are singing. The odd car drives by. The clock is ticking. It's very quiet actually . . . a typical early morning.

Around the house...

I just love LOVE this fresh look, with the bare wooden floors and that comfy looking gingham covered sofa.  Then there are those white airy looking curtains.  It's all so simplistic and I think, quite quite beautiful.  If  I wasn't such a collector of things, I could achieve this look quite, quite easily!  Unfortunately I am a bit of a clutterbug.  I need help!  Seriously!  Just ask Todd.  I drive him nuts.  He told me the other day that if someone was to do a portrait of me it would show a virtually clean pathway in front of me and chaos following behind me!  Cheeky man!!

One of my favourite things . . .
I love linens.  New ones, old ones . . . plain ones, fancy ones . . . 

Tablecloths, tea towels, pillow slips, doilies, hand towels, napkins, curtains, etc. ... it doesn't matter to me what they are . . . I adore them.  I could sit and look at them for hours.  I love the different colours and textures, the feel of them beneath my hands.  I love ironing them.  I just love linens.  Full stop.

Something new about me ...
When I have a head cold, I grind my teeth.  I don't know why.  Thankfully I don't get colds very often.

One of my guilty pleasures ...
I love Ritz Crackers spread with Cheese Whiz.  It has ever been so.  I just love Cheese Whiz.  You can't get it over here.  It is something that I must indulge myself in when I go home every few years or so.  I think my waist line is glad of that.

Pet Peeves...
I get really annoyed at the manufacturers of things like tin foil, plastic cling film, etc.  They always tape the rolls shut in the dispensers, so you have to try to loosen the tape and remove if before you can use it.  I always end up wasting at least 6 inches of it trying to do that . . . and lately I have noticed that at least the last 4 inches of foil in the foil box is glued to the cardboard that holds it, and you can't get that off either!!  I hate that I pay for a full 5 meters or whatever it is . . . and there ends up being at least a foot of it that is rendered useless!  (Slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean!)  Why can't they just be honest with us and say . . . "This box contains 5 meters of foil wrap, but you won't be able to use at least 12 inches of it, sorry for that, but it can't be helped!"

 Here is picture thought I am sharing...

“This may be the very day that
you've been praying for,
The day on which Good Luck will
come aknocking at your door.
Bringing you that long
awaited opportunity,
So greet it in a happy mood
of gay expectancy!"
~Patience Strong

I always feel so excited as I awaken each morning at the thought of the day which lays ahead of me.  Each day to me is a great adventure and I never have any idea how it is going to turn out!  Life is what you make of it.  If you look at the glass as being half empty, you will never be content . . . however if you see it as being half full . . . you will always feel gifted and amazed and very, very content.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:


“Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed.” 
~Jeffrey R Holland, Created for Greater Things.

There is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel.  I believe these words to be true and I am so grateful for a heart that sought and was able to find peace and contentment in this wisdom.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

 Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Cheese Scalloped Onions!


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