
Monday 14 May 2012

Happy Thoughts . . .

Source: via Kevin on Pinterest

Gracefully the larch boughs stretch
as if they felt in every vein . . .
The tender searching of the wind,
The warm caress of sun and rain . . .
From far wild mountains, it has come . . .
Now rooted here, as if at ease.
No stranger, but a happy guest,
content amongst our English trees.
~Patience Strong

I, too, am like the larch tree . . .  a guest from afar, now happily rooted here and content amongst the English trees.  It is a pleasant thought and as I came upon it this morning, I said to myself, YES! That is me!  Oh happy day.

I had a Mother's Day call yesterday from my middle son.  It did make my heart sing to be remembered.  He took this picture of Jon whilst he was talking to me on the telephone.  Jon is looking very grumpy, but he's not really.  That's just a face he pulled for the camera.  Apparently he really likes the monster book I sent him for his Birthday last week.  He has his father read it to him every night in bed.  I'll have to find more like that for him!  It was lovely to hear my son's voice and feel of his love for me.  My daughter in law got on the phone to wish me a happy day as well, which was also very, very nice.  I am looking so very much forward to seeing them this summer at our Eileen's wedding.

If this happy snap does not bring a HUGE smile to your face then there is no hope for you!  Little Maryn enjoying her new swing.  Oh, it does my heart so much good to see this sweet little one.  She looks utterly at joy with the moment, does she not?   I'm looking forward to meeting her this summer as well.  She is going to be a flower girl at our Eileen's wedding.  I see lots of picture taking in my future!  I can't wait!  I got a package in the post on Saturday.  It was a cute little sundress that I had ordered for her.

I had forgotten that I ordered this!  Now I want to make a dolly for her dressed in the same outfit.  I hope that I can make one in time!

A late night message on my i-pad from this one made me smile just as I was falling asleep.  Oh, he will be 37 at the end of this month.  A lot of time has passed since this picture was taken, oh so long ago!  It is hard to believe that I have a son that is that old, I know!  I'm so young after all!  *cough* *cough*  Anthony made me a mother for the first time, something which I had wished to be for my whole life, since I was only a little girl.  I love it when dreams come true, don't you???  ☺


It's finished now.  All I have to do is give it a final proof read this morning, with untired eyes and convert it to a PDF and hopefully by the end of today this little cookbooklet I have written will be available for download!  Just in time for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee!  (This is a photo I took of the cover laying on my table this morning, so it's not a fantastic picture, but the best I could do from that angle!)

It's 22 pages of tea party madness!!  Over 19 delicious recipes that are perfect for the occasion, lots of tea lore and facts, fun quotes, tea party etiquette and even a couple of easy crafts!  I am so excited about it.  Todd thinks it's all quite wonderful.  We shall see!

Oh my, but didn't Mitzie bring a smile to my face yesterday with her antics.  Again, she was wanting me to follow her down to the end of the garden.  When we got to the Hedgehog house, I noticed that Todd had cordoned it off with some chicken wire, so that she could not get through to bother anything that might or might not have been in it . . . there sitting on the top was a kitty cat, sitting all comfy and cosy as you like . . . not at all bothered by the madly barking dog on the other side of the wire.  Cats can be such teases don't you think??


The new series The Starlings started on the telly last night!  It has two of my favourite actors in it. Aside from that, I love, Love, LOVE Brendon Coyle in anything!  I think he's a real peach.  The show was really good and we're looking forward to seeing more episodes.  That should keep us happy until the next series of Downton Abby returns in the fall!

I love my Mister Bates, don't you???  I've been a fan of Brendon Coyles for years and years.  Ever since I saw him in a Catherine Cookson film yonks and yonks ago.

Can you not see why???  I know . . . he's quite the dreamboat.  (I mean the man, NOT the baby! haha!)

OH, and just to make an already perfect day perfecter????  I had one of these for my supper.  That's all.  Just one of these.  And it was good.

Happy Mother's Day to me!

Cookingin The English Kitchen today . . . Fruity Sausage Baps!

"However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines."
~Jeffrey R Holland

(A thought that made me smile in bed last night as I read it.  It brought me great comfort.)

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