
Saturday 14 April 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . I Like a Kid That Whistles

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

I like a kid that whistles,
When I hear his merry note,
I feel a sort of answering song,
Swelling in my own throat,
As if I too, must share the joy,
Of my nice mannered paper boy.

I like to hear a woman sing
When polishing her floors,
Getting a meal or doing up
The common household chores,
For laughter has a happy tone,
And a good flavour all it's own.

I like a man who smiles and sings,
And tells a kindly joke,
Whose workshop is a meeting place,
For half the country folk,
Who find in his warm-hearted laugh,
Their little troubles cut in half.

For laughter lays a tender spell,
On all who know her ways,
Like a beloved guest who brings,
A blessing where she stays,
Whistles and laughter . . . songs and mirth,
Are among the sweetest things of earth.
~Edna Jaques

A happy poem here this morning, from one of Canada's foremost poets of the last century, Edna Jacques. Lecturer, author and poet, Edna Jaques was a popular figure throughout Canada. Her poems sometimes depicted the harsh beauty of the Prairies, but above all they celebrated the daily experiences of domestic life. Born in Collingwood, Ontario, on January 17, 1891, she moved with her family to a homestead southeast of Moose Jaw in 1902. Her first two poems were published when she was only 14. She published several volumes of poetry and her poems appeared in newspapers across Canada; her best-known poem, “In Flanders Now,” was placed in the chapel at Arlington Cemetery near Washington, DC. She wrote newspaper and magazine articles. She was also a very welcome speaker at diverse groups across Canada. She died in 1978 I first became acquainted with her poetry when, as a girl, I found a volume entitled "Fireside Poems" in our family bookcase. I read them frequently and loved her words. I was thrilled to pieces last year when I was able to purchase an old copy of this same volume of poetry and I truly treasure it and the poetry within it's pages.

There is an inscription on it's inside cover which reads simply . . . "Best wishes Grandma, from Glen, Christmas . . . 1953" Obviously Glen loved his grandmother very much!

We are having company for dinner today. The people I was supposed to have for our Easter Dinner, but then had to cancel because of the floor uproar. I do so love to have people around my table. I am thinking I will do a chicken fricasee or some such, with boiled baby new potatoes, stuffing, vegetables and I am still pondering dessert! The best part will be having these lovely folk in our home and sharing a few laughs and some lovely conversation.

I'll leave you now, with these words . . .

To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

May your day be truly blessed in countless ways and wonders.

In The English Kitchen today, a delicious Rhubarb Clafoutis!


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