
Monday 16 April 2012

Monday ponderings . . .

Todd and I watched a really good film at the weekend called Water for Elephants. It was a love story of sorts, but not done in such a way that a man couldn't enjoy watching it as well. It was about a young man who, as he was sitting his last qualifying exam to become a Veterinarian was called out of the exam only to learn that both of his parents had perished in a car accident. His father had borrowed against the family home to pay for his college education and so this young man found himself penniless, homeless and well educated, but with nothing to show for it . . . ie. no degree.

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

The time period is during the 1930's at the height of the depression and prophibition in America. He hops onto a train during the night, as many men did during that time period, only to discover in the light of day that it is a Circus train. I won't tell you the rest of the story, except to recommend that you see it yourself. It will make you smile, it will make you angry, it will make you cry, and it will give you hope. There wasn't any real nudity, which makes for a change and I don't believe there was any swearing either, or at least not that I noticed. There was violence however, towards people and towards animals, but all in all I thought it was a very good film.

As we were watching it I was reminded of the time my father took me to the Circus. I was only about five years old. My sister and brother would have been 3 and 1 at the time, so not old enough to be able to go and appreciate it. I have little glimpses of it in my mind . . . elephants, and lions . . . clowns and dogs . . . beautiful women in pretty costumes . . . rides and the smell of popcorn and hotdogs . . . lights and music . . .

But what I remember most of all . . . was a box of pink popcorn, all sugary and sweet, with a surprise in the bottom of it . . . a pink plastic fan. Out of everything that I saw and experienced on that night, that was what left the most indelible impression on my young mind . . . the most joy I got from that whole evening came from pink popcorn, a cheap plastic toy and being able to spend this special time with my dad. It's funny how that goes . . .

I can still taste that popcorn in my mind as well, and smell it . . . and I can still feel the excitement over that little pink plastic fan. It was made of plastic filigreed strips that slid together into one rectangular strip, joined at the base by some pink string . . . nothing spectacular to look at when it was closed, cheap and tawdry even . . . but . . . when you slid it open it was a thing of real beauty.

As I write these words this morning the thought occurs to me that this is kind of like some of us. We may not be all that spectacular to look at, maybe even quite humdrum on the surface . . . we may not be seen as being particularly beautiful . . . but boy oh boy . . . when you look at the heart, it is a completely different matter.

Inside we are quite, quite gorgeously beautiful, full of great depth and all the things that make a person into a wonderful masterpiece. Far too often we are judged on our outward appearances, and found lacking. In reality the real treasure lies beneath the surface, did anyone stop and take the time to note it. I have known some really attractive people in my life time that were in reality quite despicable and lacking in any virtues, depth or charm. It's kind of like biting into a big red shiny and juicy apple . . . and finding a worm.

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
~1 Samuel 16:7

Well, I did it again . . . started off talking about a movie and the circus and went off on a completely different tangent . . . I know . . . what AM I like??? But you love me anyways, right???

What's not to love . . . well, I can think of a few things, but I'm working on it as best as I can. I've decided to go to my daughter's wedding in July now. I have had a big change of heart and put to rest some of the fears and misgivings I had about going. My mom is really happy about that, as , I hope, my daughter will be. People will just have to take me as I am.

I found out yesterday that my sister's highschool boyfriend passed away last week. He was only 54. I was quite shocked and felt quite sad about it as did my sister. With that knowledge came the realization that life is just too short not to experience all that we are given to enjoy, despite our limitations. We need to grab every moment. This is not something I didn't already know or something that I didn't already try to do . . . but it did remind me not to let anyone steal my joy. 'Nuff said. Those who know me, will know what I am talking about. ☺

An oldie but a goodie in The English Kitchen today . . .

Ham and Corn Scalloped Potatoes. Nom! Nom!

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